What happens when the rule of law breaks down in a country? Presently, Haiti, you know that small nation in the straights after weather tragedies, unemployment, and starvation that Hillary was supposed to have aided with donation money from her international charitable contribution branch? Well, apparently, none of the money is there for the people and with the resignation of the latest prime minister, Haiti is now considered the largest uncontrolled prison on the face of the planet. A hellish place full of food shortages, unclean water, and women under constant threat of violent rape by gangs unafraid to shoot it out with what police presence is left! The entire island nation is in a state of failure and inhuman chaos!
Systemic corruption
How does this happen? When the government fails to look after the interests of its citizens and is completely corrupt is one indicator. Where lies and false promises replace an informed population, where state currency is compromised by over spending deficits and the devaluation that accompanies inflation along with the inability of the people to afford the cost of living, you have anarchy and murder! Haiti has it and America under the Democrat vultures in Congress, Senate, and the Oval office, are fast driving we Americans down that road and over that cliff!
The gruesome evidence
You want examples? Just recently, a woman was raped in broad daylight in the subway terminal as bystanders watched and did nothing. A man chewing on a severed human leg was caught by police in California. It seems he had acquired the leg at a train wreck scene! Where was the security perimeter of the site of the tragedy? Cannibalism is the sign of a society in utter failure! Children unsafe on the streets where vigilantes are forced to act as police often arrive too late as children are abducted by heartless traffickers for perhaps even black market organ donating! We know that as far back as 1978 that across the 50 states that 50 thousand disappearances of children occurred on average every year!
The signs are here
Those poor undocumented migrants and their mothers! Those poor drug cartel gangs forced to sell fentanyl as they laugh watching a US Army Osprey go down with all troops aboard! Oh those poor crackheads throwing their ghetto babies out the window for crying of all things! Thugs who shoot New York cops because of the alleged thousands of black people killed by law enforcement every year and those who actually believe that! Our nation is so full of disinformation and federal government propaganda only the well informed have who seek alternative news reported by the few organizations who have any integrity left can we get the truth from anymore as the mainstream media, yes, the 6 major news organizations who control 90% of the reported out flow that is allowed to come out is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democrats! This is what America has descended into! One might recall that for the money allocated for the infrastructure for roads and bridges during the 787 billion dollar bail out of 2008 none of it was ever disbursed. Trump attempted to refund that money back to the taxpayers but the Democrat majority Congress wouldn't let him!
Speculation at its worst
Will we survive as a whole? Will we be divided into red and blue states with incredible divisiveness? Will a national rebellion fueled by foreign fighters from other countries who have been imported by our corrupt federal government under the rogue Democrats be allowed to deliver the United States into the hands of the devil? Many former intelligence agents of the DIA, CIA, and NSA have spoken as those who believe that our government has been completely compromised from within resplendent with huge para military camps beyond our borders awaiting mobilization supplied by the US Army or are they simply the new recruits to fight WWIII? You tell me.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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