“………What happened, Ginnie? You couldn’t get any other jobs? Did they frame and blackmail you? Did you think it’s not a big deal? Your acting sucks by the way………”
Pic source of apparent crisis acting whore, “Ginny Watson:” – a.abcnews.go.com/ -http://a.abcnews.go.com/images/International/ht_ginnie_watson_02_mt... – Is “this” the actress, “Ginnie Watson” turned, false reality Paris terror crisis acting whore? – http://www.agencesartistiques.com/Fiche-Artiste/124279-ginnie-watso...
False realities, false flags, hoaxes (call them what you may) are getting old. Increasingly a larger percentage of the world-wide public are regarding these government contrived and media enabled propaganda events to be a fake “Wolf cry.”
To be sure, these government perpetrated events (that are intended to mess with... are getting old. When something becomes the run-of-the-mill sort and fails to achieve the full intended result, the engineers of such propaganda, must feel they are forced to reach further into their moth-eaten fraudulent bag.
Apparently, maniacal perpetrators of world-wide propaganda false realities have lost much of their faith in off-the-street (hum-drum) crisis actors. Presently, they are beginning to employ low-life professional actors. And, you can be sure, that there is no shortage of these publicity hound, whores. But even they, cannot fool the public.
Note the comments of one Facebook personality, who did his “homework:”
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Crisis actor busted
Ginnie Watson is an actress and producer, known for Heavy Rain (2010), Le Chef (2012) and Dépression et des potes (2012).
Paris False Reality crisis actor whore, Ginnie Watson, is just one of multitudes “out there” designed to spread the propaganda manure upon the public. FOX Network and its media whore lackeys, such as Chris Wallace, are widespread. Pic Source: http://www.bizpacreview.com/2015/11/15/chris-wallace-interviews-par...
Paris France “Terrorist Attack” Hoax – Crisis Actress Ginnie Watson – Fake Crying And Real Smiling
Lying sack of shit is lying.
Paris Psy-Op – Batmanaclan Interviewee Exposed As An Actor
And now she has closed her YouTube channel.
I wonder why …
Bataclan my ass!
here is her account on facebook
I left her a link
Peter J Kuehlen shared a photo to Ginnie Watson Official’s Timeline.
1 min ·
What happened, Ginnie?
You couldn’t get any other jobs?
Did they frame and blackmail you?
Did you think it’s not a big deal?
Your acting sucks by the way.
Please report me!
You want the attention.
Update 01:
Ginnie Bad Crisis Acting Watson’s
Pop album released on
Septemper 11th.
Now that’s funny, Ginnie!
The same day the Bataclan was sold …
Coincidences wherever you look!
Another pic of Paris False Reality Terror Attack, whore crisis actor (actress) reportedly to be “Ginnie Watson. Pic Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205765265752987&set=p...
Updare 02:
Funny album cover art too, Ginnie!
Is that blood on the floor?
Nice hands up pose!
Bullet hole between your legs?
Interesting coincidences indeed!
Predictive programming perhaps?
Upedate 03:
Here comes the damage control:
Ginnie Watson Interviewed: Her Paris False Reality Event Crisis Act... – moralmatters.org/
Paris False Reality Terror Event: Peekay22 Exposes Crisis Acting Whore – moralmatters.org/
Paris Terror In Perspective: Gearoid O. Colmain Connects Instigatin... – moralmatters.org/
Paris Terror Attacks Staged: Multiple Sources Evidence The False Re...– moralmatters.org/
Paris Friday The 13th Attack: Contrived False Reality Event – moralmatters.org/
Hoax, False Flag and False Reality: What Do They Have In Common? – moralmatters.org/
Telltale Signs Of Government Contrived Events – moralmatters.org/
Crisis Actors: Fraud Exposed – moralmatters.org/
Pernicious Mainstream Media – moralmatters.org/
Featured pic source of Ginnie Watson:
Pics of Ginnie Watson from one of her apparent Facebook pages. Compliments of Facebook personality, Peter J Kuehlen – https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205762767850541&set=a...
“A thinking person will question what he hears; examine what he sees; and evaluate what others would have him believe.”
“When did big government and its mainstream media tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”
[Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel]
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"Destroying the New World Order"
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