PETA: "Be Proud of Your Body Scan: Go Vegan."

The ad, shown above, displays a 'security scan' of a woman in her underwear with the words, "Be Proud of Your Body Scan: Go Vegan."

Southwest rejected the ad which was submitted to its in-flight magazine Spirit, stating it was too provocative to run in the publication.

PETA Vice President Dan Matthews predictably rejected this.

This site has been unable to gauge whether the lobby reveals the amount of donor money it injects into creating failed advertising campaigns.

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This site looks at the economic and social damage being caused by the extremist vegan lobby People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). It also examines its aims, philosophies, strategies and campaigns.

We report globally from Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

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Comment by Nikki on November 21, 2010 at 10:41pm
Anthony, you're so right about the soy. Even if it wasn't GMO, it would still have problems. It is NOT a health food as touted by the vegan community. And for people who are looking for a substitute for milk products due to allergies, there are many other fine products out there such as almond milk, coconut milk, hemp milk,etc.
Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on November 21, 2010 at 8:28pm
Well one has to figure that if one does become a Vegan that mans more for Monsanto. Look at all the staple foods they have GMOs on. Especially the one they push the hardest, Soy. I have a small farm and we love our animals. The ones we make pets out of we always keep and name. Everything else isn't named. You don't name what you might eat. We haven't bought beef or pork from the store in a long time. Vegetables either come to think of it.
Comment by fireguy on November 12, 2010 at 1:26pm

Comment by Nikki on November 12, 2010 at 12:31pm
I went over to look at PETA's advertising. They are shamelessly sexist just like all advertising which attempts to make women feel bad about themselves (which might be a cause of eating disorders). They have many print ads that promote the vegan diet to be thin. I commented on the scanner ad but you have to register to do.
Comment by fireguy on November 12, 2010 at 11:39am
PETA, Planned Parenthood, and all the other foundation funded (therefore co-opted by eugenicist, elitist, save the planet false environmentalists) are the anti humans this ad has nothing to do with what to eat it is promoting slavery and depopulatio. The sad fact is that these twits are brainwashed into thinking that we need to save the planet by elevating critters to equality with humans, promoting abortions for poor people, vaccinating, radiating and chemtrailing us while they laugh at sheeple who send them donations to use for these projects.
Comment by Tara on November 12, 2010 at 1:58am
I will be honest with you all.....I had an eating disorder myself at one time and I don't look kindly on ad's that keep indulging upon the human shape and not the shape of what lies within the soul.

We are all so much more than our naked body is like being molested.....these naked body scans. It is wrong....we should always have a right over our own bodies.......FOOK the system!!!!!!!
Comment by Nikki on November 12, 2010 at 1:42am
It is sick Tara. Some girls with eating disorders become or pretend to be vegans so they can blame their skinny bodies on that instead of binging and purging. Yep, too skinny or too fat but not healthy looking.

Greg, congrats on losing weight despite quitting smoking. That can't be easy.
If people truly love themselves and their bodies, why would they want to expose themselves to damaging radiation? PETA, you're stupid!
Comment by Tara on November 12, 2010 at 1:13am
Yep, you're right Nikki. The Vegan diet is not healthy. Most Vegans I know look emaciated or blown up like a puffy, overstuffed carb factory, lol.

I never thought about the marketing scheme of "EAT NO MEAT AND BE AS SKINNY AS WE ARE." You could be right and how sick is that!
Comment by Nikki on November 12, 2010 at 1:02am
I love animals but the vegan diet is not healthy. Check it out on Dr. Mercola's site. I see this ad as saying a vegan diet will give you a sexy body to be proud of. But there's nothing to back that up, esp since vegans and vegetarians eat way too many carbs. And that may be the reason there so many fat vegetarians.
Comment by Tara on November 12, 2010 at 1:00am
Yeah, you could be right Fireguy, but on the same token, not all Vegans are evil maniacal human haters. I get your point. I come from a family that hunts, fishes and eats meat regularly. I love meat and am proud to say so.

Unfortunately, there is a sub-sect of the Vegan culture who are off their proverbial rockers and need to be the first in line to be offed.....if they hate humanity so much that is.

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