Hi again. Long time.
Just written another tome on how the Illuminati and the Vatican and police here are trying to fool Humanity by trying to build a prophet "Jewsuss" (VERY suss)
I expect this window wont be big enough for me to post the whole text. and time is short now...
Here goes, and we'l see what 'appens!
(Please excuse the format marks, written for G+ shock horror!)
170319 My Pope & NSW Police CRIMES Post BLOCKED FROM POSTING on Google
DATE OF PHOTO SHOWING POPE BENEDICTUS 16 - (in adjoining post of 4 photos, one with the last pope and named NSW police Commander, and others of the first pages of a USA Senate Committee into MKULTRA mind control program/s, of which I have been a victim, since before birth!
16TH JULY 2008 - POPE BENEDICTUS IN AUSTRALIA FOR THE 2008 WORLD CATHOLIC YOUTH CONFERENCE meets with NSW police Inspector Bruce "Bluey" Lyons (both pictured), accompanying one of his LISMORE NSW POLICE STATION Officers "to receive the Pope's blessing", so the story goes, before the officer's death (from terminal cancer). (Apologies to the family of the NSW Police Officer in centre of picture.)
NO COINCIDENCE that on the same day 16-07-08, the defiant MKULTRA VICTIM, myself aka *JUST DEFIANCE*, is being arrested at gunpoint by POLICE FROM INSPECTOR LYONS LISMORE STATION, possibly at the very same time.
+Anonymous +Anonymous +RT +The Alex Jones Channel +Gulf War Syndrome +Watchmen of Georgia +The Australian Greens +The Australian Sex Party . +H George Tavakoli +Sinn Fein +Julian Burnside +Viv Waller
#ICC #Interpol #ASIO #GCHQ #CIA #MKULTRAmindcontrol #FALSEmessiah #VATICANcrimes #GlobalCONSPIRACY1
I was illegally and incorrectly charged with "firing a rifle at five people" - one, the sister of _"Peter Peddles" Van Der Wick,_ of the "Rainbow Power Company" shop, in Nimbin NSW (illegal Cannabis-growing capital of Australia, run by NSW police and zion's FALSE "hippies" KEEPING CANNABIS ILLEGAL IN AUSTRALIA).
MYSELF, ARRESTED ON FALSE CHARGES, HELD IN BACK OF POLICE VAN FOR HOURS, THEN IN A 1 METRE BY 2 METER CELL IN PUBLIC, for hours more in the LISMORE POLICE STATION, then taken to the LISMORE BASE HOSPITAL AND HELD THERE FOR HOURS, and interrogated by psychologists checking my mental health (released with a clean bill of mental health).
Psy-Op! Falsely reported for "firing a rifle", by Anne van Der Wyck, (I have reason to believe the other adults in the accusing party were also NSW police) illegally terrorized (police assault, 6 officers all with guns drawn, gun-point, stood on while forced to lie facedown on the ground - boot mark in back for days after - , my camper's contents removed and thrown on the ground as they allegedly looked for the non-existent weapon, I was taken back to Lismore for 6 hours, while my camper was left unlocked, so was open to syndicated gangstalkers, and the contents thrown roughly back inside at the Whyralla NSW "Boori Ring"/cemetery) led by LSC Peter Ellis of LISMORE police, charged with firing A SAMSUNG A-411 MOBILE FLIP PHONE at corrupt zionist informant's party at the BOORI RING, 10kms south of Lismore northern NSW.
Made to report to the police once a day, then thrice a week for SIX MONTHS, while the police delayed the hearing three times, but not until I presented at Lismore court THREE TIMES for cancelled court cases.
The last time, the police waited until the hearing began, then dropped all charges.
16th July 2008. Numerologists, or those who know the way the elite use numbers in their works, and language, might check the numbers of the date, especially the 16-07 part.
Because on the same day, but in 1954, I was illegitimately conceived to EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD.
In the same bedroom, the "marital bedroom" of my mother, Illuminati priestess, ex-convent girl, stole from her Aboriginal father, at 9 or 11 y/o and locked in the St Joseph's convent in Collingwood for six years, in the 1930s.
Inquiries await on what Irish Catholic Archbishop Daniel Mannix did while he visited the convent while my mother was imprisoned there? I suspect Mannix sexually abused my mother to make her a puppet for the world's most evil conspiracy, making a false "Jewsuss" (I refuse to use the name of the namesake of christianity).
16th July 1954, at 64 Kenmare St Box Hill Nth (E12, to become postcode 3129), place of my illegitimate conception to E. de Rothschild, in the same minutes he and mother murdered her Step-Grand-Father, John Thomas Willis, as I was being brought into being, as-it-were.
John Thomas Willis, was the "Winchman" of the "LONG TUNNEL MINE" in Walhalla, Gippsland, Australia, in the late 19th century. The LONG TUNNEL MINE gave up some 50 TONS of pure gold, all - I expect - going back to the Bank of England, for decades to now, chaired by EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD'S (my genetic father) dynastic family.
I speculate also, that J T Willis, was a member of the invaders party which hunted out and massacred possibly hundreds of the last Gurnai/Kurnai/Gunai Nation's People, aiming for their last "King", my Great Grand Father, about 28kms from Licola, up the Tamboritha Road, north-east of Licola Victoria, and was given charge of a small number, perhaps five, of the surviving Gurnai/Kurnai/Gunai children, all under about 6 years of age, to raise them as "white people", and to enable the Illuminati/catholic conspiracy of building a false catholic and jewish messiah. My Grand Father - Donald Sutherland Willis - one of the children, with with alleged "brother" Alf Willis, and several others I knew as Aunties and uncles when i was young.
The "Sutherland" name is from the same Scottish clan, I believe also party the the massacres of My Ancestor Aborigine, Indigenous Australians.
My Step-Father, Allan Nichols Cook, born 20th March 1921 to Clarence Meredith and Adelaide Meredith, nee Nichols, adopted by Walter Cook in 1928, was known to me as my genetic father. "Meredith" is the anglicized version of "Maredudd", which is the surname of the Tudor Kings, the last being King Henry 8th of England. Their ancestor's lineage is traced back to TWO King's Arthur, of Wales, one of the 7th century, the first of the 2nd century BCE.
I have never been informed of any of the above from my "family". I spent the last 12 years investigating it all to uncover the myself, with the invaluable assistance of innumerable Fellow Warriors against the NWO global tyranny, of which I was bred to be the head of.
I've been exiled for over 22 years to date, for their insane attempts at "toughening me up" to fit their insane "elders of zion protocols".
Remuneration and JUSTICE for myself, and for all christians and other "messiah" creed cults' victims await us all.
ASIO - Australian Security Intelligence Organization - is the Australian branch of the British zionist spies, "owned" by the Rothschilds dynasty of England, and are who have been using MKULTRA upon myself for decades, perhaps since my conception, to try and bend my mind to both believing I'm Jewsuss returned, to think I'm a leader, enlightened and wise, rah rah rah, to have me attempt a coup d etat and take over Australian politics.
The USA's spy agency, the CIA are involved also, as are the British.
The Illuminati and the Catholicism are one and the same.
MAYDAY 2017?
NB: While I have suffered irreparable damages because of all this conspiracy, and have felt vicious resentment to all perpetrators and co-conspirators as named above, involved, since being informed the last piece of the puzzle, as to who my genetic father is, the hatred has been explained, - MKULTRA - as well as coming to know almost, not all, but most, participants, such as LSC Ellis, PC Lyons et al, were acting under orders, mainly in the cases of NSW authorities, from the corrupt NSW ALP governments of the day.
Now retired NSW ALP Premier Morris Iemma the then premier in July 2008, and possibly who ordered my being so maltreated (and for over a decade) in NSW by the NSW police, on that day, 16th July 2008. But obviously the Vatican's orders were behind any Morris Iemma may have issued.
Therefore, having no trust in any Australian or other zionist nations' police forces, let alone their spy agencies' employees, I ask the named NSW police to consider my situation, as hopeless as it remains while no-one is able to speak the facts in my defense, and be aware that I am doing this for my own repatriation, and remuneration, from all offending parties, police, government, political and religious, and all offending people, so am obliged, without malice, to publish their names etc, purely for the record, and maybe for bringing this written of much larger, much more evil, more sinister, more criminal conspiracy to being fully and properly, justly addressed, and finished with, once, and, for all.
Yourselves also.
The planet is being brought undone, and by no less than those I know are guilty of all the above said allegations, and charges, against myself, but worse, against all "believers" in christian faiths.
ALL, having trusted utter charlatans into having faith in a phantom, a fabricated deceit about their prophet returning to save them, etc.
It is an unforgivable "sin", a crime, indeed, a mental illness, to commit such a deceit against so many trusting people.
While even in the last hour I was stalked and videoed in my camper in a remote forest, while writing this, by members of a syndicated gangstalking mob of sickos, themselves victims of the same idiots on top of the global economic and power pyramid, those on top the most mentally-ill, illuminati and catholic, I nevertheless put it to the powers that be, wherever, Members of the highest levels of our planet's Judiciary, down to the, my, local police, to be fearless in bringing this and all related cases into the public arena, so the Human race can learn the sordid and criminal facts about how they mad elites think they can wipe some 9/10th of Humanity off the planet, so they can own it all, for themselves.
To purge the planet of this, these evils, will be several times better, far far more rewarding, than any, than ANY monetary bribes or rewards, for and from any other means.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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