Here's my Declaration of Independence, its a great alternative to actually going along w/ these current ass-clowns and criminals. Face it, 'Guvmint is now nothing but crooks and liars. in bed with the Bankster crooks and liars, all out for their own financial and power trip games. I'm done with this corruption so I will now declare my intentions, There's no special form to apply on, or tax to is by our own Constitution that a person can write his own decree or statement declaring his sovereignty. I want no part of this 3 ring ring federal circus until its back to We, The People who control and regulate WHAT a legitimate government is allowed to do/not to do & how big it gets, like it was in the beginning. No fiat paper money NOR banksters to control it......1776 style!!!
I, Mark Stevens, a sovereign, free-born individual, do hereby declare my personal secession from the political entity known as the “United States of America.” Though reason tells me that this entity has no inherent legitimacy toward ruling my life (as this arrangement was not created by me, nor obtained my consent), I find it necessary to declare such a separation.
By this act of secession, I hereby withdraw any present and future consent toward being ruled by this authoritarian organization. Any laws, edicts, regulations, executive orders, or demands issued by this organization will be ignored as so much verbal static emanating from tyrants lacking any legitimate authority.
By this act of secession, I declare I will no longer consent to being described as a willing citizen or subject, collectively enslaved under the rule of the “United States Government,” nor its permanently ensconced ruling class. I hereby refuse to be labeled a participant of, nor a collaborator with, the criminal actions executed by those individuals declaring to be representatives, employees, or agents of the “United States Government.” Such actions include waging war and stealing the property and wealth of other individuals. Any such actions declared to “be in my name” or “for my benefit or protection” will be considered blatantly fraudulent. I will hereby consider myself only as a sovereign individual residing on the North American continent, responsible only for the actions I commit as an individual.
By this act of secession, I will no longer be a party to the collectivist “we” used to describe those residing within the geographical boundaries claimed by some as the “United States of America.” I will no longer be subject to the responsibilities, agreements, debts, or liabilities, claimed by that institution and “shared” by its subjects
By this act of secession, I will no longer consider my body subject to the rules and regulations of that entity known as the “United States Government.” Any attempt to restrict my consumption of any food or drug will be branded as illegitimate and ignored. Any attempt to actively apply such restrictions by this entity will be considered an act of violence and dealt with accordingly in a peaceful, though effective and persuasive, manner.
culled from Roger Young from Activist Post
Awesome comments ;)
Rise like Lions after slumber in unvanquishable number
Take heart and do what you see to do:
'Ye who suffer woes untold,
Or to feel, or to behold
Your lost country bought and sold
With a price of blood and gold -
'Let a vast assembly be,
And with great solemnity
Declare with measured words that ye
Are, as God has made ye, free -
'And these words shall then become
Like Oppression's thundered doom
Ringing through each heart and brain,
Heard again - again - again -
'Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number -
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many - they are few.'
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
You are not asking for anything we don't already have according to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Our forefathers already fought a Revolution against the King of England for the things you are addressing. It is pitiful we have to declare it and risk being imprisoned. What you describe is personal Sovereignty. 1776 ... must we do it again! with the blood of patriots & tyrants watering the tree of LIBERTY.. We are not subjects, We have no allegiance to a KING, Our freedom was already Declared in 1776 They work for us! We are the Sovereigns, they are the servants of the people and have forgotten somehow. It is up to us to remind them of this very thing! I am also not a part of the corporation THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA .. I was brought into it at my birth with a certificate and since then have been traded on the stock market as a commodity. I never gave my permission to be traded on the NYSE. I was never made aware of any contracts made in my name. I was not told that the FED RESERVE donaterd $6,000 in my name & certificate # and has been trading in my name as a commodity ever since! Any money made with my CUSIP # is mine. There are trillions of dollars made in my name and if THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. ever comes tries to extort more money from me i will refer them to my CUSIP# and demand in full all money made in my name and CUSIP# from my certificate of birth ... your days are numbered we know what you are doing and we are not far from finding the password to unlock every citizens CUSIP # AND FREE THE WORLD FROM YOU and your evil plans for total domination... We the people appreciate your co-operation ...
"Destroying the New World Order"
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