Isabel Patterson in her book, The God of the Machine:
“…What good does it do to have a saint of every conceivable virtue operating a guillotine? Personally, the man may be above reproach. He may have the highest of morals and ethics. He may be imbued with a passion for doing good. But the mechanism he is hired to operate cuts off heads. He may dislike to cut off heads. He may weep with true sorrow whenever a head falls into the basket. But he was hired to pull the rope that lets the knife drop. And when it comes down, off comes the head. That is the way the tool works.”
"Just doing my job", "Just Doing what I am told", are two very sad statements used by police, military, prison guards, school teachers, judges and everybody else that harms real things, real people, our real land, values, souls. I believe it comes from a 'planned society' that creates the 'establishment', promotes a 'status quo' that develops a lack of empathy, understanding, vision to see the end outcome of our thoughts and actions. It seems our very Spirit has been compromised and we actually work for the 'Beastsystem' as self appointed guardians of the statue quo.
We are told to tattle-tail on our neighbors (see 'something say something' when a better adage would be to believe none of what you hear and half of what you see). We are now doing the job for the system - spreading the 'news' and acting as the harmful faction the world controllers need for control. "They' know longer have to make the monster move - we the men and women of the world have created the inertia and it is gaining momentum encompassing everyone and everything around us. We are so completely divided and conquered we only look for people that agree with us, and if they don't(?) - WE KILL THEM!, or we hate them or we bear false witness against them and laugh when their lives are ruined.
The real vice that grips us and lies us into believing we must pull the rope on the 'guillotine' is the shame of 'not doing what we are told', 'not doing our job' , or 'paying our taxes. We are controlled by their currency/money we think we must have, or so we have been made to believe, that pays for a place to lay our heads, buy food to eat, go see a doctor.
We have been whittled down to unconscious drones that must 'plug in' to a device so we can 'up-load' the opinion on every matter. The talk at the water-cooler must be one echoing the mantra and embedding it into the 'less informed' or we become that guy that just 'can't get along', won't 'go along to get along', 'rocks the boat'. Freedom of speech, thoughts and actions are great if the people we speak too, share thoughts with, and do activities with agree with us. When we go outside the accepted 'group think' we get a kind of attention that is NOT for the faint at heart. It is a scary place that is unfamiliar and unknown to most.
The affect of unconsciousness is so debilitating we are told lies about world events and our world history that are used to shape the 'rules and regulations' used to control the living through dead fictions..., and if we ask or question "why?" we are told enlightened things like, " You are not paid to think!" or, "That's above your pay grade."
We can change our paths if, in my personal experience, we do one simple thing - become conscious. The questionable origin, yet relevant biblical writings make an interesting point into being conscious in 2 Corinthians 10:5 "5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." Whether you believe in God or not does not matter. This is a clear way to become conscious and aware of who we are, what is happening around us and whether it is good for us or harmful. "We demolish, we look for "pretension" that pulls us away from what we know is honorable and we "take captive" all thoughts whether they be dishonorable or honorable to our being and our fellow beings. We look them over and keep only what is honorable and noble. All these are 'conscious actions' that we must take responsibility in doing. They will not get done any other way. Truly, if it was easy everybody would be doing it.
Anti Everything
February 15, 2016
"Destroying the New World Order"
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