Press TV - Zionist-dominated media losing audience

Zionist-dominated media losing audience

World leaders gather for the United Nations General Assembly on September 25, 2012, New York City.

World leaders gather for the United Nations General Assembly on September 25, 2012, New York City.
Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:56AM GMT
As Noam Chomsky says, the media’s job is “manufacturing consent.” One way they do this is by trying to make the public applaud on command, just as Pavlov trained his dogs to salivate on command.

The media mind-controllers have been manufacturing synthetic public applause, and synthetic laughter, ever since the American sound engineer Charles “Charley” Douglass invented the laugh track in the early 1950s. Whenever Big Brother’s mouthpiece fails to get the audience to cheer or laugh at the right moments, a sound engineer inserts a laugh track or an applause track, in hopes that the people watching at home will join in the ersatz cheering or hilarity. (The mind-controllers know that people tend to cheer when other people cheer, and laugh when other people laugh.)

The Zionist-dominated Western media has been working overtime for more than a decade to manufacture public consent to the 9/11-triggered War on Islam, the destruction of Constitutional liberties, and the gradual transition to a totally controlled, surveilled, microchipped society. They want us to cheer for war, lies, and unfreedom, and to boo the truth.

Unfortunately for the mind-controllers, people are increasingly cheering for the truth, cheering for peace, and cheering for resistance to Zionism. They are no longer acting like a pack of Pavlov’s dogs. The media mind-controllers are losing their audience.

Consider the amazing moment during the Democratic National Convention when the Democratic leaders called for a voice vote to amend the platform to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Normally, “voice votes” are just pro forma exercises. But in one of the most stunning moments in American political history, convention delegates rebelled against their would-be mind-controllers, and roared out their opposition to Zionism. The stunned DNC chairman couldn’t believe his ears. He called for another voice vote. Once again the delegates unleashed an anti-Zionist uproar. The DNC chair, flabbergasted, tried it one more time, with the same result. He then lied outrageously, saying it was the “opinion of the chair” that the “voice vote” had passed! Watch the historic moment when Americans stood together and shouted “NO!” to Zionism.

The DNC anti-Zionism voice vote was just one example of the way that crowds are increasingly going off-script and rebelling against the mind-controllers.

Another illustration: The massive outpouring of public support for 9/11 truth that erupted during Jesse Ventura’s appearance on CNN’s Piers Morgan show. Piers Morgan wore a frightened, sickly smile as he accused the former Minnesota governor and potential 2016 presidential candidate of “making crackpot points” by suggesting that 9/11 was a false-flag operation designed to trigger war. Governor Ventura turned to the crowd and asked, “How many of you think I’m making crackpot points?” One person responded. Then Ventura asked: “How many think I make sensible points?” The whole crowd erupted.

For more than a decade, the Zionist-dominated mainstream media has been working overtime to convince its audience that anyone who questions the official story of 9/11 is a crackpot. I know this from personal experience; in 2006 Hannity and Colmes invited me on their Fox News show in order to call me “a nut.” Bill O’Reilly followed up with more verbal attacks, including a call for my assassination. But their cheap insults haven’t succeeded; the audience just keeps going off-script and cheering for 9/11 truth. As President Reagan’s top economics advisor, Paul Craig Roberts, memorably put it: “The real story is what the people are saying about 9/11.”

As I said to Sean Hannity - and Jesse Ventura repeated to Piers Morgan: “You are in the minority!”

And it isn’t just Americans who are going off-script and cheering for truth and justice. Increasingly, it is the whole world.

Consider Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s reception at the United Nations. From reading about it in the Zionist media, you would think that the whole world boos and walks out when Ahmadinejad speaks. But the reality is precisely the opposite.

In the past, when President Ahmadinejad spoke truth to power at the UN, the US, Israel, and a handful of other countries would ostentatiously walk out. The remaining delegates - always more than 100 of them, the vast majority - would remain, and give Iran’s president a standing ovation for supporting 9/11 truth and speaking out for global justice.

But this Tuesday, as the President of Iran spoke to the United Nations on Yom Kippur, something amazing happened. The Israeli delegate, as usual, walked out on President Ahmadinejad. But the American delegate did not!

“When Iranian President Ahmadinejad ascended the podium to speak on the rule of law at the UN today, Israeli UN envoy Ron Prosor rose from his seat and walked out while the US envoys remained, according to Fox News. Update: Raw video from the UN confirms that US representatives attended the entire speech.”

And once again, the vast majority of UN delegates gave the Iranian president an enthusiastic ovation.

Reuters News Service, owned by the Rothschild crime family (the founders and owners of Israel), sounded even more panicked than Fox News as it whined: “In New York, defiant Ahmadinejad says Israel will be “eliminated.”

Unfortunately for the Rothschilds, Iran’s president is not alone in his opinion; America’s own CIA has issued a report saying Israel is doomed, and even Henry Kissinger recently said that Israel will not exist in ten years. Every brainwashing technique in the media manipulators’ bag of tricks, including the murderous Hollywood special-effects show on 9/11/2001, cannot get the American public or the global public to cheer for Israel.

Clearly, the global public is cheering for Iran’s principled anti-Zionism, despite all the media brainwashing. The outpouring of support for Iran at the recent Non-Aligned conference, and public opinion polls showing that even Europeans consider Israel the greatest threat to world peace, underline the obvious: The Zionist-dominated media have failed to manufacture consent for the invasion, occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

By supporting the 9/11 big lie, and desperately trying to orchestrate public support for Zionism (and failing), big media is sealing its own doom. A series of Gallup polls shows that Americans trust the media less and less every year. As of this year, 60% of the American people say “they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly.” Since only 16% believe the government and media are telling the truth about 9/11, this is not surprising.

The official US Zionist mouthpiece, The New York Times, recently had to sell off 21 floors of its building because it is going broke. The rest of the Zionist corporate media is also collapsing into bankruptcy, as people turn to more truthful, critical, and comprehensive news sources including Press TV, Veterans Today, American Freedom Radio, What Really Happened, Citizens for Legitimate Government, and other alternative outlets.

Future historians, looking back at this bizarre moment in history, may ask themselves: When did the vox populi definitively turn against the Zionist-imperialist agenda of the 9/11 perpetrators? Those historians would do well to consider three recent examples of crowds going off-script: The DNC delegates roaring for anti-Zionism; Jesse Ventura’s CNN audience cheering for 9/11 truth; and the UN delegates (except Israel’s) cheering for Iranian president and 9/11 truth supporter Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror. Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host. He is the co-founder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance, and author of the books Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie (2007) and Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters (2009). His website is More Press TV articles by Dr. Kevin Barrett

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Comment by Tara on September 27, 2012 at 6:11pm

Another excellent post!

Comment by suzie on September 27, 2012 at 12:32pm

Great article ;)

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