Proof that Biden Was Installed? Just Use Common Sense

How would any rogue organization arrogantly place its own preferred candidates in office? By rogue, I mean an internal organization of unofficial influencers and power brokers who would consider themselves elite and above the law, so that what the public actually thought didn’t matter to them at all? The Manchurian candidate would have to be unpatriotic, unaccountable, and willing to betray his own constituents, his own countrymen. As comedian George Carlin once pointed out, speaking of politicians who go to the finest universities money can buy yet prove to be idiots while in office, “Garbage in and garbage out!” Why? Does the position of power and unlimited benefits funded by the taxpayer promote this feckless mindset or does it take the egocentric fool who wants attention from the public so badly?

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Foreign agent in the Oval office?

It would seem Biden is all of these things and even more so that his true demeanor is even more ugly and detestable than at first glance. How can anyone fondle women, sniff children all in the public eye, skinny dip in front of his office staff, and even shower with his own daughter? The man demonstrates every day his mental instability, his intolerance for discussion with others, and his unashamed inappropriate conduct? This indicates a total lack of self-awareness while having no scruples what so ever. This would be the perfect unaccountable stooge for the “Deep State” the shadow deal makers who really run this country from the shadows. They need not only an empty suit to act as their puppet but someone who is so corrupt that they distract public attention from those who are pulling his strings and ordering the fool to do their bidding.

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The kick back policies

Congressmen and Senators paid off to materialize policy that accommodates the defense contractors, weapons manufacturers, munition producers, the globalist propagandists who trick the public over policy with lies such as Agenda 21, the ideologists who cannot stand to allow the individual to have rights, those who want to make government God! These filthy can conceited murderers, these profiteering pigs, who are only concerned for themselves as tent cities infringe on the streets of our major cities, as US veterans go homeless and without medical care, as the elderly are pushed into poverty by the increasing cost of living thanks to the Democrat deficit spending to feed the greedy Deep State players who don’t care if a third world war erupts thanks to their despicable tactics!

Image result for Biden signing hi executive orders after being installed in office

The true foreign agent

Joe Biden epitomizes the worst in the fears of Americans who want a government for and by the people as our forefathers intended. Biden has every quality needed to serve as a dictator just as he sat down within hours of being installed as the Democrats went after Donald J. Trump with nothing but empty allegations determined to keep him from running for office again, and signed 40 executive orders that overruled Congress and the Supreme Court, countermanding all of the positive legislation that had aided America in free markets, income per-capita, and in foreign policies that kept this nation strong and at war with no one!  Under Joe Biden, America seems weak, pathetically confused, militarily divided, and socially under siege! Our enemies from Iran to China are encouraged as a result of open borders and an undeclared massive invasion of 10 to 15 million uninvestigated foreigners! America has practically been overthrown by an invisible and adversarial regime wholly unaccountable to the American people!

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Only the delusional remain

For the empty headed, slow on the uptake, uninvolved American, who either doesn’t vote or only votes by his tribal choice, they are oblivious to the destruction of our civil society, beyond comprehending how central planners within the rogue federal government could betray them with such ambivalence! They can’t comprehend to the depths of lawlessness these Democrat, Communist, world government advocacy operatives using Joe Biden as their mascot will go! Your own countrymen are enabling this perversion of the American way, and the fall of the America we all once knew. Biden’s unholy appointment is only a symptom of the evil that we must defeat at all levels in order to restore our Republic.

09-14 Politically Incorrect Daily - Politically Incorrect Humor

Then who do you work for fucker?


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