Is Iran Dangerous? ~ NO, of cause not.

Has anyone noticed 'Iran' recently and suddenly popping up all over lame stream media with unfounded rumours and absurd stories of possible aggressions that simply does not make any sense. Yip I thought so. So I guess it's the old story then, usually when a country suddenly gets targeted its because they have spoken out of turn and upset the NWO clowns who have taken offence at their stance on one issue or another and go out of their way to punish them through the controlled media platforms like google or Facebook among others. Certainly when younger members of the family ask out of the blue "what part of the world is Iran in?" you know they've seen some rubbish somewhere that spills forth new lies that makes them curious enough to ask the question. A bit of quick research on what they could have possible said or done to be smeared all over the media always brings up some surprising results as they seldom say things lightly when they do actually voice an opinion. Might take a little more time than usual to be found in English but something always turns up sooner or later.... Here's one possible action that's just come to light. ( A timely reminder that the country is and will always be part of our beautiful Indo- European culture )

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Comment by cheeki kea on Sunday

Hey thanks for your comment Doc V. It's crazy to think of what Obama did but what's worst is that Iran would be pushed so far to the point that they would feel compelled to consider that such a heavy move would be required to stop undue aggression if that's what they've done. It is hard blame them for it if they perceive they've got the green light to do so. As far as any terrorism was it not Iraq we were all told had weapons of mass destruction until they actually didn't. Did Obama think in delusion that Iran would pose more trouble for its neighbour than anyone else since it was Iraq who invaded Iran in the 80's to prevent them form accessing their own waterway to the gulf and it took Iran two years to fight them off in a bitter war. If that was the idea cause the US later suddenly got the pip with Iraq who they once supported it didn't work then. Japan suffered badly when the US dropped bombs on two cities there in the past so perhaps it's a blessing anything being directed towards them is aimed at the water.

Comment by Doc Vega on Saturday

Problem is Cheeki that thanks to Obama Iran was allowed to start making weaponizable Uranium on 6000 centrifuges that John Kerry negotiated for. They swear to destroy Israel. They are in violation of a non-nuclear proliferation treaty signed in 1987 under President Reagan. Obama gave back a 50 billion dollar sanction with interest to Iran for their support of terrorism all over the world that has killed US troops as well. So Obama allowed Iran to violate the non-nuclear proliferation treaty then secretly gave them back 50 billion in sanctioned money and this they used to begin rebuilding their nuclear program. You might recall they were launching missiles all over the Middle East testing the rocketry that would carry their warheads. This violated international law just like North Korea firing their missiles into Japanese  waters. I guess everybody forget just how horrible war really is! 

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