“Pussy-fication”: Toy Gun from 1960’s Would be Banned Today

A toy commercial from the 1960s illustrates exactly how far American society has shifted in recent years on the issue of firearms.

Pussification: Toy Gun from 1960’s Would be Banned Today

In the television ad from toy-maker Mattel, a young boy fires and reloads one of the most realistic replica revolver pistols ever created, complete with smoke and loud “Bang!” sound effect.


“You are watching a demonstration of the most authentic cap pistol in the world,” an announcer says. “It has exclusive panning action, and shoots safe shooting shells with greenie stickem caps.

“The gun and hip slung Mattel holster are specially made for a fast draw.”

“Every boy will walk tall when he wears a holster and pistol with a Mattel brand,” the ad says.

In modern society, the regressive left has attempted to instill Americans with a sense of fear regarding guns, and a disrespect for the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

The issue has gotten so out-of-hand that some schools have implemented ridiculous zero tolerance policies targeting anything even remotely resembling guns.

Recent cases over the years in which children were punished in school over “gun” incidents (that didn’t even involve a gun) include the infamous Hello Kitty bubble gun ‘terroristic’ incident, the miniature lego gun school bus massacre, the plastic toy soldier holding a gun on a cup cake catastrophe, and the perilous pencil pointing ‘pow powers’ of Virginia.

The extent to which modern liberals are terrified by the inanimate objects reached new heights of absurdity when students at the University of Texas in Austin protested concealed campus carry with sex toys.

The left’s attempt to indoctrinate Americans into fearing firearms is just another indication of the “pussy-fication” of the US, as highlighted recently by Hollywood actor Clint Eastwood.

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Comment by Less Prone on October 3, 2016 at 2:09pm

We cannot go back in time, and even if we could we would only postpone what has already happened. The change? If I were in power I would keep the best parts of the system, skip the corrupt part and together with good people invent something new. I believe that the US Constitution would be a good basis for the new better world. But who's asking me?

Comment by Anti Everything on October 3, 2016 at 1:12pm

Less Prone, can something 'change BACK' or is all this a "change" that only moves forward? It seems to me when I was a child I would order a gun (22 was my first) through the Sears, Wards, et al, catalog and the US POSTAL SERVICE (a corporation working under the US CORPORATION) would gladly send it to me. How about we go back to that era, or has the corruption gained so much control of the people that will be impossible? At present we are trying to hang onto every scrap of liberty we think we have left.

Comment by Less Prone on October 3, 2016 at 9:12am

The arising totalitarian world government wants to ban the very basic right of self defense and take the firearms away from the law abiding citizens. Criminals will continue to have their guns and are protected instead of their victims. Time for a change is long overdue.

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