Is this just another way of local authority assurance, that children being placed for adoption are pre-screened as suitable commodities for the end-user, adoptive families? I mean £200
quid to never have children again, what a bargain for someone who would
sell their own grandmother, for their next fix! It like giving candy to a
toddler, of course they are going to take it!

The Dail Mail – Drug addicts offered cash to stop reproducing.

Take a look at the statistics and the question has got to be asked, is this just a government incentive to keep the child adoption trade as lucrative as possible in the United Kingdom? Well, lets look at the plus
point to this new incentive;

  • There will be less poor children suffering “risk of harm”, through being born with an addiction etc.
  • Less public spending of tax payers money to be used in the long-term antenatal/postnatal care for addict mothers. As well as the support and care of the family collective.

But take a look at my underlying reasons, and see if my opinion of what the real reasons are seem more plausible, though not mentioned;

  • A child born with a drug dependency will have less chance of being successfully adopted, as this will be a burden on the adoptive family. Not all adoptive parents see looking after a child with problems as plus
  • A local authority will be more reluctant to pour money into supporting a child that was born with an addiction. You only need to look at how much a Methadone
    program costs for an adult, now consider the additional support in
    nursing etc.
  • By the time the child is clear of all these “social problems” it would be at an age, where adoptive parents wont be looking. Most children go to families while they still have “low mileage, but
    previously careless owners”, and can be manipulated and programmed to
    the “corporate parents” ways.

Maybe the next step forward for the government will be making sure that more parents with so-called learning difficulties and personality disorders will be paid a cash incentive to reproduce more. Just think of
that! A whole herd of “cash cow” mothers, supplying the adoption
machine with “clean” babies. I just hope one day that the average
adoptive family like “Steve and Becky McDonald of Coronation Street”,
stop looking through rose-tinted glasses, and get to know the truth of
where these “beautiful babies” come from. The stork in this case is the
local authority, but leave in their wake a massive heartache of loss.

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