Realities We Must Understand To Beat Fraud

A Heart-Breaking Call for Help  |\

4f522-judge2banna  Judge Anna von Reitz

Yesterday I got word that approximately 6,000 homeowners were hit with gigantic tax bills and — along with the bill — eviction notices, out of the blue.
We are not talking about normal tax bills.  We are talking about tax bills equal to or greater than the entire value of the homes and property—- plop!  Good ole JOSEPH RALPH DOE owes $135,095.00 in taxes on a $100,000.00 home.  Pay up, or else your place will be sold two weeks from now on Saturday…..
Sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it?
It is a nightmare.  One that people somehow have heard about for months from me and from others, but they still don’t grasp the meaning of my words.  Let’s try it again.
Your identity was stolen by FDR.   Your natural Trade Name on the land jurisdiction of the United States is styled like this:  Joseph Ralph Doe.  And since you aren’t a Merchant Mariner, you never had cause to know that Foreign Situs Trusts used by Harbormasters the world over, are also named and styled like this: Joseph Ralph Doe.
One name, two completely different entities, operating in two different jurisdictions.
One is the natural Given and Family Name of a man standing on the land.  The other is the name of a Foreign Situs Trust operated as a franchise of a bankrupt government services corporation in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
Which one are you?
FDR just pretended that you were a “vessel in commerce”.  He stole your name and your identity, redefined you from being a living man on the land to being a Foreign Situs Trust on the sea, and used this fraud as a means to bring false charges against you and your assets.
You were never told about this name-identity switch con game, but you paid the price for it from 1933 to 1999, because you were “presumed” to be a willing surety backing the debts of the privately owned bankrupt governmental services corporation doing business as the United States of America, Inc.
When the bankruptcy was finally settled in 1999, the “US Trustees” responsible neglected to re-convey your name and your property back to the jurisdiction of the land.  They could no longer bring charges against  Joe Ralph Doe, so they cast him adrift, as a derelict, bankrupted, “disregarded entity”.  They did the same thing with the State of Wisconsin and the State of Texas and the State of Montana, too.
They had a new con game going.  They brought in a new management company— the IMF—-and booted up a new governmental services corporation calling itself the UNITED STATES (INC.) and named a new legal fiction after you: JOSEPH RALPH DOE.   He’s an ACCOUNT attached to a public trust run as a Cestui Que Vie Trust.
You see, since you never came home from the “sea” jurisdiction, you are presumed dead, missing at sea—-and that’s where you will stay until and unless you wake up and seize hold of your Trade Name and re-convey it to the land jurisdiction you are heir to
Meantime, the JOSEPH RALPH DOE ESTATE has been milked and bilked by “his” presumed Beneficiaries—- the STATE OF MAINE and the STATE OF FLORIDA and the STATE OF OHIO  and the UNITED STATES and the CITY OF NEW YORK and the COUNTY OF MACON have been merrily spending money loaned to them against the value of the assets of the JOSEPH RALPH DOE ESTATE and the MICHAEL GEORGE BROWN ESTATE and the JEANINE JOSEPHINE MCGILL ESTATE and so on.
And now that they have run up stratospheric debts against the assets supposedly held as public trusts in your name, they are bankrupt—- and they are not “just” bankrupt.  Thanks to Mr. Obama, they are under liquidation.
When a corporation goes bankrupt, it is under bankruptcy protection—and no creditors can bother it while it is in bankruptcy.  So long as a corporation shows reasonable good faith, this protection is extended, but when the management of a corporation is completely irresponsible and goes on overspending and fails to take the actions needed to recover and pay its bills, it is forced out of bankruptcy and into liquidation.
There is no protection in liquidation.  The bill collectors just come and demand your property.  Abruptly.  Without warning.  Boom.
Let me say this again: the UNITED STATES, INC. and all its franchises are under liquidation.  That means the STATE OF MAINE and the CITY OF NEW YORK and JACKSON COUNTY and JOSEPH RALPH DOE are under liquidation.
Even though you were never told any of this and even though it is all based on fraud from the beginning and even though you did not benefit from any of this chicanery, all those “Secondary Creditors” are going to show up on your doorstep and they are going to do it in the guise of being the STATE OF MAINE or CITY OF NEW YORK sending tax bills to JOSEPH RALPH DOE—- horrendously huge and sudden “tax bills” that are actually owed by the UNITED STATES, INC.
And if these Swindlers can get away with it, again, they are going to put you in a position where you can’t possibly pay off the debts of YOUR NAME and they are going to seize your home and everything else they can steal by claiming that you, the actual owner, “abandoned” the property, and that your ESTATE owes the debts that they ran up against it as Secondary and  merely Presumed Beneficiaries.
This is called “bilking the public trust” by creating an “odious debt”.  It is completely unlawful and illegal and they are fixing to shove it down your throat.
Now that you have had it explained to you and you have the historical proof in your hands thanks to “You Know Something Is Wrong When……An Affidavit of Probable Cause”—-what are you going to do about it?
Well, I have suggested that you seize your battered, derelict, disregarded entity Name that your parents gave you, and re-convey it to the land jurisdiction of the actual State on the Land—- the State of Maine, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the State of California—-and sue the bastards in the Federal District Court owed to the land jurisdiction, which is the Postal District Court.
These so-called “Judicial Districts” overlay the actual Postal Districts.  If you live in the Seventh Judicial District you also live in the Seventh Postal District.  The Judicial District operates under the jurisdiction and Law of the Sea and is only competent to address corporations and sailors.  The Postal District operates under the jurisdiction of the land and the Law of the Land.
So they will be bringing their charges against JOSEPH RALPH DOE in their corporate courts and under the Judicial District, but you, Joseph Ralph Doe, will be bringing your charges against them in the Postal District Court, instead.
If they refuse to provide the services of the Postal District Court you are owed, you are well within your rights to provide your own.  Get a research group together, look up the Session Laws that established the courts in your state and you will see that there is a Montana State Superior Court provided for as well as a State of Montana Superior Court and you will also see that the thing sitting in your courthouse is something calling itself THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA.
Are you waking up now?
The men supposed to be your judges are actually working for the entities that are creating this entire fraud—- “FOR” THE STATE OF MONTANA.  So while they wear their robes they are in hopeless conflict of interest.  Their jobs depend on raising funds for THE STATE OF MONTANA, and the same STATE OF MONTANA is the entity in liquidation that is trying to foist off all its bills on you and cheat you out of your homes, businesses, labor, and everything else in the process.
You are the actual and rightful Beneficial Owner, the Holder in Due Course of your Given Name, the Priority Creditor of these con men, and just as their dishonesty and “presumptions” are leading to a nightmare scenario for millions of Americans, Americans armed with the facts are preparing to be their worst nightmare in return.
There’s only one way to peacefully settle this— and that is for all of you to come home to the land jurisdiction and exert your status as Priority Creditors of your own ESTATES.  Along with this, you need to scream “Fraud!”  to every politician, every pastor, every community leader, every friend here and abroad, every other American— yes, including members of the Bar.  You need to scream it loud enough for Pope Francis and his “Lord High Chancellors in Equity” to hear the story and get it straight.
Exactly how to counter-sue is being worked on by our Living Law Firm now, so get ready. 
We are also working hard on an end run to try to avoid all this nastiness and fraud impacting Mom and Pop at all.
If we succeed, all this “debt” will get wadded up in a ball and tossed out like the worthless paper it is.  If not, be prepared to receive an absolutely huge, totally bogus “tax bill” addressed to YOUR NAME, with or without an eviction and sale notice. Get your ducks in order, your Name back on the land jurisdiction, and keep your ears tuned.
I have, obviously, seen this crappola coming and have raced as fast as I could to repudiate the debt and expose the fraud and raise counter-claims at the highest levels.  Please get off your couches now and add your voices and whatever pesos you can send to support our Living Law Firm. Use PayPal at or send checks or money orders directly to me, Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
Our law team is fully engaged, fighting battles all across America. 
Our effort to establish the American States and Nations Bank is also taking large amounts of time and effort and is the “other side” of the issues before us. The actual American States and Nations are owed a great deal of credit and assets, more than enough to pay for all public services, but we need safe depository banks and means to provide banking services in all fifty states.  This is a daunting task and we are facing a lot of public ignorance and opposition from the rats. Vast amounts of correspondence, including foreign correspondence and foreign travel have been necessary.
And for each step forward, there is a cost— someone has to go on the journey, someone has to go to the library, someone has to go to the Post Office and pay for the mailing costs, someone has to file the counter-suit and pay the bond, someone has to keep track of the records and files, someone has to pay for a Lexis-Nexus account for the paralegals, someone has to pay for hotels for conferences, someone has to pay to make thousands of copies of documents and public records, someone has to do it all—- and while they are doing it, most of the members of the Living Law Firm who are all working for free– are also struggling to pay basic bills.
I am lucky that I am a Retiree with an independent income, but a lot of the younger folks, including our best educated, most productive, and most ardent non-Bar attorneys are in their prime working years and have families who are suffering and risking because these men and women have chosen to take a stand against this abuse and fraud.  We can’t move forward without them, and they know it, so they are here—- at the risk of their own homes, their own relationships, their own well-being.
One of our young lawyers called last night and said, “I have eighteen bucks to my name.”  He’s a tough guy, so he didn’t whine or cry.  He just stated the fact.  I was able to send him enough to buy food for himself and his wife and two small children, plus keep the lights on and pay for printer ink and postage. That was made possible by all of you.
I can’t do it alone and I can’t do it without men like him. He has conducted a fabulous single-handed investigation of the State Bar Associations and discovered many amazing things.  None of the State Bars are licensed to do business in any state.  Instead, they are operating under a Treaty, the 1947 Bar Association Treaty, which they have breached. They are operating courts as closed union shops in violation of the Taft and Smith-Hartley and other Congressional Acts. They are using GLOSSED text when bringing charges– deliberately making ACCOUNTS expressed in DOG-LATIN appear to be names and embedding these foreign ciphers into the English text with the deliberate intent to deceive and defraud.  They are routinely committing both personage and barratry against Americans. They are required to file Foreign Agent statements and register themselves as such, but they never do. 
Step by step, he is building a case that will sink the State Bar Associations and open them  and their members up to execution of the commercial liens that have already been prepared and perfected. He is working full time to put the Bar Associations out of business.
Considering the fraud, breach of trust and treaty, dishonesty, damage, and misery these men and women and their private clubs have caused, putting them out of business and placing effective commercial liens on their property seems like a sacred mission to me, and one that everyone in America (except the rats) has a reason to pursue.
Without the iron fist of the Bar Associations forcing men to be dishonest and to support this corruption, and refusing to let non-Bar lawyers have access to the courts and facilities that our money paid for, a new era will be born in which attorneys will have the exercise of their own conscience and will be held liable for their own acts. Imagine that?
Each member of the Living Law Firm is engaged in topics and research and court actions that are absolutely mind-bogglingly huge in their importance and implications and they are making headway despite every obstacle.  They are doing it on shoestrings and outrage and donations and somehow, by the Grace of God and help you send, the work goes on, the light bill gets paid.
Thank you, for making it possible for me to help him, and realize that he is working his heart out for all of you.  Nobody could ever pay for the dedication and passion this young man has shown.

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