Religious Leaders Prostituting Themselves Before the Government

Religious Leaders Prostituting Themselves Before the Government

The so called “Christian” leaders of the United States have abdicated their duties of protecting the flock, and instead, have run head first off the cliff called government. They sold their souls, and their flocks souls, because government has the control and power, and for these so called religious leaders to keep the power and control they have over their flocks, they must choose to submit now to the government. The United States of America is no longer the home of the free nor the brave, in all honesty, and has become the home of the peons and the cowards. Sure, we send men and women off to fight and die in foreign lands, but we also send those same individuals to go around searching here in the USA to stifle opposition and quell any dissent that there may be.

The government has hired and paid religious leaders to teach their flocks to submit to every ordinance of the government. They are getting preachers, pastors, and ministers of all denominations to teach a lie that only helps the government while it causes the flocks to be sheep led to the slaughter. I intend to dissect that very lie in a moment, but I first wanted to point something out to you about how the religious leaders have become the temple prostitutes of the United States government.

Back only a few months ago, when Obama and his administration were pushing for government run health care to be passed by the end of last year, several Catholic leaders, as well as leaders of other denominations all stood up and said that the bill that was crafted was wrong. Fast forward only a few months, and now you have Catholic leaders praising this very same bill, as well as Catholic Nuns, and other religious leaders all out touting how this very same bill that they demonized is now what this country needs. When Obama needed help pushing(or ramming) his policy through Congress and down (or up depending on your view) the populations throats, who does he call upon to exert that pressure? It is the religious leaders of course. When Katrina tore apart New Orleans, who did the government call out to quell any uprising because of the police brutality? It was the religious leaders of course. And this will happen again.

The people running the government here in the United States - Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Hoyer, and others - they do not care about religion. They do not care about what the Word of YHVH says. They care about power, and money, and control. They want you to praise and laud them, and even when you complain, they still want you to bow down to them. They are only interested in themselves, and they have the power to force you to praise, bow, and worship them. Hey, just like in the health care bill, if you do not do what they say, they will throw you in prison. Just like the Jewish religious leaders did to the apostles, and just like the people running the Persian government did to Daniel.

So you make it a law that the people must do what the government says on penalty of prison or worse - even death. Think about this for a moment, the government, through this health care bill, will set up people or boards that will decide who lives and who dies. See my lesson entitled “Prescription for Death”. So if you are in opposition to the government, and you get sick, it is the government who decides when and if you get treatment that could save your life, or if your life simply is not worth their time and money. This is where America is headed and quickly. Hitler had Germany there already, and he too used religious leaders to make sure that the masses fell in lock step with his government.

Back to the religious leaders. I go into some detail in my lesson, “America and It's False Priests”, but I wish to particularly look at Romans chapter 13, for this is the passage the government wants pastors, preachers, ministers and any religious leader to push in your face. Why is this passage so important to the government that it is buying greedy religious leaders to get this indoctrinated into your head? The answer is as ugly as the government, but it is also something that the government is willing to do everything in its power to keep you from knowing about it.

Any religious person, no matter the religion, who dissents from the governments propaganda, is now labeled a fundamentalist and an extremist. You are then wrapped up in a web that is called domestic terrorists. Remember David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh? These were so called domestic terrorists who were fundamentalists and extremists, or at least so say the government. But the government is known for lying. President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt said this about a lying government: “We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure. Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public. Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity.” How honest was Richard Nixon who said, “I am not a crook”? Or how about William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton, who told us he never had sex with that woman? What about LBJ and the war in Vietnam? Do the people running our government lie? Everyone will say yes. Now refer back to Teddy Roosevelt’s words.

Romans chapter 13 is a gold mine to the government. For according to them, and the pastors, preachers, ministers, and teachers on their payroll, this passage is talking about how that it is mandatary for the believer to obey the government. Let us go through this passage, and look at the arguments, and see exactly why this is so false that it is a damnable heresy. Your soul’s future is definitely at stake with this passage, so it is something that you had better study up on and ask the hard questions for yourself. Do not let some slick snake oil sales man or woman con you into believing a lie. Search out the Scripture and seek His Truth, so that you do not miss the mark.

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of YHVH: the powers that be are ordained of YHVH. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of YHVH: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.” (Romans 13:1-2) Here in the first two verses, already we see that resisting the higher powers will cause you to be damned. This is what the government wants you to look at. However, I want you to go look at Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12 right quick. There, Paul, who by the way wrote Romans chapter 13, says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Same word here for power that is also in Romans chapter 13.

Our battle is not against the people who are running this government, but it is with those who are controlling those who are running it. However, the question to ask is this: is Paul referring to government here? Note, he did not say only the United States government, nor did he say only republics, or democracies, or western governments. He just said powers, and if powers is to mean government, then it means ALL governments.

So this passage, if the government and those it pays to teach this are correct, means government, then that means that all the people that were under Hitler’s government were Scripturally bound to follow all the laws of Hitler, including the mass murder of all the Jews and other worthless people. So then how on earth could we have pronounced a death sentence on those that were members of the German military and were captured, tried and convicted of doing just that? Remember, all governments and not just one government.

It makes me think of something that Dr. Martin Niemoeller, who was a Lutheran pastor and anti-Nazi theologian. He wrote, “In Germany, they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Trade Unionist, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time, no one was left to speak up.” If everyone in the United States says nothing when the government comes for others, then when the government comes for them, there also will be none left to stand up for them.

Then I need to ask about the people of North Korea, who are murdered if they do not renounce Yeshua. What about the people who lived under Chairman Mao? He said there was no Elohim, and if you believed in one, you were killed. How about the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia, who killed an estimated 1.5 million Cambodians? How about their philosophy of “To keep you is no benefit. To destroy you is no loss”? Again, go back to “Prescription for Death” to see the parallel.

If power means government, then it means all government throughout all time. What about the Babylonian government, where Nebuchadnezzar the king, made an image of gold
(Dan 3:1) and everyone was to bow down to it. So if power means the government, then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were sinning by not obeying the higher power, and so they should have perished in the fiery furnace. How about Daniel praying three times to YHVH instead of the Persian king? If power means government, then he should have been devoured by the lions.

Or how about Paul, the man who penned Romans chapter 13? How many times was he imprisoned, or beaten as punishment? If the power means government as the government teaches, then the Roman government was to be obeyed, and so Paul was imprisoned for the right reasons, and therefore he was not living a righteous life, and thus could not have been inspired because he was a sinner. How many epistles were written from jail by him? But if he was wrongly imprisoned, then obviously, Paul, here in Romans chapter 13, would not be referring to the government.

“For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: for he is the minister of YHVH to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of YHVH, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.” (Romans 13:3-5)

Again, according to this passage, if the government and its cronies are right, then Paul would never have been wrongly imprisoned, because the power is “not a terror to good works, but to the evil.” Besides, the government leaders from the top all the way to the bottom are nothing more than, according to Paul, deacons. Yes, you saw right, I wrote the word deacons. You know, like the deacons at your assembly; the ones who go around and minister to the needs of the congregation. Yes, these are the very same deacons that Paul says makes up the power. Did I forget to mention that the word deacon is translated above as minister?

This is the same word that we find in Acts chapter 6, referring to the seven men, of whom Stephen was one, who were appointed deacons so as to minister to the Hellenistic Jewish believers. This was done because these believer complained that “because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration.” (Acts 6:1) Ministration is what those that hold the office of deacon are to do. The Apostles asked these Hellenistic Jewish believers, “It is not reason that we should leave the word of YHVH, and serve tables?” (Acts 6:2) Here again, serve equals ministry or ministration which is what those that hold the office of deacon are to do. The Apostles then said, “But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word.” (Acts 6:4) Ministry is the same word there that we keep running into. If you look in First Timothy chapter 3, you will see Paul tells Timothy how and who to appoint as deacons, the same word there as in Romans chapter 13.

Tell me, when would you ever say that the government officials were all deacons? Is Nancy Pelosi a deacon? How about Harry Reid, or Barney Frank, or even Hillary Clinton? If power equals government, then what about Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Kim Jon Ill, Fidel Castro, and Hugo Chavez? I do not think you will get anyone to say anything about these men being deacons, but if what the government is paying pastors, teacher, preachers, and others to say this is true, then these were/are all deacons in the body of the Messiah.

But, as the government and others will point out, Romans 13 talks about paying your taxes to those who it is due, so that definitely means that power is government, right? “For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are YHVH’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” (Romans 13:6-8)

The government argues that the word for ministers here is the word for public servant, and not deacon. In this verse (verse 6), it is not the word for deacon, but, in the Greek, it is the word leitourgos (GSN 3011) and it means a public servant, i.e. a functionary in the Temple or Gospel, or (genitive) a worshiper (of YHVH) or benefactor (of man). A public servant, in other words a functionary in the Temple or Gospel, a worshiper of YHVH? The latter two do not sound like what we would call a public servant. But the government is going to seize on anything that will prove their point. Like using the words for load (tribute), or the point aimed at as a limit (custom), phobia (fear), or a value as in money paid (honor).

Come to think of it, did not the first century believers sell what they had and give to the Apostles so that the needs of the body of the Messiah could be met? Did not Paul himself tell us to lay aside for the care of the saints? So we do give money to those who are ministering (deacons) to the body of the Messiah. But Paul ends this part of chapter 13 telling us to “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another” (Romans 13:8). You see, this was nothing more than Paul talking about how to live and operate within the body of the Messiah.

Almost all of Romans chapters 12, 14, 15 and 16 are dedicated to operating and living within the body of the Messiah. Romans chapters 1 through 11 are discussing living as a believer and why the world needed the Messiah to come and die for us in the first place, which also shows why He had to be rejected by the Jews. Where in any of this is dealing with government? Why would Paul deviate out of all of this to, in 8 verses of one chapter, discuss obeying the government? Remember, if power equals government, then all government is good, then the Apostles sinned when they disobeyed the Jewish government of the Sanhedren by continuing to proclaim to everyone about Yeshua. Peter was arrested for disobeying their law, and an angel came and freed him. Would that have happened if power equals government? Stephen was stoned by these very same legislators, and so how can he be the first Christian martyr if power equals government? He can not, and this is just another reason why the government is twisting Scripture to cause people to believe a lie.

“And for this cause YHVH shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) If power in Romans chapter 13 and verse 1 equals government, then Hitler was a righteous man, and we all know he was not. Obama and Hitler have many things in common, and one of them is that they are not afraid to have paid pastors and teachers out there teaching the party line. If you believe the party line, then you will be damned. Obama, just like Hitler, wants mindless robots who will do whatever he desires. Hitler gave his people fluoride to drink just as Obama is doing as well. If this country really was free, then why do we have so many laws regulating every little detail of our lives? Why do we have to be on the look out for black ops and SWAT teams constantly? Why are we doing what the Nazi’s did and encourage everyone to turn in their neighbors?

There is nothing new under the sun, so then, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The Babylonians were bad, but the Romans were worse. The Romans were bad, but Napoleon was worse. Napoleon was bad, but Hitler was worse. Every time you have someone like a Napoleon or Hitler come around, they are always worse than the ones that came before them. It is because people do not know history nor, and most importantly, do they know Scripture. When someone wants to sell you a bill of goods, unless you know and can prove it is a bill of goods, then you will buy it. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6a). Do not be one of those perishing for lack of knowledge.

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Comment by May Lattanzio on March 19, 2010 at 10:53pm
It's all about losing their non-profit status.
Comment by fireguy on March 19, 2010 at 9:12pm
After Katrina Bush called in the psuedo Christians and the Mexican troops. The real Christians were too busy helping clean up the mess to be working for the Govt.

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