The Great Pyramid of Washington D.C. - New Discovery

The following information is deep; you need to be at your best to understand what's being said and shown to you here. If by the end of what's being explained to you, you still don't get it, - then I'll refund your money!  However, there's no cost involved for this enriching priceless information that should nevertheless leave you feeling much more wiser as to what is really happening around 'us' - and took place on 9/11. 

I must first state; I'm non-religous, a borderline agnostic is how I normally describe myself as being.  I sure do have my own voice and opinions, though I don't want people to think I have an ulterior motive, such as touting another cause, religion, spiritual idea or concept of any kind.   My purpose for writing this is because since I went public with my findings of the pyramid connecting Shanksville, Harrisburg, Washington and Phillidelphia, [with possibly Hanover being the fifth location] to 9/11 [See photo below], I have come under attack with people calling me; "...nuts!", "...another crazed conspiracy theorist!", " Tin-foil hat job!" and that sort of thing.  The expected army of trolls [often paid to do so like the Chinese 50 Centers, of related/connected to some of the people they think I'm attacking, such as their father, brother or uncle may be a Freemason], accuse me of 'insulting' the families and memory of those who tragically died that awful day.  Well I'm not, almost 3,000 innocent lives were lost that day, and if a member of my family was involved in 9/11, then I'd be camped outside the Whitehouse/Downing Street - demanding a public inquiry and not just accepting all the blatant lies and cover-ups the US government and the media have been telling us all these years.

Wake up people, this is one of the worlds biggest mass-murders; so why on earth isn't there a full independent inquiry?

How much more evidence do you want to see before your understand that our world is run by well paid and finely educated gangsters; - and in proper "Gang'em style at that!

Though I really don't care what others say about me, as I was expecting it anyway.  You can't write about the kind of people and things I do and not expect a backlash or to be attacked in this way.  So don't get me wrong, I'm really not complaining and only wish to explain why I have decided to furnish the readers of my other works on this subject, with this additional evidence that will hopefully show to those; whose is the real nut here; "them" or me?

Nor am I referring to the Freemasons being behind 9/11, as I've already mentioned; this is another thing I was falsely accused of.  I clearly explain that almost every member of our worldwide governments are also members of the very same secret society, that being the Freemasons.- This well proven and known about fact is hardly my fault, you can't going around shooting the messenger just because they remind you of these facts and that you may not like it.

Here's my original first blog; Never Seen Before Evidence – 9/11 – The “Hidden Airport in Masonic Footprint” beyond all else, I too am a human being, a concerned citizen who is extremely disturbed to find out that what I'm saying is true, I take no comfort from that, for it likely means what the future has in store for us all, is really not one, one wishes to contemplate let alone go over with a fine toothcomb.  Nevertheless, I cannot ignore my own findings and think it's vital I let others know, so as they too can understand what's really going on in the 'hidden worlds' we don't reside in.  

Despite not being a religious person, I'm still pretty converse with world religions.  Over the last thirty years or so, I have studied the Bible, among parts of the Koran and other religious texts, books and related material, including the occult; as one really does need to know about these subjects if we are to truly undestand what's going on around us, though more important; why it is. 

I consider myself well read and knowledgable on the subjects of Freemasonry, secret societies, the occult, and criminology in general, so I'm pretty confident with this kind of research and work, and this is why I am happy with my own findings.

You don't have to go into deep space to find "aliens" - as it appears there are many living here on earth already, as we do tend to live rather an alien existence; with each group and class of people living in "different worlds"; - the elites - 'in theirs' - the middleclasses - 'in theirs' and the working classes - 'in theirs' - along with the poor and starving homeless underclasses, the sick, elderly and disabled - all too occupy their "own" realities and worlds with their own 'cultures' - 'cults' in an occultic existence.

In the Masonic world, it's the "dark forces" who occupy and reside at the very pinnicle of the pyramid, the world of the elites whose sole purpose and existence is to keep their dynasties forever in power and control.  They live entirely on the teachings of the occult, for they know the truth; which is the "other" religions were created, not by God, but by man to enslave the masses.  No different than how a farmer, not a shepperd, but a GM crop growing greedy farmer supplying the conglomerates - keep their sheep in order, - that's why the term 'Sheeple' was born.

The middle-classes know of what it is the 'dark forces' do, though that's the whole objective, technically they are the gate-keepers who reside just under that pinnicle, in which by them being placed there, protects, supports and secures the elites are forever in power and control.  Many believe what they are doing is the right thing, that not everyone can be equal and why Darwinian dog eat dog philosophy is revered so much by these types of people who occupy this world of "their own".  That's why they too don't really believe the nonsense in the Bible, well much of it they don't. 

They don't view themsleves as "Christians" as such; and prefer to describe themselves as "spiritual", though will always be seen in public to be upholding the "Christian" belief system, after all they don't want to lose the sheeple vote. For example; say when a president or judge has to swear-on the Bible before taking an oath, giving evidence in court or getting married; these are the sort of everyday things and activites the "middleclasses" like to be seen participating in, so on the facade it appears they're the "same" as you with your flat-cap on, whilst they stand there with a bolwer-hat proudly placed upon their heads, standing next to the gentry in their fine Toppers. 

[I refer to the real middleclasses, - as today far too people think that just because they may work in an office, or don't do any kind of manual labour; that they must be "middleclass!"]

Take a good look around you, in almost every village, town and city you'll find obelisks. 

How can that be so if the country is meant to be a predominately Christian society?

We're not in Egypt or the Middle-East, yet on reflection, on the extent of them throughout the western world - you could quite easliy be mistaken thinking that you were.

Why are there so many and everywhere, not just the UK or USA, but every single city in the world you find them, especially their capitals.

Why are they everywhere in the first place? Who are all these obelisks really for?  What are their real meaning and significance?

Well I hope the answer has become blatantly obvious, as it's here - right in this blog!

The "landmarks" are for "them" - it's a way of letting eachother know 'who' really is behind the power and control of the country they are in.

So again, this is for "them" the elites and the "middleclasses."

It's why they have their own lodges, chapter houses and clubs.

The churches, synagogues and mosques are there for the masses; cash-cows that rake in cash every single day of the year as they milk their vistors and congregation dry, - and all tax free and unaccounted for.

Often they use these establishments as well, but like I say that's all a front, though they still need to get married, have christenings and funerals, which are slightly different than what the plebs use; they will use their own chapels at the cemeteries, normally round or horseshoe in shape.  Whereas anyone whose not a Freemason, then you'd use the normal chapel/s.  This may not be the case everywhere, but in the West most cities and large towns will have these sort of cemeteries with these kind of different chapels in them to accommodate each persons beliefs.

And when you see them attending Sunday Mass, it's to make you 'the plebs', who haven't a pot to piss in, to think that they too are the 'same' as you, that we're "all in it together" and why their coffers are always full and the rooftop always needs replacing; - Kerching, kerching!

Don't forget they are living among us; I'm sorry as if I'm making it sound as if "they" are from another planet; but if you're not a member of this group, which say 90% of us are not, then without knowing it; by proxy an automatic system and the matter of a conflict of interest, along with the situation of "them" and "us" - has now been created and spawned a divide and rule situation.

Most doctors belong to the fraternity, as do most people who hold all the key positions, whether that be in public office, central government, - or more directly impacting and influencial on our lives; they run and control our local town halls as well.  The schools your kids go to [kids, baby sheeples], universities they attend, homes they live in, hospitals that treat them, and every other single aspect of their lives are controlled, monitored and acted on.

You can safely say around a one in ten people are either directly involved in Freemasonry and it's affliate clubs and organisations, - or they may know someone who is.

Take a look at your local graveyard, as it will give you a good idea as to the percentage of Freemasons living [and died] in your area. 

They don't have cheap limestone graves that crumble after a few decades or so, they're Masons; so know their stuff and have wonderful ornate and carved marble and granite obelisks or pyramidium's made and erected by their brothers.

Some are more modest and may just have a Ashler, though not cut with fine sharp precise edges and corners, but a rough uncut stone or bolder.

Though really they prefer the world of Freemasonry, it doesn't have the restrictions other "religions" have, even though they would argue Freemasonry isn't a religion.  In some respect this is true as they believe in many aspects of the King James bible, which is not the same as what Catholics read, and in addition they have their own and not what the general public are given at a normal Protestant church service.  All three Bibles have variations, volumes removed from Cathonlic bibles, or added in the case of King James Bible, and further additons with specific meaning and reference to Freemasonry in the ones they have for their own.

Freemasonry is without doubt fascinating, and one can fully appreciate why it's charms capture so many peoples imaginations - and greed.  If it could work with full transparency and without its need of secrecy and blood oaths; - swearing to basically serve the Brotherhood first and not society, and no matter how harmful it may prove to be to the rest of us outside this fraternity.

It's all the secrecy and corruption that has ruined this once noble concept and idea.  Why don't they come clean and tell the people the truth, which is your scientists believe around 70% of European men [which means that's a high percentage men throughout the Commonwealth countries, including the USA, whom we know many of the founder fathers and their ancestors sailed from] share the same DNA as the Pharaohs of Egypt.  Or is this not true?

So who and why the hell is "someone else" thrusting Christianity down our necks?

This could be considered further proof they "want this divide"; that they don't want the working-class riff-raff to know of their real ancestory.  Perhaps in fear they will raise-up, reject Christianity and start to demand a little dust from the remnants of the finely chisilled Ashlers that span the globe.

The middle-classes scoth at the lower classes; who "believe" in only "half the story" that "their" bibles portray only to them. 

The "lower classes" have never really been any the wiser as to what's really going around them, until now that is!  Freemasonry was once only for the middleclasses, it's not cheap to be a member, though you don't have to be wealthy either.  Over the years and through the introduction of lodges within the inside of the Houses of Parliament, the New Welcome Lodge was said to have been set-up by the then Prince of Wales, for he wanted to bridge the gap and "take control" of the leaders of the Labour party, - as that's who it's for.  The Conservatives and Liberals have their own lodges also inside the House of Commons.

This is why you can now find a Taxi driver, Baker, Tailor or Sailor in Freemasonry, there's at least seven million Freemasons worldwide, with affliate organistaion such as Rotary, Shriners, Goodfellows, Eastern Star, and every other kind of similar group; and now we're talking of tens of millions of members.  Though by now these too have wised-up as to what's really believed by once only the "middle-classes" and the "elites".  It makes them feel that little more special belonging to an "exclusive club", and knowing they have more of an understanding of their religions, than say the massive majority who don't either belong to the Freemasons or any of its affliates, so have a completely different perspective and outlook to life.Freemasons take blood oaths, where they swear not talk about what goes on within their secret meetings at the lodge, [or fratenity], and to obviously serve the brotherhood first and beyond all else.

That leaves around 90% or so of the religious population completely ignorant to the teachings of Freemasonry, - who attend their individual places of worship and where they clearly take seperate paths in regards to what they truly worship and even believe in.

So as you can see, we live in a world within worlds where each and every group or sector have their own belief system in place with an opposing agenda in place and to carryout. 

     This is why we are so diverse, - yet it's still 'divide and rule' and it's this very diversity that is so detrimental to mankind, because that's how its always been, it was deliberately created to be this way; the elites, middle-classes, working classes,then the pleps; which unfortunately the majority of people will probably find themselves 'classed' in.

Believe it or not "Culture" is not a good thing, of course it's good to know where you're roots lay and all that, but it's mere reference tells you what it really means; "Cult" = Religion and "belief-system".  It's a lottery as to which cult you will be born into, and taught from day one to hate, despise and to kill those from other cults, - or worst still; kill those who do not wish to belive the same as their cultures.


The following, and up until the link I have provided below; is an extract from my original blog.  I would apprecaite it if those really interested in what I'm saying here, would also read this other material, as it's rather important and gives you so much more material to work from.

There's people in this world who have very different views as to what might have really happened on 9/11; there's those who believe the official storyline, or some of it, whilst others such as I, do not believe their version of events at all. 

Planes either hit some of the locations that day or they didn't. 

All the evidence I've seen so far proves the alleged original airplanes - did not hit anything. 

I believe, and continue on this premise that the "four" known planes were 'switched' by replacement planes - 'drones'.

ACARS [Aircraft Communications Addressing & Reporting System], have long confirmed one of the aircraft was still flying in the air long after the crash; 20 minutes or so at least, and incredibly in the very same area I am talking about below.

There's also an abundance of evidence that backs-up the claims that the 2nd aircraft that hit the Twin Towers was a dark-grey – military aircraft, and NOT a commercial airplane; many witnesses have clearly stated and described this aircraft in the above video.

Though again I'm not really discussing this kind of problem - as I want to concentrate on the actual alleged "location" and the "aircraft" said to be used that day and not all the obvious points that have long been covered and already available to be seen. 

The most likely theory that UAV - ‘drones’ [unmanned aerial vehicle, colloquially known as a drone] were used, is the most feasible explanation to date.  You only have to see how commonplace they are and in their smaller variants.  The world record for an unmanned flight of a commercial aircraft has long been broken; - proving this kind of sized aircraft can be flown by remote control and from the comfort of another place and by simply using a computer.      

So if "we" are to agree that "drones" [replicas of the airplanes they were imitating] were used, then they had to take-off from somewhere? 

There also had to be a place where the “other” alleged ‘original’ aircraft, laden with “passengers” [mixture of military and secret servicemen and women], - had landed.  The same applies to the alleged airplane that crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania; despite evidence concluding this couldn’t have happened that way.

Apart from it being disintegrated by some kind of energy weapon, like that suggested by Dr Judy Woods, no aircraft of that size and particularly the one in question could have crashed into that field they way they say it did. 

The same must be said about the alleged aircraft crashing into the Pentagon, evidence proves this was impossible to have occurred the way it’s been officially reported.   Therefore, on all the evidence I have seen to date and I have studied and researched on this subject - and in-depth since 2005, - for prior to this time I too fell for the “official storyline.”  I too accepted the whole 9/11 thing as being what it was reported as; ‘a terrorist attack’.  Though this is clealry no longer the case, as I am now 100% convinced 9/11 was what many others have long been saying; “An inside job" indeed!

What often has thrown many others off the scent and right track, is the matter of how could this take place, and with so many others involved.   But the biggest poser so far, was; as I have found an explanation as to what must have happened to the “real” aircraft if they didn’t actually crash into the Twin Towers, Pentagon or a field in Shanksville themselves, and where they must have ended up going to.   

The four flights involved needed a flight-path – that on the surface of it; appeared they had departed their due airports and were on the way to their original destinations.   We know recorded evidence seems to prove two of the actual aircraft never even departed their respected airports.  However, we have to work on the premise that four aircraft, whatever they are, as it’s no more difficult to repaint an aircraft and give it a false tail number, than it is to do the same with a stolen motor vehicle, - must have departed to give it the impression they were involved in the crashes. 

So where on earth must they have gone to if they weren’t involved in the actually incidents? Here for the first time ever and being the only person to date to suggest such findings; - I would like to announce that in my opinion this place is ‘Harrisburg International Airport’, in Pennsylvania, USA, that could have been supported by the Capital City Airport, also in Harrisburg, this latter airport could have homed the two "drone" aircraft that hit the Twin Towers.  The former could have dealt with the other commercial aircraft involved.

I would now like to clearly show and demonstrate that the three dimensional pyramid I accidently discovered; is no accident or coincidence, nor a matter of mere chance that Google maps specifically reveal this perfectly formed pyramid in that region and area.  Therefore it was a deliberate act and intentionally crafted to be precisely placed there; a perfect three dimensional pyramid with the cornerstones and the pinnicle being directly linked to Washington, Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Shanksville; with the fifth cornerstone yet to be determined; Gettysburg or Hanover look the most likely of places.     

The USA is founded and deeply rooted to the Christian religon and faith, in which itself is connected to ancient Rome and Egypt. - The Mayflower crossing with it's shipload of pilgrims, were among the founding fathers who sowed the seed and propergated the land.

You'll never come across a nation with so many devoted Christian's, that it could be argued are bordering-on fanatism and that the same could be said about the many muslim countries in the middle-east and Asia.  Yet not forgetting; Christianity is in almost every country in the world, it's the forerunner to Isam and has more influence over the world than any other religion.  

Amerika without doubt was and still is according to the bloodline familes of these early founders and their relatives; "the elites of today"; - called this place; The Holyland. 

Washington D.C. was/is termed the New Jerusalem by those of the Masonic Order - who laid the foundations and built the great obelisk; now known as the Washington Memmorial, along with all the countries other state buildings.  And like what Wren and Hawksmoor did to the streets of London; which too was considered and coined with the phrase; The New Juresulam, - though that was back in 1666. 

In William Blake's poem; "And did those feet in ancient time.' 

And did those feet in ancient time.
Walk upon Englands mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On Englands pleasant pastures seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Englands green & pleasant Land

The poem was inspired by the apocryphal story that a young Jesus, accompanied by his uncle Joseph of Arimathea, a tin merchant, travelled to what is now England and visited Glastonbury during the unknown years of Jesus. The legend is linked to an idea in the Book of Revelation (3:12 and 21:2) describing a Second Coming, wherein Jesus establishes a new Jerusalem. The Christian Church in general, and the English Church in particular, has long used Jerusalem as a metaphor for Heaven, a place of universal love and peace.

The Tun Tavern

Apart for being the admitted "birthplace" of American Freemasonry; The Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, is of great historic importance to them; with Independence Hall, Philadelphia, having even a greater importance, for to some it holds 'the keys'.  It's also the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, they were both debated and adopted at Independence Hall.  Source:

Since the Commonwealth's founding in 1682, the capitals have been located in the cities of Philadelphia, Lancaster and Harrisburg.  For 50 years the legislature had no official meeting place and often The Tun Tavern was used, then Philadelphia's Independence Hall was to become their meeting place and where the Liberty Bell was installed in 1752 and before even the Declaration of Independence was signed there.  Harrisburg plays a key role in American history as it was designated the state capital by the legislature on October of 1812.

You'll see further on that there are those who envisage and strongly believe that going back to ancient biblical times; a great pyramid or temple from the Atlantean or pre-Atlantean times may have stood on the site of the now Independence Hall.  They believe that the Ley Line energies emanating from where it stands are very powerful, as tremendous as the energies said to be found at Stonehenge, England, or at the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.  It's here they believe there is a vortex they can tap-into - and that's why this place 'holds the keys', as it supposed to let those - through ways of meditation and attuning into this energy - gain access to higher planes. 

33rd Degree Freemason, Albert Pike, wrote and predicted; Three World Wars, and long before WWI and WWII.  That's what the painting on the wall at Denvor Airport is all about, it's showing us what is yet to come. 

Out of the almost 7 billion people living on this planet; most people just so happen to be "born into their religion", they had no choice, so we are what we are. There's claim there are in excess of a billion Christians and around the same number of Muslims born into their respective religions.  However, and for sure there is no way this number reflects the amount of 'practicing' Christians or Muslims.  More like millions actually attend a place of worship, though there cannot be any question that the attendence of Muslims attending prayer is in far greater numbers, and would say as a guess; more near the billion mark, than say that of the Christian religion.  

To the fundametalist Christian fanatic, the end-time prophecies is what "they" are waiting for to come into fruition, as do the fanatical Muslims. 

WWIII, is to be so horiffic that it will be the end of all religions as we know them. - All religions, which in a sense are currently "overlooked" by the Masonic Order; - will amalgamate.  Collitions will be formed and Freemasonry will be [as it all ready is], the new kid on the block, though this time around it will come out from the dark and into the light and reveal their true-selfs; - the mother of all religions will then step forward and expose herself, - standing side by side with all the worlds religions.   

Zionism is a major problem, though then again so is any divisive monolithic religion.  There's no doubt that religious wars have to come to an end, though with Islam ready to fight Christianity and vice versa, it's impossible to see how this can be achieved. 

There are a sector of people who understand this serious problem, they too want to stop all the fighting, and for peace to be restored to earth.  They're utopians after all, but realise the sad reality we are all facing, - and that oddly perhaps the only real solution is that being one of massive world war, a war of the religions and where one must totally obliterate the other; so as the winners can take full and final control of the planet.  In today's world it's those with the bigger guns who will win.  Though such a war is going to be nasty; as non-religious people and those from other faiths and beliefs are also going to perish in the apocolyptic crossfire of these fanatics.

No one expected to be born into a world at war, [a few families beef over who and how they should run the world] where millions had to go and fight in WWI, and where millions were killed.  The same applies to the children of all those who died in that war, they never expected to be born into a world at war, where millions more were conscripted to fight and where too millions more lives were wastefully sacrificed in WWII. 

The same appiles today, though the great grandchildren of all those who died in WWII, wasn't born into a world at war, though tragicaly it's being turned into that way, that these too will have to be the next generation of figthers.  Millions could be conscripted [for with today's weaponry you don't need so many foot soldiers on the ground] to fight from all over the world, and where millions, if not billions will die in this premeditated WWIII; that will go down in history as the 'final act of God'. 

A Godly battle that restored - "peace" on this earth and "forever", - or until the next one!

A peace that was always long there, though this was prior to the introduction of manmade religions and when it dawned on them that it was the best way to run and control a society.  

The world and it's people have long changed since the days of Moses, it's technology clearly shows this, yet it's behaviour and mentality is as backward thinking as our earlist ancestors. 
What's being said here, is not scare mongering or exaggeration.  Though for sure; many people in the world do not have a clue as to what's really going on behind the scenes, nor seem to realise; we're a mere second away from this actually happening.  There are millions who will jump for joy when this 'end-time' war arrives. 

Never in my lifetime, born in 1960, and especially living through the 'Nuclear Threat' of the 1960/70's; - did I ever dream of it being possible that I could be alive to actually witness WWIII, - and be killed during the process of this manmade and devised experience; that for certain no "God" worth their salt - would dare put their name to. 

If this apocalyptic war or all wars doesn't ever come about; then how humiliating and embarrassing it is for those who preach such beliefs.  It's even more so for those who really believe with all their hearts and might; that if the prophecies they have been taught and expect to be true, - turn out not to be.  So in order to save face, they too must therefore unwittingly go along with this charade and do all that they can to help make these 'end-times' come into fruition. 

There are millions out of the billions on each side of the world's main religions whom have been born and bred into making sure they are prepared to act in "Gods word".  The Four Horses are riding high on the waves with what's going on in the middle-east and elsewhere in the world at this moment.  It appears as if the planet is deliberately being pushed to the brink of no return.  The true scale of deadly weapons in the hands of far too many countries is a deadly concoction, no one knows for sure what anyone is actually capable of doing to each other and the devastation will be unreal.   

No finer time has come for this 'end-times' - 'final act' and for a curtain call to come about; - that in the coming two to four years, - could easliy see our world at war, - if not sooner! 

Like there were secret groups and covens during WWII, praying, making spells and carrying out clad-like dancing in ritualistic circles and in places like Ashdown Forest, in the UK.  With the sole purpose of gathering-up the corvex of power and energy being created by the two spinning circles-one within another, spinning as fast as they can in opposite directions.  These kind of rituals still are and have been carried out by members of royality, word leaders and the elite in general.  Dressed in hooded robes and with numbers and symbols embroiderd onto them, they link arms and spin around - normally with a white witch in the centre, surrounded by an inner ring of hooded people, that was in turn surround by an outer ring of hooded people.  There could be another witch on the outer ring, and can be seen to wip [a form of flagellation] the members of the ring into a frenzy and in order to make them spin faster and faster so as the energy can be formed. The witch in the centre combs-up this energy the spinning circles have created in order to use in their spells they hope to cast on whatever the task is at hand.  It's said a ritual such as this was done by the group of already mentioned people, so as they could try and stop Hilter from invading the UK, or for Rudolf Hess to do what it is he ended up doing, and why some people claim the forest ritual was a success after all.         
Hitlers "people" were carrying out similar occult practices and too believed and heavily relied on the advice of mystics around him. Aleister Crowley being just one.  The Russian too have long been into the occult.  

What's so important about Philadelphia-Pennsylvania and that to those in the know, is that they know how powerfully significant this place really is to them, especially from a religious and Masonic perspective.

The Freemasons alongside the affliate brotherhood of the Quakers built Philadelphia.  William Penn, is the founder of the "Holy Experiment".  It's claimed he was 'guided' to call the area Philadelphia; the 'City of Brotherly Love.' 

It actually isn't named after Penn, Pennsylvania was almost named New Wales, then just Sylvania, though it was King Charles II who added the "Penn" in front of it. 

It's called the 'Keystone State; a 13-stone arch, the keystone is the top stone - the one that locks the others into place. In such an arch, six stones lay below each side of the keystone.  In the original 13 colonies, six states were located northeast of Pennsylvania and six states to the southeast, forming a figurative arch. 

This in itself shows how meticulously the "planners" of the USA had everything down to a fine art, and that the pyramid I discovered was most certianly also planned to be there. 

It also confirms how significant the Philadelphia and Washington D.C. connections really are.

This Holy Experiment is still going strong today, though in some circles it's more chilled and relaxed. These type of finely educated folk see themselves as 'spiritual' as opposed to being 'religious'. Ever since the days the Dutch, Swedes, French and Bristish stepped foot on the land once occupied by Native American Indians, in which they fought for and slaughtered many in the process; has still been attracting spiritual people to move to from all over the USA, and the rest of world to that area. In the 1960s the whole of the US and the world in general witnessed the emergance of the New Age - Hippie Movement. The epoch and Dawning of Aquarius was upon us; a time when and where many believed we are now entering a new age of great spiritual awakening.  They see themselves as; Star Children, World Servers, Light Workers, Walk-ins or Messengers of Light. - To some; we're now at the stage of the post "Dawning of Aquarius" and "New Age" as we know it, as they see themselves as evolving onto the next stage; the "Age of Philadelphia!"

Now I'm not picking on or saying any of these following types of people are involved in any acts of terrorism.  And their names have been picked out of an hat for there are many of these sort of people living all over the world. However, my reason for highligthing those below is because of the practices that some of these members do; that one specific ritual they carried-out in Philldelphia involves the Lay Lines that run through that state, via Independence Hall and on to Washington. 

Historic District c020

The most important treasures in the room are the chair used by Washington during the Constitutional Convention, with its rising sun carved on its back and the silver inkstand designed by Philip Syng, used for the signing of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

I wouldn't exactly call these folk Luddites, but if their New Age - Age of Philadelhipa utopian world-wide vision is to become a reality, then the starkness of their reality; is that a "Human Cull" would have to be required if the planet is to be able to sustain itself. They avocate the Georgia Stones and where it's chiselled into the granite stone, that the ideal world population should be maintained around the 500,000,000 mark.- This means to them and their utopian vision; that at least six billion human-beings will have to perish before this becomes a reality. 

California is well known for it's cults, religious orders and foundations; which seem to explode following on from that 60s era and all the music festivals held there.  There are now hundreds of thousands of religious networks, groups and foundations all over the USA and rest of the world.  Groups such as the Lindisfarne Association.  In 1974 David Spangler and William Irwin Thompson, the author of At the Edge of History, Time Falling Bodies Take to Light, and various other books on contemporary culture, science and spirit, founded this group and became one of the first Lindisfarne Fellows, a group of scientists, artists, religious teachers, political activists, economists, and visionaries whose number included Gregory Bateson, John and Nancy Todd, Elaine Pagels, E. F. Schumacher, Stewart Brand, Paul Hawken, James Lovelock, and Paul Winter, among others.   David Spangler, born in 1945, is American spiritual philosopher and self-described "practical mystic". He helped transform the Findhorn Foundation in northern Scotland into a centre of residential spiritual education.

Spangler is considered one of the founding figures of the modern New Age movement, although he is highly critical of what much of the movement has since become, especially its commercialistic and sensationalist elements.

The Findhorn Foundation is a Scottish charitable trust registered in 1972, formed by the spiritual community at the Findhorn Ecovillage, one of the largest intentional communities in Britain. It has been home to thousands of residents from more than 40 countries.

In Spangler's book; Conversations with John, he states; "The United States is a planetary nation, emerging not from a particular race or people, but from the efforts, hopes and dreams of men and women of all races and nations. It is the site of a great planetary experiment, a human experiment; for the United States has emerged with a destiny to serve humanity in ways no other country has ever done".

According to an article written by Johanna Rucker [edited by Amy Bortner-Gialuco], in 1995, she states; "I started a study group, to explore the spiritual principles behind the US. Constitution. As such, we studied many books and esoteric tracts which indicated a high spiritual purpose behind the development of the United States.  As Lightworkers, my friends and I were interested in discovering what our spiritual purposes were for living in the United States and, more specifically, for living in the city of Philadelphia."  

One of the books we read was entitled Spiritual Politics by Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson. This book began to give us some answers by providing a metaphysical overview of the destiny of all nations and, in particular, the soul destiny of the United States.

With this understanding that our country has such a great destiny, we asked ourselves what we, who live in "the cradle of liberty" can do to achieve this destiny.

We decided to hold a group meditation-visualization in order to receive an answer. In so doing, we asked spirit to provide us with a vision, message or sign. We first envisioned ourselves standing in a circle at Independence Hall around a cracked flagstone. This particular flagstone is lined up centrally between Independence Hall and the Commodore Barry statue and is a power center where six "ley" lines of great power and force merge and enter into the earth.

Still others saw circles of Native American spirits (earth healers) and some of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution! One person saw a "space-ship shaped" energy pouring gold and white beams of light directly down into our circle. And yet another saw herself connecting these energies of light with those of Washington, DC. and New York City! The message was clear from our meditation that great spiritual energies are pouring into this great vortex of power at Independence Hall and that we have many guides and masters standing ready to help us in our work. Our "work" evidently is to found or ground in these higher spiritual energies and to connect them with other cities along the entire Eastern coast!

So that we have been called to Philadelphia in order to accomplish this task. As Lightworkers, then, we have "the keys" within us to open doorways and portals to vaster spiritual realms and energies. Such openings are meant to facilitate the development of the Age of Awakening, the Age of Radiance or the New Age as it is commonly termed. And that's because Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, is the community of the upcoming New Age!

Thus we will move into a whole new understanding and way of life that expresses itself as Unity in Diversity, or In Many, One or "E Pluribus Unum" (as our one dollar bills proclaim!)

The Church of Philadelphia is mentioned in the bible. In the Book of Revelations: - 3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Philadelphia: The Danger of Failing to Advance - 1790 to 1900 AD - The Missionary Church.  The city of Philadelphia was 25 miles south east of Sardis on an 800 foot rise. To this church, which Christ says has a little strength, the Lord comes to open an avenue of opportunity that no force in hell can shut. "Possessing the key of David" means that He has the authority to open this supernatural door.- Romans. 2 v.28-29

"Jesus shows Himself to this church of Philadelphia in the very same way that they worship Him. - He took the keys of hell away from the devil when Jesus went there and preached. Jesus is the final Judge for everyone's resting place." - Todays church in Philadelphia is symbolic to this passage.   

The following quotes refer back to the above passages from Johanna Rucker; "Let us envision this geographical area as it was in ancient times. A great pyramid or temple from Atlantean or pre-Atlantean times may have stood on the site which is now Independence Hall. The energies emanating from this site are very powerful, as tremendous as the energies found at Stonehenge, England or at the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt." 

"And no wonder! No less that six ley lines emanate from a point marked by the cracked flagstone between Independence Hall and the Commodore Berry statue. One of the lines runs northwest through the Art Museum, Belmont Plateau, and on towards the Valley Forge Park area. Another extends itself southward through Cape May and eventually towards Egypt."

"And a third runs southwest and actually reaches Chichen Itza, Mexico. This great vortex of energy is capable of sending out powerful thought and intention towards divine love and light around the planet, magnifying and transmitting this energy efficiently along an electro-magnetic energy grid. Those of us who live here have a special opportunity to activate these higher vibrations and ascend our city into the City of Light that it truly is. As each of us opens ourselves up to the inflow of this powerful energy of divine love and light we can automatically raise the vibration of this geographical area by grounding these energies into our bodies and minds and projecting these energies across the land visualizations and meditations."

"It is important that we hold a vision of a magnificent flowering of this "Holy Experiment" rather than to focus on the images of poverty, drugs, violence, and despair that we see in the news or in our immediate environment."

Wow, this last sentence is 100% evidence of the mentality of these type of people, proof they advocate what the Georgia Stones state, for they will not let anything or outside influence stop them from the predetermined vision and goals they have long planned out.   It's also overwhelmingly evident that they strongly belive in the power of the Lay Lines positioned exactly where Independence Hall stands in Philadelphia and in the cornerstone of the pryamid I have discovered.

The Angel of the Church at Philadelphia was to tell the Overcomers there that they would be kept safe through the "Hour of Temptation that is to come upon all the world to test them." - 3:10 and they would be made "a Pillar in the Temple of God." - Furthermore, he would have the Name of my God and the name of New Jerusalem and the name of Christ "written on his forehead." ‘ 3:12

Outside of center city, located on Delaware Ave. next to the river, the Kelpius Cave on the site of the old Rosicrucian Monastery and the I AM Temple in the Wissahickon Park, the Chapel and Arch at Valley Forge Park and the grounds of Quaker Meeting Houses and all other places of worship. All of these sites will offer their gifts as we enter them in a sacred manner and will reveal their purpose to us when we ask for their energy and insight."  - Johanna Rucker - Source:

Out of interest; Mecca is exactly 666 nautical miles from where the Holy of Holies stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. That's measured to the Kabba stone in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Not only that. In Islam there is a well known phrase. It's "bism Allah". In Arabic this means: "in the name of Allah". These Arabic words closely match the Greek words for "666". - Source:

According to the old religions; Ley Line's are seen as sacred places, as they were/are thought to be magical places by many. Scientifically; Ley Lines or fissures in the earths crust, seem [not all] to emit magnetic fields that can cause a compass to spin wildly, and why it's believed diveners experience a similar force, or it's the impliment they are using that reacts this way.
The early colonial cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington D.C. were built along a specific Ley Line, that it's said lines up and if continued in a straight line would meet-up with Stonehenge.  Some believe this Lay Line encircles the earth, though according to experts Ley Lines are generally viewed as following local and regional geography and geology, not global, which makes sense due to all the continents being broken-up as they now are. Most Ley Lines are said to be within the coordinates of less than 1 degree, the specific Ley Line along these five cities and connecting to the monument called Stonehenge.  Meridian Hill located within Washington D.C. locates the exact measurement of the 77th Meridian. It's said that the 77th meridian is supposed to be the most sacred of Ley Lines.

They got this knowledge from the British colonists and these early American cities were built off these patterns: London's Ley Patterns: - The Primary Alignment set out around London is a geometric pattern that includes triangles and alignments or 'Ley Lines' that generates London's sacred landscape.

This pattern needs to be understood at a number of levels. The first is based on the major alignment that links the great abbey of Canterbury in the east and Cistercian monastery site of Abbey Dore in the West. This alignment broadly follows the Roman Road of Watling Street and passes through the principle sites of Canterbury Cathedral - Rochester Cathedral - Greenwich - Bermondsey, Downing Street - Bulstrode Hill Fort - Gloucester Cathedral and Abbey Dore.  As can be seen from the plan [below] this line very neatly bi-sects London. This line is shown in blue on the primary triangle plan (see side panel).

It should be noted that the Ley Line links the spiritual (the Abbey - Canterbury) and temporal (Westminster - London) seats of power in the UK.  And this is what is being said here; as it appears the Ley Line in Philadelphia, links to Independence Hall (the spiritual) and Washington (the seat of power in the USA). 

Known as - The Primary Triangle - The second significant feature is a triangle of sites that links the follwing key places:
•The Queen's House - Greenwich
•Caesar's Well - Wimbledon Common
•Boudicca's Mound - Hampstead Heath
This triangle has internal angles of 50° - 60° - 70°. The triangle's centre is located on an old mound called the Tothill Mound, which sadly has now disappeared. It used to lie just to the west of the Horseferry Road. The Canterbury line passes through the Greenwich point of this triangle.

The Secondary Triangle - This forms an equilateral triangle (internal angles 60° and sides equal) with the key points of:
•Boudicca's Mound - Hampstead Heath
•The Tower of London
•West Brompton Cemetery
The base of this triangle links the Tower, Southwark Cathedral, the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and the West Brompton Cemetery plus a number of other key sites, some of which have now disappeared. That this triangle was understood and appreciated, at least until the 18th century is evidenced in the alignment of John Nash's Avenue in Regent's Park, which is very accurately aligned to the Boudicca's Mound and also exactly bisects the triangle.

There are many significant alignments or 'ley lines' that link key points within the capital, such as the alignment from St. James's Palace to the mound at Arnold Circus, which links the following sites:

St James's Palace - St. Martin's - St. Mary-Le-Strand - St Clement' Danes - St Dunstan's - Bart's Hospital (Priory of Bartholomew) - Holy Well - Arnold's Circus.  The length of this Ley Line is 4.96km and was first mentioned by Alfred Watkins.  For the more about these Lay Lines - see lower down page. Source David Furlong:

The Great Pyramid of Washington D.C!.

And finally I rest my case, for I can quite confidently say that the pyramid I've discovered linking Washington, Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Shanksville, [and perhaps Gettysburg or Hanover, as I'm still researching this], was 100% deliberately crafted to be designed that way.

It was interesting to find whilst researching into this matter, a blog post by Jean-Louis de Biasi, author of Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons and The Divine Arcana of Aurum Solis.

He goes on to say; Washington, DC is the location of this so-called “hidden pyramid.” The archetype of all pyramids in the Western world is the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. This is not the first pyramid, but it is the most iconic—a model of divine harmony and geometric accomplishment. The sides of this square have a length of 0.143132 mile. If you multiply this dimension by 70, you get size exactly the length of the side of the Region of Columbia, that is to say, ten miles. In Hebrew Qabalah (which was used in the Masonic tradition) this number is associated with the letter Ayin, which means “Divine providence, Eye, the fountain of wisdom, and the ability to find wisdom.”

The District of Columbia

The following seems to echo what Johanna Rucker was describing above, she also said; "This particular flagstone is lined up centrally between Independence Hall and the Commodore Barry statue and is a power center where six "ley" lines of great power and force merge and enter into the earth."

Jean-Louis de Biasi contunues to say: In order to generate real power from a geometrical shape, something more physical than symbolic consideration is needed.  Since the most ancient times, such energies have been created in the same way, by raising stones and by “planting” them on or in the ground on precise “knots” of energy.

Stone markers were used to generate a special invisible power in this space surrounded by the stones.  The character of the energy was a consequence of the shape, the position, and the number of the stones.

Stoner Marker

These traditional rules were used in the construction of Washingto,n DC.

The square, at the perfect center of the four cardinal points, was delimited by 40 stone markers, planted in the ground at a very precise distance apart. (Remember that the number 40, the letter Mem for the Hebrew Qabalah, symbolizes the fountain of Divine Wisdom.) The powers of the 40 stones planted in the earth helped manifest the budding creation of this young republic.

As a result of this remarkable traditional creation, the perfect center of this invisible pyramid was marked by a final stone, just beside the Washington Monument in the center of the Mall, the “Jefferson Pier Stone.” Its shape perfectly represents a cube crowned by an unfinished pyramid.

I describe in The Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons several practices you can perform in person while you are at the Washington Mall or while visualizing the place. You can also simply go to the Mall, put your right hand on the top of the Jefferson Pier Stone and say loudly (or just in your mind) the following text:

“May the Divine light illuminate this place, giving Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty to all those people working for the good of Humanity! May all the powers focused on this special space bring Peace and Insight to all the people around the world! So mote it be!”

(If possible, remain in contact with the stone during your silent declamation.)

As you perform this little rite, you will realise the result of this amazing occult organization.  As a result of this design and the presence of the precisely placed stones, the Center of Power is able to receive precise influences. This construct enabled the new republic to rise in power, while glorifying the most important values for every human being:  “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”  - Source:


The following text, illustrations and maps are from an excellent website, though I can't seem to see who wrote it, I'll supply a link below, because there is so much more on there to see. It discusses the layout and designs of Washington D.C. and it's streets and famous buildings and how many or deliberately aligned to one another.

"On May 18, 1800 the House of Representatives suggested the building of a pyramid 100 feet square at the base... because a pyramid would best represent the idea of George Washington". These are Ovasons words (p 126 - 7). Speaking of the pyramidal form of one design submitted later for the memorial by Peter Force, Ovason writes: "Force's Design is spectacular and perhaps more noteworthy than any of the many other designs that followed- including the present memorial... the finest design (a pyramid) and the one actually completed (an obelisk) were both distinctly Egyptian in character... His design - an enormous pyramid - is distinctly Masonic in concept." - Yet, as he points out, the pyramids in the map remain obscured.

The fact that the triangle (pyramid) formed by New Hampshire Ave has a base angle similar to that of the Great Pyramid invites us to compare the map image with the pyramid cross-section; where we see that the Queen's Chamber is likewise offset from the King's Chamber. Also, just as the monument is located south of the E-W line through the Capitol, there is a two foot step down in the passage way leading to the Queen's Chamber.

Potomac Ave mimics the Descending Passage while Penn Ave serves as the Ascending Passage and the Grand Gallery, including the Great Step at the top of that. One branch of the canal (south of the CB) simulates the well and groto from the pyramid. You should note that the orientation of Potomac Avenue was altered along with that of Mass Ave in the August L'Enfant map, so that this doesn't work with the June draft of the plan, that is, the early planning map does not support the pyramid image.

At this point, it's pretty clear that we will never know who contributed what of a symbolic nature to the map plan, but at least we can narrow it down as to when the ideas were included. In the June map we see the triangle/pyramid form generated by connecting two corners of the pentagram there. In the 1792 versions of the plan we can see the pyramid cross-section and most of the Tree of Life.

While the dotted line map contains changes made to the June map it does not indicate Washingon's monument in any way; as a matter of fact, the planned location (in the June draft) is under water, as are those of the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials. It makes a certain sense to say that since the changes made to the plan between June and August made it possible to overlay the pyramid onto the map with a high degree of 'agreement', and given that the new position of the Wash Mmt makes for a better representation of the position of the Queen's Chamber, it is only plausable that the move was planned but never put to paper in August.

The Pyramid Image

My thesis is that the City Planners utilized the cross-section image of the Great Pyramid at Giza as one of the templates for the layout of the city streets, and that the White House, Washington Monument and the Capitol Building were positioned so as to represent elements in the Pyramid Image.

Looking at the image of the pyramid cross-section merged with the DC map, we can see that the "fit" is less than perfect between Pennsylvania Avenue and the Ascending Passage, due to the fact that the avenue has a crook or "dog leg" in it. You will recall that I attribute the bend in the avenue to the relocation of the CB for topographic reasons.

Had the planners been able to place the CB just a little bit to the south, Pennsylvannia Avenue would have been a straight line and served as a better representation of the Ascending Passage and the Grand Gallery, and the CB would have been positioned closer to the junction of the Gallery and the passage to the Queen's Chamber.

Let's take a look at the DC map with a straightened Pennsylvannia Avenue and compare it to the pyramid cross-section.

First with a few streets, the canal, and a couple of orientation points emphasised.

With the position of the Capitol moved, and Penn. Ave. straightened we see three of the main passages in the Pyramid Image accounted for almost perfectly; but what of the so-called "well" shaft? Source:

The Primary Alignment - The Canterbury Line

Set out around London is a geometric pattern that includes triangles and alignments or 'ley lines' that generates London's sacred landscape.

This pattern needs to be understood at a number of levels. The first is based on the major alignment that links the great abbey of Canterbury in the east and Cistercian monastery site of Abbey Dore in the West. This alignment broadly follows the Roman Road of Watling Street and passes through the principle sites of Canterbury Cathedral - Rochester Cathedral - Greenwich - Bermondsey, Downing Street - Bulstrode Hill Fort - Gloucester Cathedral and Abbey Dore. As can be seen from the plan this line very neatly bi-sects London. This line is shown in blue on the primary triangle plan (see side panel).

Canterbury Line

For want of a better title I have called this alignment the Canterbury Line. It should be noted that it links the spiritual (Canterbury) and temporal (Westminster) seats of power in the UK.

Google Earth Map of LondonA Google Earth Map of the London Area:
Showing the position of the Canterbury Line in yellow Passing through Greenwich. (Click image above to enlarge)

The Primary Triangle
The second significant feature is a triangle of sites that links the follwing key places:

  • The Naval College - Greenwich (grid ref: 51°-29.008'N; 0°-0.346'W)
  • Caesar's Well - Wimbledon Common (grid ref: 50°-25.763'N;0°-14.475'W)
  • Boudicca's Mound - Hampstead Heath (grid ref: 51°-33.783'N; 0°-9.829'W)
    (See diagram in side panel).

If you wish to plot this triangle I would suggest that you do this in Google Earth. Key in the three points from the grid-references given above and then link these three sites together, through the line function facility. This will allow you to see the places that they pass through.

This triangle has internal angles of 50° - 60° - 70°. The triangle's centre is located on an old mound called the Tothill Mound, which sadly has now disappeared. It used to lie just to the west of the Horseferry Road. The Canterbury line passes through the Greenwich point of this triangle.

Greenwich (Naval College)
Wimbledon (Caesar's Well)
Hampstead (Boudicca's Mound)



Part 1

Who are all the Obelisks really for?




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Comment by Exposure on August 14, 2013 at 1:08pm

That's very nice for you to say so Tara, thank you.  The discoveries are indeed pretty amazing, it was perhaps one of the most interesting - [yet metally draining, - a lot of reading involved] subjects I have ever researched, in which ended-up producing such pretty amazing results.  I feel honoured; almost as if I'm being helped by an invisable hand that leads me to the sources of information I have needed to study, that in turn lead-on to some pretty incredible discoveries, - and that's so cool when it happens, makes it all worthwhile!! ;-)

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on August 14, 2013 at 11:59am

Yes Ex, was living in DC and working on VSAT comm sats for a fed company, think I posted my story years ago here, was on I-395 near Columbia Pike heading to my next job, Next to the Citgo Gas station that made the "news". Never made it that far, got stuck on 395 for hours.I was already leary of the feds after Ruby Ridge and Waco, and then discovering the anamolie that the Murrow building in Oklahoma still had 2 unexploded bombs in the remnants. Sept 11 was the day that convinced me that the OK City bombing WAS an INSIDE JOB, and of course later that night after seeing the "news" about a "plane" hiting the PentaCon, right there was the eye opener about who did 9/11, probably did OK City as well. This is the reason I came here 5 years ago :)

Comment by Tara on August 14, 2013 at 11:00am

I read this over the other day and I have to say, pretty amazing discoveries! Great job putting all the research and info together Exposure!

Comment by Exposure on August 14, 2013 at 9:55am

Hollywood - what's all this then?  Are quoting someone else, or talking about yourself?   It's what happened for sure, that's how I see it, not even being there.  Are you saying you 'the' were there and witnessed it? 

Comment by Exposure on August 14, 2013 at 9:53am

Thanks Dustyn - I must agree with you, - would apprecaite you sharing - and getting the word out - this is vital to 9/11 - there's no way this is a "coincidence!!" 

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on August 14, 2013 at 7:57am

long story short..was in a van by PentacOn that morning, several of us sat on road discussing where the missile came home that eve only to find out that the Zionist MSM "news" was bulldozing the public w/ a story about a plane hitting it. Imagine that, Wish I would have gotten contact info from the folks I was stuck on I-395 with for 4 hours that morning, they too were probably stupefied as I was when they got home. 

Comment by dustyn on August 14, 2013 at 2:41am

indeed this is groundbreaking stuff Exposure!

Comment by Exposure on August 9, 2013 at 2:37pm

Thanks Scotty, - I came across some years ago, kept it secret for all that time - as I never really has 100%, in which I believe I now have, and that this and the other link blog - show this to be the case.  It's History in the making, if I don't mind saying myself!!  Dan Brown would have given his right arm to have had this info back then!!!  ;-)

Comment by scotty michele brown on August 9, 2013 at 1:34pm

This is fantastic stuff. It must have taken a lot of time to research, not to mention putting it together in an article. Great job!

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