American Patriots are lauding the recent electoral presidential campaign results as a spirited revolution against the reigning Marxist regime. As the Socialists scurry to raise popular vote recount monies in states like Wisconsin and Michigan and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the rest of our Nation has presumed that the next President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, will, beginning in January 2017, release the hounds of capitalism upon the Earth. Providentially, we have watched the fleeting hold of central planning in Great Britain, the fervent rise of staunch conservatism in France, the rejection of open borders in Germany and the utter demise of the statist Fidel Castro. Liberty has become the calling card of emancipators around the world. Such freedom provocateurs have left their totalitarian occupiers dazed in grief and wondering, amidst their riotous living: "How did this happen?"
The Socialist-Democrat Party of the United States, built on the adage of "divide and conquer", is left broken by its divide and wounded by its drubbing. Their existence is so fragile that the Party of Andrew "Death Marches" Jackson is left to choose between “Louis Farrakhan’s first Congressman” Keith Ellison and Congresswoman Nancy "But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy" Pelosi for its leadership. From state houses to federal leadership posts throughout the United States, the Progressives (BKA Regressive Marxists and Anti-Classical Liberal Tyrants) have been shown the exit from executive, legislative and judicial offices. Their influence has been rightly ridiculed and authority reduced to nominal significance. Their failings to secure the financial sovereignty and security of the Nation in lieu of Quixotic wars on poverty, self-defense, the Republic and its citizenry illuminate their drunken state of governance. The Marxists and Socialists that compose the New Left point to healthcare and education as places of penultimate achievement. Their assault on healthcare has left millions with healthcare access to no doctors, no hospitals, a limited number of health care plans and even less catastrophic care for those in need than offered prior to Obama Care. Their assault on education has left many a student behind with centralized planning education from Washington, DC or Jumbo loan sized mortgages against their collegiate studies leaving them either slaves of the Treasury or perpetual impoverished graduates.
The Inner-City has been in mourning since Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Urban America, citadels for radical leftists and mythological reforms, has chosen this time to discern whom should rightly be blamed amidst the Triumph of Donald Trump. Is it white women that demur to men and not vote for a woman? Is there separation between white women and black women over abortion? Is it because Hispanics chose Donald rather than Hillary? Was it the power of people that sought to vote their Faith rather than their identity? It is truly amazing that the Friends of Lenin prefer to use a telescope to defame their utter loss rather than a mirror to comprehend their utter conquest. Simply, whether it be Mao, Castro or Clinton, the legends of Marxism and socialism have watched over the decadence of cultural condemnation while they enrich themselves and patron those that kiss their ring in solidarity of ruler-ship rather than representation. According to National Review, "The Leninist rationalization was, 'You have to break some eggs to make an omelet. George Orwell memorably replied, 'Where’s the omelet?' There is never an omelet." The people, fouled by the agency of the elite, no longer could wait for the tangible results of fairy tale economics. This hurts, so turn your head anti-classical liberals. The people chose capitalism over socialism.
Why does this matter? For seventy years, our Urban American educational centers have been converted into state parenting centers producing men and women of the collective rather than pioneers in business and individual rationale. Stephen Ronald Craig Hicks, Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship Director, writes:.
"In education, postmodernism rejects the notion that the purpose of education is primarily to train a child's cognitive capacity for reason in order to produce an adult capable of functioning independently in the world. That view of education is replaced with the view that education is to take an essentially indeterminate being and give it a social identity. Education’s method of molding is linguistic, and so the language to be used is that which will create a human being sensitive to its racial, sexual, and class identity. Our current social context, however, is characterized by oppression that benefits whites, males, and the rich at the expense of everyone else. That oppression in turn leads to an educational system that reflects only or primarily the interests of those in positions of power. To counteract that bias, educational practice must be recast totally. Postmodern education should emphasize works not in the canon; it should focus on the achievements of non-whites, females, and the poor; it should highlight the historical crimes of whites, males, and the rich; and it should teach students that science’s method has no better claim to yielding truth than any other method and, accordingly, that students should be equally receptive to alternative ways of knowing."
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Removing Marx from the Urban Classroom: The First Real Reform to Liberate the Inner-City
"Destroying the New World Order"
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