Russian MIL Begin Naming Names! Fauci and Collins of the NIH Created C19!

Biological Update from Russian Ministry of Defense, pertaining to the conclusion of the Ninth Review Conference of the BWC.¹

To put it briefly, no ground was made. The West blocked all proposals put forth by Russia to amend the Biological Weapons Convention, in order to hold the US accountable for their actions in Ukraine.

However, this is far from the end of the road. Russia exhausted all the formal diplomatic channels to no avail, but they show no intent to stop their mission to hold the West accountable for their biological genocide in Ukraine.

In response to the West’s lack of cooperation, Russia have decided they are going to start dropping names. It’s time for scorched Earth.

This is a passage from General Kirillov’s briefing. Absolutely astonishing:

“We have previously presented materials confirming the involvement of Hunter Biden and his Rosemont Seneca Foundation, as well as other US Democratic Party-controlled entities, in funding the Pentagon's main contractors operating in Ukraine.

It has been shown how deeply the son of the current US president, Hunter Biden, is involved in funding the US DOD-controlled company Metabiota.

However, some participants in closed projects remain in the shadows, although they are key players in Ukraine's military-biological programme.

They include former DITRA director Kenneth Myers, executive vice president of the CIA-controlled In-Q-Tel venture capital fund Tara O'Toole, former head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Thomas Frieden, former the National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins, former Battelle Memorial Institute executive director Jeffrey Wadsworth, chief scientist and president of international research, development and medicine at Pfizer and many others.

All of them, in one way or another, are beneficiaries of the Pentagon's biological projects and are linked to the US Democratic Partywhose leaders act as the masterminds of military- biological research and the creators of covert money-laundering schemes to benefit a narrow circle of US elites.

It is these people who should be asked why taxpayers' money is being spent on illegal military-biological research in Ukraine and other countries around the world.”

Russian is no longer pulling any punches. They are directly accusing the named individuals, one of which my followers will know very well, Dr. Collins, former Director of the NIH, the co-conspirator along with Dr. Fauci behind the cover up of the origin of Covid 19.

Don’t worry, Kirillov didn’t forget about Fauci.

“Despite formal bans, the US budget is being spent on dual-use research. In this connection, the Republican Party has initiated an investigation into the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and President Biden's chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci. Public funding through an intermediary organisation was confirmed for experiments to enhance the pathogenicity of viruses, including coronaviruses, the incidence of which was not widespread until 2019.

The investigation found that Fauci openly lied and deliberately concealed US government involvement in the research programmes.

At the same time, his collusion with social media management to manipulate public opinion on the causes of COVID-19 was revealed.

Such revelations raise legitimate questions for the US about the causes of new human-caused pathogens and the patterns of pandemic spread.”

So now Russian MIL are bridging the gap between the creation of Covid 19, and the coverup via social media and MSM influence, facilitated by one Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Russian MIL’s narrative is on a collision course with Elon about to drop the Fauci Files and C19 portion of the Twitter Files. Russian MIL’s narratives also seem to coincide with that of Trump/Q narratives, that C19 was released intentionally by the Deep State to implement a medical police-state and force mail-in voting to steal 2020 with ballot fraud. It’s all pointing to the same conclusion.

Slowly, the public is being made aware that Covid 19 was a bioweapon, and the same people who made it, covered up the origin, covered up viable treatments, and pushed vaccines that didn’t work, which they profited off of, all in an effort to retain and gain power.

Russia, and the rest of the non-NATO countries, want reparations for the millions of lives (purportedly) lost, and the irreparable economic and psychological damage, caused by the outbreak of the bioweapon created and set loose by the US Democrat National Party and their affiliates.

It’s happening. The world will know the truth about Covid 19.


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