Schumer In Letter To Hillary: Wants Full Investigation Over Flotilla Incident Due To Possible Terror Ties

So Israel can hijack a US-flagged ship in international waters, kidnap 12 Americans and gun one of them down with four bullets in the head and Chuckie Schumer could care less. But if it turns out that the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief's stock clerk's girlfriend's hair stylist's accountant's uncle knows anyone at all in Turkey, Chuckie Schumer will have their head on a lance!

Who do you work for, "Senator"? Who do you really work for.

I urge all my readers in New York to work to kick this man out of the office he clearly has abandoned to serve his foreign master.

No Senator can serve two masters, and a Senator that serves Israel cannot serve the American people. A friend to Israel is no friend to America.

America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third. Mike Rivero

Schumer In Letter To Hillary: Wants Full Investigation Over Flotilla Incident Due To Possible Terror Ties
(Sunday, June 6th, 2010)
Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer, in a personal letter to Secretary Clinton, called for the State Department to immediately conduct an investigation to determine if the Turkish based non-governmental organization (NGO), Insani Yardim Vakfi (IHH), otherwise known as the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief, is currently – or has in the past – provided financial, logistical or material support to any terrorist organizations listed on the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO). According to a 2006 report, the group served as a front for funding terrorist organizations and sending rebels to fight in places such as Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya. Recently, France’s former top anti-terrorism judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere stated that IHH was connected to the “millennium plot” to bomb the Los Angeles airport in late 1999. And it has been stated in recent media reports that major international Islamic charities such as IHH, while providing genuine humanitarian relief, are “charitable front groups that provide support to Al-Qaida.”

“The United States must do everything in its power to combat support for terrorist organizations here and across the world,” Schumer said. “We must target, investigate, and, if need be, punish those who offer logistical, financial and political support for terrorist groups. That is why today I am urging Secretary Clinton to take the necessary steps to immediately conduct an investigation to determine if IHH has ties to terror groups. If it is determined that this organization is providing support to terrorist organizations, then appropriate measures should be taken and that organization should be held accountable for its actions.”

Evidence pointing to links between IHH and terrorist organizations has begun to pile up. Based on statements from U.S. State Department officials, IHH representatives have met with senior Hamas officials in Turkey, Syria, and Gaza over the past three years. International media reports have also referenced IHH’s “clear, long-standing ties to terrorism and Jihad”. Additionally, according to reports, Turkish security authorities began investigating IHH in December 1997, after having received intelligence that senior IHH figures had purchased automatic weapons from radical Islamic organizations. As a result, IHH facilities were raided and organization members were arrested. During the security raid the Turkish security forces found weapons, explosives, instructions for making IEDs and a flag with a jihad message. IHH, has also been recognized as a member of the “Union of Good a href="">> ” a Saudi-based umbrella organization known to finance global terrorism. On Nov. 12, 2008, the U.S. government announced the umbrella group’s leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists. Schumer says that it is especially disturbing that an organization such as IHH, whose connections to terrorism lie under a cloud of uncertainty, has been afforded Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

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Schumer says it is crucial that government officials use every resource available to determine which organizations are dedicated to providing humanitarian aid and which groups are providing support to terrorist organizations. The distinction should be clear and unambiguous and if there is any reason to believe that an NGO is providing support to terrorist organizations, then appropriate measures should be taken and that organization should be held accountable for its actions.

A copy of the letter can be found below.
Dear Secretary Clinton:

I write to ask that the State Department investigate whether the Turkish based non-governmental organization (NGO), Insani Yardim Vakfi (I.H.H) (otherwise known as the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief) is providing financial, logistical or material support to any terrorist organizations listed on the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).

There is reason for concern that this so-called charitable organization may have links to terror groups. A 2006 report by the Danish Institute for International Studies described the group as a front for funding terrorist organizations and sending Mujahidin to fight in countries such as Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya. Recently, France’s former top anti-terrorism judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere, stated that IHH was connected to the “millennium plot” to bomb the Los Angeles airport in late 1999. And it has been stated in recent media reports, that major international Islamic charities such as IHH, while providing genuine humanitarian relief, are “charitable front groups that provide support to Al-Qaida”.

Based on statements from U.S. State Department officials, IHH representatives have met with senior Hamas officials in Turkey, Syria, and Gaza over the past three years and international media reports have also referenced IHH’s “clear, long-standing ties to terrorism and Jihad”. It is especially disturbing that an organization such as IHH, with possible connections to terrorism, has been afforded Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

I believe it is crucial that the State Department attempt to determine which organizations are dedicated to providing humanitarian aid and which groups are providing support to terrorist organizations. The distinction should be clear and unambiguous and if there is any reason to believe that an NGO is providing support to terrorist organizations, then appropriate measures should be taken.

The U.S. government must do everything in its power to combat support for terrorist organizations. I urge you to take the necessary steps to determine if the IHH currently – or in the past – provided financial, logistical or material support to any terrorist organization listed on the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).

Thank you for your consideration of this important request. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance.


Senator Charles E. Schumer

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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