Heads up..... See the first blog......... this may well be very real, and if it is, then I am sorry to have to say this out loud but WE ARE AT WAR and do not kid yourself, these people are serious and have serious weaponry if the reports coming through are real.. If they were willing to ruin a rig, poison the gulf and all just to get the guns, then you better take this very seriously, the country you once knew no longer exists, YOU NOW LIVE IN ISRAEL, DOESN'T IT LOOK FAMILIAR? DESTRUCTION AND MAYHEM, ITS TIME TO PREPARE, if they do this, they are going to do it by splitting the country up and taking it down one section at a time. That ws what the super highway was for that never got through.. Better go talk serious and bring this with you to your law enforcement on the streets and ask them what they intend to do. Its going to be critical you identify early who and where your problems will be. Second, SEEK OUT VETS who are HOME WHO ARE BATTLE HARDENED and get them involved in how, what, when and where. Same with ex CIA and FBI, Militia, and now we know why the founding fathers asked for the militia to be in the Constitution. What great foresight they had. After that, everyone has to decide if they are going to help those in the south. That is the next important decision. No one is armed the way the pedophiles are, so frontal confrontation won't work. Keep that in mind. But once they do this, they are then either a foreign occupying army or traitors and you have to tell them that. Have the old people who are unarmed tell them that and see if they can identify who these people are and whether they are ours or mercs, if in unmarked vehicles they are mercs. Then you don't have to worry about it, you just do what you have to do. Its one thing to be brave, but its more important to BE SMART ABOUT IT ALL. I don't think I have to say it on here. Well, now we know what the Bilderbergs decided at that meeting going on now. LOL

Vatic Project - Daily Summary ... June 6, 2010

I. Blog: The Vatic Project

Post: Red Alert! Possible Battle Hardened Troops Or Guard Arrive In Gulf

Vatic Note: Remember, the CDC sold out a long time ago along with the director who got hired by the drug industry. We did a blog on that after the big vaccine scare that bombed. We also published our speculation way back when this happened that it was intentional and it was because the south including louisiana and Texas were armed far more than the rest of the country. If they did not bring the south down, they were in trouble. We also brought up Fema and the camps and the fact that Katrina victims were still in those camps for over 4 years and being used for all kinds of inhumane stuff, like medical experiments and when Greg Palast tried to film what was going on in those camps and the experiments he was arrested by orders of Exxon to Homeland security. We knew then who ran the country. Here is the link about the "PARTNERSHIP" slip up by the military spokesman, and putting swat teams on the derricks, so now this makes sense. DO NOT LET THESE POOR PEOPLE GO INTO THESE CAMPS. Also double check that these are really our soldiers and not foreign soldiers dressed as US troops. If the do this THEY WILL TAKE YOUR GUNS AND GOLD WHILE YOU ARE GONE. Remember Obama just signed the treaty banning those guns that is international so we can't resist. Why do they need machine guns if this is just a rescue mission? ITS NOT A RESCUE MISSION IF THEY HAVE THAT GREAT A FIRE POWER, looks like sniper time. Also, remember the blog we did on the DRONES OVER TEXAS THAT OBAMA ORDERED. HE IS CLEARLY THE HAMMER ON THE BRING DOWN OF THIS NATION AND GUN TAKING. One positive note, now they can admit they don't give a damn what we think and no more damn surveys. Did you all Identify your targets and prepare??? If this happens then the satanists have won. At least for now. The war is not over, only the first battle.
Link: http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2010/06/red-alert-possible-battle-...

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