Mainstream science accepts that trails from jet aircraft are lingering for hours, but claims it is a natural phenomenon
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Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, July 2, 2010
Scientists now admit that emissions from aircraft are forming artificial clouds that block out the sun, precisely what geoengineering
advocates like top eugenicist and White House science advisor John P.
Holdren have called for, but the article tries to insinuate that the
effect is caused by natural “vapours,” when in reality it can be
attributed to chemtrails that contain substances harmful to humans.
“The phenomenon occurs when aircraft fly above 25,000ft, where the air temperature is around minus 30C. This causes water vapour emitted
by the engines to crystallise and form the familiar white streaks
across the sky, known as contrails,” writes
Oliver Tree for the Daily Mail.
“Reading University’s Professor Keith Shine, an expert in clouds, said that those formed by aircraft fumes could linger ‘for hours’,
depriving those areas under busy flight paths, such as London and the
Home Counties, of summer sunshine.”
“Experts have warned that, as a result, the amount of sunlight hitting the ground could be reduced by as much as ten per cent.
Professor Shine added: “Over the busiest areas in London and the South
of England, this high-level cloud could cover the sky, turning bright
sunshine into hazy conditions for the entire area. I expect the effects
will get worse as the volume of air traffic increases.”
The report also makes reference to a 2009 Met Office study which found that high-level winds did not disperse contrails that later formed into clouds which covered an astonishing 20,000 miles.
Of course, this is no natural phenomenon as the article claims. Ten years ago, contrails from jet aircraft disappeared within minutes, yet
apparently we are led to believe that the same substance is now causing
the trails to linger for hours and form into clouds. This is impossible
without something within the substance having been changed.
Mainstream science and academia has gone from dismissing chemtrails as a fantasy of paranoid conspiracy theorists to now accepting that
they exist but claiming that they are natural and not artificially
In reality, chemtrails are the consequence of the agenda to geoengineer the earth in the name of combating climate change, a
science vehemently backed by people
like John P. Holdren, who in his 1977
book Ecoscience advocated poisoning the water supply to involu.... The fact that such eugenicists are
now in control of geoengineering programs that will have a direct
impact on our health is alarming.
Geoengineering programs have also been promoted by the Council on F...,
which is one of the main steering committees behind the implementation
of global governance.
A recent report issued by the UK government also calls for the UN to
exclusively regulate world wide geoengineering of the planet in order
to stave off man made global warming.
Discussion of geoengineering technology is often framed as a future consideration, yet governments are already conducting such programs at an advanced stage.
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program was created in 1989 with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and is
sponsored by the DOE’s Office of Science and managed by the Office of
Biological and Environmental Research.
One of ARM’s programs, entitled Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC), is aimed at measuring “cloud simulations” and “aerosol retrievals”.
Another program under the Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Scienc... is directed
towards, “developing comprehensive understanding of the atmospheric
processes that control the transport, transformation, and fate of
energy related trace chemicals and particulate matter.”
The DOE website states that, “The current focus of the program is aerosol radiative forcing of climate: aerosol formation and
evolution and aerosol properties that affect direct and indirect
influences on climate and climate change.”
U.S. government scientists are already bombarding the skies with the acid-rain causing pollutant sulphur dioxide in an attempt to fight
global warming by “geo-engineering” the planet, despite the fact that
injecting aerosols into the upper atmosphere carries with it a host of
both known and unknown dangers.
The proposal to disperse sulphur dioxide in an attempt to reflect sunlight was discussed in a September 2008 London Guardian article
entitled, Geoengineering:
The radical ideas to combat global warming, in which Ken
Caldeira, a leading climate scientist based at the Carnegie Institution
in Stanford, California, promoted the idea of injecting the atmosphere
with aerosols.
Artificial Clouds Photo" border="0"">
“One approach is to insert “scatterers” into the stratosphere,” states the article. “Caldeira cites an idea to deploy jumbo jets into
the upper atmosphere and deposit clouds of tiny particles there, such as
sulphur dioxide. Dispersing around 1m tonnes of sulphur dioxide per
year across 10m square kilometres of the atmosphere would be enough to
reflect away sufficient amounts of sunlight.”
Experiments similar to Caldeira’s proposal are already being carried out by U.S. government -backed scientists, such as those at the U.S.
Department of Energy’s (DOE) Savannah River National Laboratory in
Aiken, S.C, who last
year began conducting studies which involved shooting huge amounts
of particulate matter, in this case “porous-walled glass microspheres,”
into the stratosphere.
The project is closely tied to an idea by Nobel Prize winner Paul Crutzen, who “proposed sending aircraft 747s to dump huge quantities of
sulfur particles into the far-reaches of the stratosphere to cool down
the atmosphere.”
Such programs merely scratch the surface of what is likely to be a gargantuan and overarching black-budget funded project to geo-engineer
the planet, with little or no care for the unknown environmental
consequences this could engender.
What is known about what happens when the environment is loaded with sulphur dioxide is bad enough, since the compound is the main
component of acid rain, which
according to the EPA “Causes acidification of lakes and streams and
contributes to the damage of trees at high elevations (for example,
red spruce trees above 2,000 feet) and many sensitive forest soils. In
addition, acid rain accelerates the decay of building materials and
paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that
are part of our nation’s cultural heritage.”
The health effects of bombarding the skies with sulphur dioxide alone are enough to raise serious questions about whether such programs should even be allowed to proceed.
The following health effects are linked with exposure to sulphur.
- Neurological effects and behavioral changes
- Disturbance of blood circulation
- Heart damage
- Effects on eyes and eyesight
- Reproductive failure
- Damage to immune systems
- Stomach and gastrointestinal disorder
- Damage to liver and kidney functions
- Hearing defects
- Disturbance of the hormonal metabolism
- Dermatological effects
- Suffocation and lung embolism
According to the LennTech website, “Laboratory tests with test animals have indicated that
sulfur can cause serious vascular damage in veins of the brains, the
heart and the kidneys. These tests have also indicated that certain
forms of sulfur can cause foetal damage and congenital effects. Mothers
can even carry sulfur poisoning over to their children through mother
milk. Finally, sulfur can damage the internal enzyme systems of
Fred Singer, president of the Science Environmental Policy Project and a skeptic of man-made global warming theories, warns that the
consequences of tinkering with the planet’s delicate eco-system could
have far-reaching dangers.
“If you do this on a continuous basis, you would depress the ozone layer and cause all kinds of other problems that people would rather avoid,” said Singer.
Even Greenpeace’s chief UK scientist – a staunch advocate of the man-made global warming explanation – Doug
Parr has slammed attempts to geo-engineer the planet as
“outlandish” and “dangerous”.
Stephen Schneider of Stanford University, who recently proposed a bizarre plan to send spaceships into the
upper atmosphere that would be used to block out the Sun, admits that
geo-engineering could cause “conflicts between nations if
geoengineering projects go wrong.”
Given all the immediate dangers associated with bombarding the atmosphere with sulphur dioxide, along with the unknown dangers of other
geo-engineering projects, many people are concerned that “chemtrails”
are a secret component of the same agenda to alter the Earth’s
The fact that chemtrails are blocking out the sun, which is precisely what the geoengineering advocates call for, strongly indicates
that they are an integral part of this dangerous and wide-reaching
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This graphic proposes, “Spraying aluminum powder and barium oxide into
high levels of the atmosphere, again delivered by aircraft, to increase
planetary reflectance (albedo) and cloud cover.” High levels of barium
have been found in substances associated with chemtrails.
Reports of chemtrails, jet plumes emitted from planes that hang in the air for hours and do not dissipate, often blanketing the sky in
criss-cross patterns, have increased dramatically over the last 10
years. Many have speculated that they are part of a government program
to alter climate, inoculate humans against certain pathogens, or even
to toxify humans as part of a population reduction agenda.
In conducting Google searches, one finds discussion, such as this example, of using sulphur dioxide as a jet fuel additive to be dispersed over the world during routine commercial flights.
“I suggest that both the sulphur dioxide and the silica particles could be delivered into the stratosphere by dissolving an additive in
jet aviation fuel,” writes engineer John Gorman, who has conducted
experiments to test the feasibility of such a scenario.
“We would want to burn fuel containing the additive specifically when the aircraft was cruising in the lower stratosphere,” he adds.
In 2008, a KSLA news investigation found that a substance that fell to earth from a
high altitude chemtrail contained high levels of Barium (6.8 ppm) and
Lead (8.2 ppm) as well as trace amounts of other chemicals including
arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium and silver. Of these, all but one
are metals, some are toxic while several are rarely or never found in
The newscast focuses on Barium, which its research shows is a “hallmark of chemtrails.” KSLA found Barium levels in its samples at
6.8 ppm or “more than six times the toxic level set by the EPA.” The
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality confirmed that the high
levels of Barium were “very unusual,” but commented that “proving the
source was a whole other matter” in its discussion with KSLA.
KSLA also asked Mark Ryan, Director of the Poison Control Center, about the effects of Barium on the human body. Ryan commented that
“short term exposure can lead to anything from stomach to chest pains
and that long term exposure causes blood pressure problems.” The Poison
Control Center further reported that long-term exposure, as with any
harmful substance, would contribute to weakening the immune system,
which many speculate is the purpose of such man-made chemical trails.
Indeed, barium oxide has cropped up repeatedly as a contaminant from suspected geoengineering experimentation.
KSLA also put aerosolized-chemical testing in its historical context, citing a voluminous number of unclassified tests exposed in
1977 Senate hearings. The tests included experimenting with biochemical
compounds on the public. KSLA reports that “239 populated areas were
contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969.”
One of the accepted truisms of scientific study is the fact that if scientists are proposing an idea, then those scientists with access to
the bottomless pit of black-budget secret government funding are
already doing it.
It is highly likely that chemtrails are merely one manifestation of “geo-engineering” that is taking place without proper debate,
notification or any form of legality, and with a callous disregard for
the potential dangers to both our health and our environment.
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