Screen Memories Used to Block the Abduction Experience?

Image result for Sigmmund Freud

The term “Screen Memories” was invented by Sigmund Freud to account for past unpleasant experiences being blocked out as a coping mechanism. Freud, the father of modern psychiatry, found that those who has suffered dire emotional trauma used a form of escapism in order to minimize the pain of past negative circumstances. Once the realization of alien abductions was finally addressed by the medical establishment soon it was apparent that in order for people to cope with their bizarre experiences some kind of a blocking apparatus was being used to isolate these painful experiences.

Image result for John E. Mack

An assassination?

Psychiatrist John E. Mack, a Harvard University graduate risked his professional reputation to research the alien abduction experience. Aside from John G. Fuller who used regressive hypnosis on Betty and Barney Hill, to get their recorded abduction experiences, little had been done to examine the phenomenon. For years psychiatrists in treating their patients, had encountered those with strange and inexplicable memories that were unrealistic and later determined to be “Screen Memories” the question was, who had inserted the memory, the sufferer or an outside entity? As we know, John was killed by a drunk driver in midday on the streets of London and pronounced dead at the scene. How likely was this incident to have happened? Had John Mack stumbled upon something that the powers that be didn’t want exposed?

See related image detail. Abductions and the Paranormal: A Worldview Challenge - World Mysteries Blog

Regressive Hypnosis?

In his last book, “Sight Unseen” the late Budd Hopkins interviewed a number of people whose births dated back to the 1940’s living within the inner cities, not some rural setting far from potential observers as is often the case of many reported abductees. Bud Hopkins found that a surprising number of people had screen memories that troubled them for years afterward that they knew were not rational explanations, so Budd used regression hypnosis to regress them back into their past to try and unlock the mystery. What he found was startling evidence that these people had been abducted and subjected to strange screen memories that made little sense in relation to their level of anxiety.

Those who have gone missing?

In the Missing 411 Book Series, David Paulides, seems to corroborate the “Screen Memory” scenario as one of the missing children later found by authorities spoke of a talking bear that led them from their lost circumstance to where rescuers could finally locate the missing child after hours of searching operations. A talking bear? Definitely a screen memory for something else, wouldn’t you think?

Image result for Budd Hopkins Sight Unseen

Budd Hopkins delves into those troubled by the past

Budd interviewed people such as women who recall going to a job interview where they met a very strange looking man and then suddenly the entire experience becomes a missing time experience with no logical explanation, only that they found themselves back home hours later with only a strange inexplicable recall that provided no answer. In another case I woman remembered falling from an upstairs porch in an inner cities apartment complex. The fall should have been injurious if not fatal, but her last memory before blacking out and waking up uninjured was her falling in slow motion from some invisible force! Was this the work of an angel or had she been subjected to a “Screen Memory” to hide what had really happened?

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What happened to myself?

Personally, I was subjected to what I now consider very possibly to be screen memories rather than just lucid dreams. Several times as a toddler and young child I experienced dreaming that I was standing outside my parent’s house in the middle of the night. The scene would take place late after bedtime and I would be standing in front of a bizarre display. It would appear to be a solar system of hovering and rotating spheres that appeared to be glistening plastic balls all in orbit around a glowing yellow, much larger ball. There seemed to be a pool of water below this moving configuration. It was startlingly real in the course of the dream, if it really was a dream at all. Why would it be re-occurring? Why so vivid? Perhaps, it was a “Screen Memory” hiding something much more sinister? I have been under regressive hypnosis before but never went back to that time in my life as I was dealing with other issues. Being in California might have been part of it, but that wouldn’t explain what I experienced.

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