Sealed Lies, Sealed Lips: SEAL Team 6 Dies, But Their Legend Survives

All of you who know that Osama bin Laden died back in December of 2001 will know that the recent story (May, 2011) about the raid on the "compound" in Abbottabad, Pakistan, that supposedly killed Bin Laden was completely false propaganda.
That being the case, it would only be logical that the members of SEAL Team 6, which is who we were told was involved in that May raid, had a lot of information that presented a liability to the International Mafia that now runs the US military. The members of SEAL team 6 had the potential to do some very serious whistle-blowing that would blow open the false mythology of the "War on Terror."
Well… "Surprise, surprise!!!!" …it was the very same SEAL team that just got wiped out in one fell swoop by the helicopter crash in Afghanistan. Dead men tell no tales.
This (below) is a good summary by the blogger/researcher who blogs under the name "The Excavator."  Several really good stories and videos about this story can be read/viewed at .  If you want to hear this subject covered in detail, tune in to the Alex Jones Show today (Sunday) at 4pm Central – also streaming from

Sealed Lies, Sealed Lips: SEAL Team 6 Dies, But Their Legend Survives

Saman Mohammadi
Aug 7, 2011

“As the bonfires of knowledge grow brighter, the more the darkness is revealed to our startled eyes.” – Terence McKenna


“Whose game was empires and whose stakes were thrones,
Whose table earth, whose dice were human bones.” – Lord Byron, Age of Bronze, Stanza 3


“History knows that it can wait for more evidence and review its older verdicts; it offers an endless series of courts of appeal, and isever ready to reopen closed cases.” – William Stubbs


“We’re in an American theatre of the absurd.” – Dr. Steve Pieczenik


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The fraudulent War on Terror is one long, mad nightmare that never ends. The monstrous traitors who have seized Washington from the American people create one big lie after another to try to cover up the big truth that the entire war on terrorism is a grand, historical hoax.


Psychological warfare makes up ninety nine percent of the war on terror. Most of the propaganda and psy-op operations by the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and the Pentagon are directed against the American people and people ofother countries who mindlessly believe everything they’re told.


The Bin Laden myth was created to provide an ideological function in the war on terror, and to get people to believe in a big boogeyman.


Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11.  And, he was not assassinated by SEAL Team 6 (although, they are more than capable of killing any real enemy to America’s existence anywhere on earth).


Bin Laden died early in the war on terror. Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who served as a top counter-terrorist officer in the American government, told the Alex Jones show in May that Bin Laden died in late 2001/early 2002. Other government experts from around the world have confirmed this claim. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is the truth.


But Bin Laden’s real death couldn’t be publicly announced to the world by the traitors who control the U.S. government because the war on terror would lose popular legitimacy if that fact was common knowledge. So, the U.S. empire kept alive this mythic enemy in the collective global consciousness for a decade – a myth that the Bush administration/Israel/Neocons created out of whole cloth to satisfy the need for an enemy.


But, as new fronts in the war on terror began to open up (Syria, Libya, Iran) the CIA and Pentagon figured they could politically boost Obama’s abysmal poll numbers by saying he “ordered” a special NAVY seals team to kill Bin Laden and bring home the ultimate war trophy to the American people.


The staged announcement of Bin Laden’s fake death served two goals:

1) Turn Obama into a competent commander in chief to hide the fact that he is really a spineless puppet and a traitor, and

2) Flip the script in the war on terror, where it is no longer about getting Al Qaeda but getting “state-sponsors” of terror like Syria, Iran, and Pakistan.


II. Closure of The Bin Laden Legend: When a Storybook Ending is Just Another Episode in The Ongoing Horror Show That is The War on Terror


I don’t know what to make of the news that members of SEAL Team 6 were killed in an attack on their helicopter in Afghanistan. It is either a totally fake story, or these soldiers were murdered by the shadow U.S. government because they knew too much like Pat Tillman (RIP).


I have read a lot of point of views on various commentsections on different sites, and one point that keeps coming up is that it is impossible for 20 highly-trained elite NAVY seals to be in the same helicopter at once. One NAVY Seals is like 10 regular soldiers, so it makes sense thatthey travel in smaller units.


We cannot take anything at face value because everything that the shadow government in Washington sells to the American people and the world is a lie. This whole war on terror is a war on reality and real history. The last ten years has been full of military legends and psy-op hoaxes.


There is the 9/11 legend, the Bin Laden legend, the Jessica Lynch legend, the Pat Tillman legend, the SEAL Team 6 legend, and on and on. The next thing they’ll say is Bin Laden rose from the grave like Jesus of Nazareth to attack America in a nuclear showdown.

This whole world is so crazy. All we know for certain is that: A) Bin Laden was not responsible for the 9/11 attacks, B) He died long before May 2011, and C) The war on terror was never about getting Al Qaeda, which is a non-existent terrorist organization.



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III. The American Soldier: A Conned Pawn, A Loyal Patriot, A Noble Warrior

Paul Craig Roberts has written a very informative article on August 6 about Bin Laden’s fake assassination called, “Pakistan TV Report Contradicts US Claim of Bin Laden’s Death”:

In my recent article, “Creating Evidence Where There Is None,” about the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden by a commando team of US Seals in Abbottabad, Pakistan, I provided a link to a Pakistani National TVinterview with Muhammad Bashir, who lives next door to the alleged “compound” of Osama bin Laden. I described the story that Bashir gave of the “attack” and its enormous difference from the one told by the US government.

In Bashair’s account, every member of the landing party and anyone brought from the house died when the helicopter exploded on lift-off.

Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today, also says that members of a US Seals team were killed in the covert operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Duff writes in his article, “Breaking News: “Bin Laden” Heroes Probably Murderered to Keep Them Quiet”:

What we can easily surmise is that some of the dead have been dead since their bodies were taken away from the helicopter crash site in Abbotabad.

Duff also writes:

Al Qaeda has never existed. There are no magic worldwide terror conspiracies other than those run by governments.

Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones write in their article, “Deaths of SEAL Team 6 Exposed”:

Whatever the true story, one thing is clear: dead men tell no tales. The inconvenient truth is that governments throughout history have disposed of heroes, covert troops and special forces to keep the real story from coming out. Helicopter and planecrashes have been one of the favorite methods for tying up these loose ends.

The so-called death of SEAL Team 6 reminds me of the film ‘Clear and Present Danger,’ with Harrison Ford playing CIA analyst Jack Ryan, a character who is based on a real American hero, Dr. Steve Pieczenik. In the film, a secret American military unit is sent to Colombia to fight drug cartels, but is then set up and left behind to die by the double-crossing White House.

The film is more true to life than anything that is put on mainstream television news. The fact that American soldiers are treated like dirt by the evil traitors who run the White House, CIA, Pentagon and the Council of Foreign Relations is a crime and a tragedy.

The political scum that has risen in Washington are abusing and exploiting the sacred spirit of the warrior. Thevictims of their false and evil wars are the sacrificial pawns in the American military and NATO, as well as the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, America, and other countries that are under attack.

Dr. Pieczenik addressed American soldiers and America’s military leaders on the Alex Jones in May, telling them that they should re-examine the orders that they get from Washington and reflect on what’s good for America, not what’s good for presidents and politicians. Pieczenik said:


“I have the greatest respect for our military men, and I’m saying this to you: the Generals, the Colonels, the Majors, and the Captains. I’ve been lecturing at the War College every year. Be careful of the orders you receive from civilian presidents.


I say it again, and listen to me. Beware of the orders that you receive from civilian presidents like Bush, Clinton, and Obama. Particularly, presidents who have never served in a war and do not know what the consequences of a war are, and the number of men and women who die bravely for our country and our cause because some civilian has to manipulate his political career at the expense of the American public and at the expense of the bodies, and the blood and guts of our warriors who are so important to us.”


IV. Rewind and Remind: How We Will Win The Battle For The Mind of The 21st Century


It is so important that we always go back to Ground Zero, the 9/11 site, and begin the truth-telling from there. We have to remind people again and again that the official story about 9/11 is a giant lie and that the real attackers struck America from inside the Mossad, CIA, Bush administration, and the U.S. shadow government.


The enemies of the truth, freedom and peace know the technique of repetition very well. They repeat lies until they sink in the public consciousness. They have no pity, no mercy, no remorse, no conscience. Barack Obama, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Bill Clinton, and George H. W. Bush represent the audacity of psychopaths.


They are born liars.

But they are not good at lying. ‘Guilty’ is written on their face. Evil drips down their necks.


And because of their evil and treason, American soldiers are being unjustly demonized for doing what they’re supposed to: kill the enemies of America (as they know them to be).


What American soldiers are not told in military boot camp, and what the American people are not told, is that the enemies of America today are the traitors and state terrorists in Washington and Israel, not the make-believe terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq.


An informed, aware and outspoken American soldier is the greatest enemy of the corrupt new world order, the fraudulent war on terror, and the traitors in Washington like Obama, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Those on the inside who know what is going on and step up to do something about it are targeted for assassination. As journalist Wayne Madsen writes on the Wayne Madsen Report:

Navy SEAL Team 6 members and others killed in Afghanistan chopper crash. “U.S. officials say they believe that none of those who died in the crash participated in the bin Laden raid but were from the same unit that carried out the bin Laden mission.” Either way, the SEALS would have known about the hoax Bin Laden assassination — another Hollywood drama brought to the world by Obama’s spinners of fiction. The SEALS were safer in Abbotabad on their staged mission than they are in fending off the CIA hit teams that will eliminate all of them until there are no more witnesses left.

The highest duty that we infosoldiers can perform is to destroy the false legends, bury the big lies, and raise the truths from obscurity and oblivion.

This is our duty. This is our mission.

Always remember this fact: innocent men, women and children are dying in this false and evil war on terror.

The American soldiers are victims. The NATO soldiers are victims. The people of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan are victims. The American people are victims. The truth is a victim. Freedom is being crushed to dust. Humanity is being destroyed.  And all of it is being justified by the “9/11 attacks.”

We are experiencing spiritual madness and undergoing mass cultural and political brainwashing.  It must be stopped.

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Comment by truth on November 16, 2011 at 4:27pm

SEAL Team 6 could be Time's 'Person of the Year' -The Virginian-Pilot

"Destroying the New World Order"



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