Seasonal flu viruses contained live bird flu virus - live H5N1 avian flu viruses.

Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus

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Helen Branswell
The Canadian Press
March 5, 2009

The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses.

featured-stories - Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus
Avian flu
The contamination incident, which is being investigated by the four European countries, came to light when the subcontractor in the Czech Republic inoculated ferrets with the product and they died. Ferrets shouldn’t die from exposure to human H3N2 flu viruses.

And an official of the World Health Organization’s European operation said the body is closely monitoring the investigation into the events that took place at Baxter International’s research facility in Orth-Donau, Austria.

“At this juncture we are confident in saying that public health and occupational risk is minimal at present,” medical officer Roberta Andraghetti said from Copenhagen, Denmark.

“But what remains unanswered are the circumstances surrounding the incident in the Baxter facility in Orth-Donau.”

The contaminated product, a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses and unlabelled H5N1 viruses, was supplied to an Austrian research company. The Austrian firm, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, then sent portions of it to sub-contractors in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany.

The contamination incident, which is being investigated by the four European countries, came to light when the subcontractor in the Czech Republic inoculated ferrets with the product and they died. Ferrets shouldn’t die from exposure to human H3N2 flu viruses.

Public health authorities concerned about what has been described as a “serious error” on Baxter’s part have assumed the death of the ferrets meant the H5N1 virus in the product was live. But the company, Baxter International Inc., has been parsimonious about the amount of information it has released about the event.

On Friday, the company’s director of global bioscience communications confirmed what scientists have suspected.

“It was live,” Christopher Bona said in an email.

The contaminated product, which Baxter calls “experimental virus material,” was made at the Orth-Donau research facility. Baxter makes its flu vaccine — including a human H5N1 vaccine for which a licence is expected shortly — at a facility in the Czech Republic.

People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted.

Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences.

While H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people.

That mixing process, called reassortment, is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created.

There is no suggestion that happened because of this accident, however.

“We have no evidence of any reassortment, that any reassortment may have occurred,” said Andraghetti.

“And we have no evidence of any increased transmissibility of the viruses that were involved in the experiment with the ferrets in the Czech Republic.”

Baxter hasn’t shed much light — at least not publicly — on how the accident happened. Earlier this week Bona called the mistake the result of a combination of “just the process itself, (and) technical and human error in this procedure.”

He said he couldn’t reveal more information because it would give away proprietary information about Baxter’s production process.

Andraghetti said Friday the four investigating governments are co-operating closely with the WHO and the European Centre for Disease Control in Stockholm, Sweden.

“We are in very close contact with Austrian authorities to understand what the circumstances of the incident in their laboratory were,” she said.

“And the reason for us wishing to know what has happened is to prevent similar events in the future and to share lessons that can be learned from this event with others to prevent similar events. … This is very important.”

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Comment by truth on March 7, 2009 at 7:20pm
Comment by truth on March 6, 2009 at 3:48pm
U.S. Air Force Study Proposed 2009 Influenza Pandemic in 1996
Kurt Nimmo Infowars March 5, 2009

On June 17, 1996, the U.S. Air Force released Air Force 2025, “a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future.” In the unclassified study, the College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama posed several “fictional representations of future situations/scenarios” likely to arise.

In 2009, according to a figure in the Air Force 2025 report, influenza kills 30 million people.

In Chapter 5, the authors present a timeline figure representing “plausible history.” In 2009, according to the figure, influenza will kill 30 million people. “A similar influenza pandemic occurred in the past,” a footnote explains, making a reference to the influenza epidemic of 1918 and 1919, described as “one of the worst human catastrophes on record. It has been estimated that more than 20 million people around the world died during the epidemic, and of the 20 million people who suffered from the illness in the United States, approximately 850,000 died.”

“The influenza virus is unique among viruses in being able to undergo so much antigenic change that an antigenically novel virus can sweep around the world in a year or two, giving rise to significant morbidity and mortality,” another footnote states.

It is interesting to note that the source of the Air Force’s fictional pandemic is described as unknown and it is not “determined if the virus was a natural mutation or bioengineered. Many feared the latter.” (Emphasis added.)

Is it merely a coincidence the Pentagon would propose in 1996 a deadly flu pandemic for 2009 when live H5N1 avian flu viruses are discovered in vaccines produced by a Baxter International plant in Austria?

“The fact that Baxter mixed the deadly H5N1 virus with a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses is the smoking gun,” writes Paul Joseph Watson. “The H5N1 virus on its own has killed hundreds of people, but it is less airborne and more restricted in the ease with which it can spread. However, when combined with seasonal flu viruses, which as everyone knows are super-airborne and easily spread, the effect is a potent, super-airborne, super deadly biological weapon” of the sort proposed in Air Force 2025.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Last year, author and researcher F. William Engdahl revealed a Pentagon effort to weaponize avian flu. “If the reports are accurate, this could unleash a new pandemic on the planet that could be more devastating than the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic which killed an estimated 30 million people worldwide before it eventually died out,” writes Engdahl.

Engdahl then suggests “that sections of the international pharmaceutical industry cartel are acting in concert with the US Government to develop a genetically modified H5N1 virus substance that could unleash a man-made pandemic.” He cites Rima E. Laibow, MD, head of the Natural Solutions Foundation, a citizen watchdog group monitoring the pharmaceutical industry, who states:

Our best intelligence estimate is that pandemic Avian Flu has already been created through genetic engineering in the United States, fusing the deadly genome of the 1918 Pandemic, misnamed the ‘Spanish Flu’, with the DNA of the innocuous H5N1 virus in a growth medium of human kidney cells, according to the National Institutes of Health and the vaccine’s manufacturer. Some virologists believe that this would insure that the man-made mutant virus recognizes human cells and knows how to invade them.

Finally, it should be noted that Walter E. Boomer, a retired former four-star General and Assistant Commandant of the United States Marine Corps, sits on the board of directors of Baxter International. Of course, this is not definitive evidence the military controls Baxter or is behind the “accidental” contamination of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses with the H5N1 virus at its laboratory in Austria. It is highly suspicious, however.

Baxter International has had a relationship with the military since 1941, when its blood-collection devices were the only ones that met the specifications of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Comment by truth on March 6, 2009 at 11:05am
Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error (Update2)

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By Michelle Fay Cortez and Jason Gale

Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Baxter International Inc. in Austria unintentionally contaminated samples with the bird flu virus that were used in laboratories in three neighboring countries, raising
concern about the potential spread of the deadly disease.

The contamination was discovered when ferrets at a laboratory in the Czech Republic died after being inoculated with vaccine made from the samples early this month. The material came
from Deerfield, Illinois-based Baxter, which reported the
incident to the Austrian Ministry of Health, Sigrid Rosenberger,
a ministry spokeswoman, said today in a telephone interview.

“This was infected with a bird flu virus,” Rosenberger said. “There were some people from the company who handled it.”

The material was intended for use in laboratories, and none of the lab workers have fallen ill. The incident is drawing scrutiny over the safety of research using the H5N1 bird flu
strain that’s killed more than three-fifths of the people known
to have caught the bug worldwide. Some scientists say the 1977
Russian flu, the most recent global outbreak, began when a virus
escaped from a laboratory.

The virus material was supposed to contain a seasonal flu virus and was contaminated after “human error,” said Christopher Bona, a spokesman for Baxter, in a telephone


Baxter “moved very quickly to sanitize and protect employees,” Bona said. “Labs have been sanitized, potentially contaminated materials have been destroyed and employees were
tested and considered not to be at risk.”

Baxter gained 93 cents, or 1.6 percent, to $58.27 at 4 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading, and has lost 2.3 percent over the last 12 months.

The Austrian health ministry reported the incident to the European Union and is conducting its own audit, Rosenberger said. In response, Baxter said it has put in place “preventive and
corrective” measures that the ministry found satisfactory. The
vaccine has been destroyed, according to Rosenberger.

The World Health Organization “is aware of the situation and is consulting with the ministers of health of the countries involved to ensure that all public risks arising from this event
have been identified and managed appropriately,” said Gregory
, a spokesman in Geneva.

European Agencies

The European Medicines Agency has no immediate comment, said Monika Benstetter, an agency spokeswoman. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which distributes seasonal flu
viruses to companies for vaccine manufacturing, isn’t
investigating or providing consultation, said Tom Skinner, a
spokesman for the Atlanta-based agency. The CDC is staying in
touch with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
regarding the incident, Skinner said.

The H5N1 strain of avian flu has been monitored by health officials around the world for more than a decade for signs it could mutate into a form that is easily spread among humans.
Currently, it passes mainly among infected poultry.

A flu pandemic of avian or other origin could kill more than 70 million people worldwide and lead to a “major global recession” costing more than $3 trillion, according to a worst-
case scenario outlined by the World Bank in October.

H5N1 has infected at least 408 people in 15 countries since 2003, killing 63 percent of them, according to the Web site of the Geneva-based WHO.

Flu Pandemic

BioTest s.r.o, a Czech biotechnology company, was conducting research for a company called AVIR Green Hills Biotechnology
using materials supplied by Baxter. The company was “supposed to
get non-infected testing vaccine, which was by mistake of the
supplier contaminated with the H5N1 virus,” BioTest said in a
statement last week.

AVIR Green Hills monitored its lab workers for signs of illness and got access to Roche Holding AG’s Tamiflu antiviral in case of infections, said Birgit Kofler-Bettschart, a spokeswoman
for the closely held, Vienna-based company. AVIR Green Hills
sanitized its laboratories, destroyed potentially contaminated
samples, and told health officials, she said in an e-mail today.

Three influenza pandemics, including the 1918 Spanish flu that killed more than 50 million people, have occurred since 1900.


Another three pandemic threats -- situations where a global epidemic is close to occurring -- have occurred. One was the Russian flu of 1977.

The H5N1 virus, “even if it were let out of the lab, would be only lethal for birds in its present state,” said Ilaria Capua, a veterinary virologist, whose laboratory in Padova,
Italy, handles some of the avian-flu screening for the World
Organization for Animal Health. Capua said she has no knowledge
of the situation. “In Europe, we can react fast” to outbreaks
of the disease in animals, she said.

Baxter, the world’s largest maker of blood-disease treatments, is one of the companies working on a vaccine to be used in case of a flu pandemic. The European Medicines Agency
recommended approval of Baxter’s Celvapan, the first cell
culture-based vaccine for bird flu in Europe, in December.

To contact the reporters on this story: Michelle Fay Cortez in London at mcortez@bloomberg.netJason Gale in Singapore at

Last Updated: February 24, 2009 16:20 EST
Comment by truth on March 6, 2009 at 3:27am
I remember that Kim.

They make a bird flu vaccine too
European agency endorses Baxter’s bird flu vaccine
By Bruce Japsen
December 18, 2008
Baxter International Inc.’s vaccine to combat the bird flu today won an endorsement from European health officials....
Comment by truth on March 5, 2009 at 3:33pm
This should be front page news but zero reports in the states. Start emailing this out to friends, family, politicians and the media.
Comment by illuminated-dj on March 5, 2009 at 12:32pm
looks like the cockroaches will be making their move soon

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