Sikh Shooter a Former Psyop Soldier Linked to FBI’s National Alliance

Kurt Nimmo
August 6, 2012

The alleged shooter in the Wisconsin Sikh shooting is a former soldier who worked in military psychological operations, according to the corporate media.

CBS Newsreports that Page enlisted in the Army in April 1992 and was given a less-than-honorable discharge in October 1998. He was last stationed in Fort Bragg, N.C., serving in the psychological operations unit.

Psyops are not confined to the military and usually span a number agencies, including the CIA, DIA, NSC, NSA, and SAIC.

In 2002, the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon defined psychological operations as “integrated employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own. Also called IO.” (emphasis added) (see Joint Publication 1-02: Department of Defense Dictionary of Militar...).

Since the alleged shooter, Wade Michael Page, is now characterized as a white supremacist, the Southern Poverty Law Center is leading the information campaign to portray him as a racist skinhead. In addition to fronting a “hate rock band,” the Southern Poverty Law Center “has found that Page also attempted to purchase goods from the neo-Nazi National Alliance, then America’s most important hate group,” according to SPLC propaganda minister Mark Potok.

The National Alliance, like most white supremacist groups, is controlled by the FBI.

In 2007, its supposed leader, Green Beret David Kellerman, said he worked for the FBI. During a trial on weapons charges, Kellerman “said he went to work for the FBI with orders to infiltrate the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group, in 2000 and relay intelligence. The group’s founder wrote a book that is widely believed to have inspired the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing,” the Miami Heraldreported.

Is it possible the SPLC is somehow connected to the latest shooting? In 2005, court papers revealed that the supposed anti-racist organization ran an “informant” (informant and agent provocateur are often interchangeable) at Elohim City prior to the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1995.

“The potentially explosive contents of the teletype, among other things, exposed for the first time an informant operation being conducted by nationally known civil rights lawyer Morris Dees through his organization the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC),” J. D. Cashwrote for the McCurtain Daily Gazette in October of 2005.

In some detail the FBI acknowledged the SPLC was engaged in an undercover role where it monitored subjects for the FBI believed to be linked to executed bomber Timothy McVeigh, the white supremacist compound at Elohim City and the mysterious German national Andreas Carl Strassmeir.

Strassmeir was a German intelligence officer and the leader of the Aryan Republican Army at Elohim City, Robert Millar, worked closely with the FBI. “Founder Millar repeatedly shared information with law enforcement officials. During a June 31, 1997 court proceeding, FBI Senior Agent Peter Rickel testified Millar was in regular contact with the agency in the years before the bombing,” writes Jim Reddenin his book, Snitch Culture.

As we noted in the case of the 1st SS Kavallerie Brigade Motorcycle Division bust in July, the FBI controls the virtually all white supremacist groups.

It came out during the trail of reputed racist Hal Turner that he was a “National Security Intelligence” asset working for the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. His code name was “Valhalla” and “he received thousands of dollars from the FBI to report on such groups as the Aryan Nations and the white supremacist National Alliance, and even a member of the Blue Eyed Devils skinhead punk band,” according to The Record.

The FBI has run racist and white supremacist groups since the 1960s. Under COINTELPRO, the FBI “subsidized, armed, directed and protected the Ku Klux Klan and other right-wing groups,” Brian Glickwrites. Racist groups were used to create a strategy of tension by attacking groups on the so-called left, including anti-war, Chicano and Puerto Rican activists and nationalists.

It now appears the government has taken its psyop to the next level. Instead of merely concentrating on small time busts and demonizing “rightwing extremists” for propaganda purposes in a complaint corporate media, they have decided to add the racist “white power” angle to the domestic terrorism narrative.

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Comment by Tara on August 7, 2012 at 2:12am

... and the plot thickens. And all the while innocent lives wasted for what?... to furthur the divide and to ultimately strip away the few vestiges of liberty we have left, one mass killing at a time. Whether it comes from a mass shooter, a drone, a bomb or the whole war on terror; it is another notch on the belt for the ruling class. As long as they keep the public in fear and at odds with each other on a daily basis, they have complete control.... divide and conquer 101. If only most people knew that the real terrorists are those closest to them ( their beloved Government) and not the perceived terrorists on the telescreen or boogeymen underneath the bed.

All I can say is.. how do these murderers sleep at night? It's so hard to fathom that kind of evil.

Comment by apeman2502 on August 7, 2012 at 12:02am

  The apple does not fall far from the tree. Where is NSA general Michael Aquino? He would be able to fill us in on the how and why.

  Andreas Strassmeir was in the exact same German/American air force officer exchange program. David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger were/are the directors. See Daniel Hopsicker's book, 'Welcome to Terrorland' and his sources. The total looting of the U.S. for the British, Belgian, and Netherlands royals is masked by this lame developing race war. As we see here today, the only Americans falling for this angle are a few skinheads. Using Stuxnet and HAARP and at least three nukes covertly created the  Fukushima ruination. See the videos and Jim Stone's interviews and books and website at This served as a neutralizing of a powerful economic rival to western Europe. It, like the blowing out of the Deepwater Horizon oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, was intentional. Research this one, por favor.

Comment by Jim Braun on August 6, 2012 at 9:12pm

A sychops worker,skinhead. Another nut case working for the gov. I had said earlier the gov. will bring out all their own so called lone wolf nuts to drive home their point they need take away our guns. Oh, this isn't no where over,there will much more blood sacrafice yet to come.

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