Solar explosions now on official register as threat to the security of hi-tech Britain

Cabinet Office includes solar flares alongside terrorism, floods and pandemics in a list of catastrophes that could damage the country

Daniel Boffey, policy editor

Solar flare
A NASA image of the sun shows a solar flare leaping out from an active sunspot to the botton right. Photograph: NASA/SOHO/EPA

England's farmers may be praying for a sustained downpour amid the current drought, but Whitehall has a more exotic weather threat on its mind.

Explosions on the sun that blast solar winds towards the Earth have been identified for the first time as one of the biggest threats to the UK's ability to carry on normal daily life, according to a new official government register of major risks to the country.

A significant event on the sun could leave large swaths of the country without electricity, lead to the immediate grounding of planes, disable communications and even destroy household appliances.

The danger has been prioritised in the Cabinet Office's National Risk of Civil Emergencies as the sun enters the most active point in its 10-year cycle – its solar max – raising the chances of a damaging burst of radiation, plasma or energetic particles (such as neutrons).

More significantly, the UK is regarded as particularly vulnerable because scientific advances have made the country more dependent on technology than ever before. Ministers have been advised by scientists that the most advanced technology is also the most delicate and that "high levels of energetic particles produced in the atmosphere by solar radiation storms can greatly enhance error rates in ground digital components found in all modern technology".

The newly published risk register lists severe space weather alongside terrorist attacks, coastal flooding and pandemic influenza as likely sources of "serious damage to human welfare".

It says: "Severe space weather can cause disruption to a range of technologies and infrastructure, including communications systems, electronic circuits and power grids."

The register adds: "While storm impacts in the early- to mid-20th century appear relatively benign, dependency on technology vulnerable to space weather has pervaded most aspects of modern life, and therefore the disruptive consequences of a severe solar storm could be significant."

The threat was placed on the register after a panel of experts, including two scientists from the Meteorological Office, produced a "reasonable worst case scenario" for ministers.

Mark Gibbs, one of the Met Office's representatives on the panel, told the Observer he could not "go into details" about the repercussions of an occurrence of the most damaging type of space weather, but added that a solar storm could induce currents in power lines leading to a failure of the main grid; meddle with the components in planes, particularly those flying over the north pole, where solar radiation is most noticeable; and ultimately provoke a major civil emergency.

Gibbs said: "Potentially the biggest risk of all is to the electricity supply. Now in the US that is deemed to be a catastrophic risk. They could lose a very large proportion of their power grid. In the UK, for many different reasons – better engineering design, different way it operates, geology – the risk is less severe, but it is a risk nonetheless. Society can't function without power."

Professor Andrew Coates, head of the planetary science group at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, said the level of damage caused by solar storms depended on their speed and magnetic direction. He added that there were contingency measures that could be taken, but the worst possible scenario would make any preparations meaningless.

Coates said: "The sun is the source of it all. The culprit if you like. As well as heat and light, it emits charge particles, a million tonnes a second of solar wind particles which blow outwards away from the sun. They are so hot that they can escape the sun's atmosphere. That plasma moves out through the solar system and the Earth obviously gets in the way of some of it.

"If we know an event is coming, we have to be careful. Astronauts on a space station will hide in a place with more shielding, thicker walls. Satellite operations can be planned so that critical operations don't happen when we are expecting bad space weather. Flights can have their plans changed and terrestrial systems can be monitored and the capacity of the grid can be adjusted accordingly.

"If the worst happens, which happens once every few hundred years, that sort of event would have a huge effect on technology that we rely on and go beyond the types of contingency there are in the system."

James Arbuthnot, chairman of the parliamentary defence select committee, which called for the government to address the risks earlier this year, said there was also the danger of man-made weapons being exploded in space to create electromagnetic pulses, knocking out satellites, radar and the national grid.

Arbuthnot said: "We are becoming more and more reliant on technology and that technology is becoming more and more delicate. Be afraid, very afraid."



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By Soren Dreier

Are we about to be disconnected? Was that the plan?

Hate to trouble you with this, but todays : “Solar Explosions Now On Official Register As Threat To The Security Of Hi-Tech Britain” story made me rethink something I wrote in 2008. And to be frank, there seems to be “scare ‘em off the charts” fear mongers everywhere. Media War mongers, and now sun mongers with the recent blasts in early march 2012.

But this is a concern. Or it should be.

Solar X-Ray Flares

After the peak of the last eleven-year sunspot cycle in 1999, the sun has had a number of extremely large x-ray flare events.
One of these, on April 2, 2001, was so large that it went off the scale completely. The previous scale ran to X-20 as the highest category, but this solar flare had to be categorized as an X-22 event.
The x-ray burst was not in the direction of Earth, but a much smaller x-ray flare in 1989 was responsible for knocking out the whole Canadian power grid. If the X-22 event had hit Earth, possible consequences could have included major power outages, interruption of the Internet, damage to telecommunications and GPS satellites, and even the wiping of computer hard drives.
The most powerful flare observed since then happened on November 4, 2003. It lasted eleven minutes and produced an x-ray flux of X-28.

The scheme:

Pretty much over the last years everything is now connected and chipped.

Social networks have become the new way of keeping in touch, if you prefer to be spied on while keeping in touch. Vast numbers are iConned into their most important relationships.

Cell phones, wi-fi and so on. You can sum it all up.

But what else has the Matrix been pushing in its stubbornness and eagerness?:

The cashless society, based on iConnections.

Keeping in touch with the government: iConned!

Radio, TV and further down that road.

Basically everything with a computer chip in it. And everything kinda has.

And they are not telling you that the earth´s natural solar immune system, the magnetosphere is historically weak at the present, they are telling the opposite.

It could be a fair question to raise:

Are they really iConning us here, since the economics and the very principle of the matrix are basically insane? Remember, the matrix makes no sense and is going down the drain anyway. So what’s their back up plan for the iPocalypse? Why are the elites aborting, and in vast numbers buying properties in South America and India?

Where would it leave the “ordinary” citizen? It would leave them disconnected from the source of their survival. No money, No food. Total and utter anarchy.

That would be an iPocalypse on a magnitude scale Hollywood couldn’t match. Or wouldn’t match?

Picture it.

Important alternative information wouldn’t get out and the connections each one has found through the grace of synchronicity would be cut off.

Is that the plan?

Give it a thought, the survival kit would be to have a communication back up plan.

If the sun does was it does best, this should spark off in 2013/14. And we´re seeing it in the making now after a long good sun slumber. The source of life has awoken and is getting ready to rise up.

The problem is that it has been well known for decades and off and on NASA`s site through 2008 – 10. Now it´s there to behold.

It´s not a sun mongering assumption. It´s merely a question of cycles.

And we know that this cycle will come down hard.

Because we depend on iConnections for the first time in modern history.

During the sun storms of ´55 and `56  the taxi drivers in Hamburg Germany got a shocker. On their intercoms they were guided to locations in New York City! In English. The solar rays bent time and space.

Why would they do that?

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”, especially when their control system is obviously breaking up. Do they think they can use this to bring about their agenda..or maybe do it themselves with EMP pulses to make sure?

This would all fit their plan of depopulation and to then rebuild their utopia, the infrastructure of which they’ve already started. Their iCon stuff is no doubt protected, it’s just our stuff that’s gonna get it…then chaos, reset, and NWO!! Chip included!

Really, boys? Think you’re all that powerful? Matrix proposes, Universe disposes.

Full re-post with permission.
©2012 Soren Dreier. All rights reserved.

Hat tip: Zen Gardner

The Sunstorm in 2003.
Watch in 1080p as massive solar eruptions take aim at our high-tech society. 93 million miles away

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