Something is Really Wrong when a Preacher is a Warmonger

John Hagee wants a nuke dropped on the entire country of Iran

This doesn't sound very Christian to me does it to you?

Ever wonder what "God" our politicians are talking about?

20, 000 members at: John Hagee's Cornerstone Church

1.6 million members at: Christians United For Israel

Aren't churches supposed to help the poor? Wasn't helping the poor a part of Jesus teachings?

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Comment by richard J Lacy on August 27, 2014 at 5:36pm

Comment by Ken Marchlenski on August 27, 2014 at 11:33am

Let me clarify a 'Typo':

I typed:

"I have the 'Real Zionists Illuminati', false Christians, Killer Religions, and what America has become."

I meant to say:

" I HATE the 'Real Zionists Illuminati", false Christians, Killer Religions and what America has become".

Margaret, I love Philosophy and Theology. They go hand in hand. So 'Wearing Rose-colored Glasses' is the opposite of where I want to be.

So Margaret, please tell me 'WHERE' I go wrong or what I'm not 'getting'. Really and again 'Please'.

Comment by Ken Marchlenski on August 27, 2014 at 11:22am

"Belief, is the magnet that sits next to one's moral compass!" Nice analogy. I really that that one. Richard, we are probably not going to 'win' or 'convince' the other of certain things but I do believe we have most of our views in common. Like "using religion as a means to justify mass murder". I could I NOT FULLY AGREE WITH YOU. Or " People should always 'Think For Themselves'. Hey, that's what we're doing here so of course I FULL AGREE. RELIGION is almost always used as a "Control-devise" and that's BS. It's also used to defraud and to take advantage of the Simpleminded and that's more BS. I dislike or perhaps HATE "Religion". That is the Man-made "Institution of Religion". It's not of God. I'm sure we AGREE there as well.

I personally take the Idea or Topic of "TRUTH" separately. I keep it as far away from 'Religion' as possible. I think that's part of our Communications proble. ("What we have here is a Failure to Communicate!" Via "Cool Hand Luke".  Ha! ).

Religion is now so corrupt that it's hopeless. However, there IS the separate matter of 'Truth' that I'm most interested in. We agree that 'Religion' SUCKS. OK. But how about Truth as something that has little to do with Religion except that Religious Leaders all 'claim' Truth as their private possession? 

Richard and Margaret, we have bigger fish to fry. We've lost our America and Martial Law and DEATH are coming fast down the road towards us and our loved ones. I have the 'Real Zionists Illuminati', false Christians, Killer Religions, and what America has become. We are "IN FOR IT!"

The ONLY reason I debate here on this thread is in hopes of having people hear a 'different' voice from a Christian perspective. I try to provide that but semantics and UNDERSTANDABLE 'Pent-up Anger' gets in the way to a non-circular dialogue and we really end up 'Venting' and not sharing 'new thoughts and perspectives'. Blessing to both of you, for I share your Pain and have a maxed-out, full Quota of WORRY and Apprehension myself along with you. 

Comment by richard J Lacy on August 27, 2014 at 10:25am

Belief - I equate with ignorance and the lazy mind. Observationally that manifests itself in the likes of fairy tales, exploitations, servitude, childishness, immaturity,  ritualized  behavior, mental stagnation, willful sacrifice, denial, betrayal - etc.... when people stopping thinking for themselves, relinquishing the self, to another - all manner of s**t happens!

Belief, is the magnet that sits next to one's moral compass!

Comment by richard J Lacy on August 27, 2014 at 10:11am

No I don't believe in gravity - it exists, it is fact - it may not be understood - but if you fall out of a tall building you will die. I don't believe that my employer will pay me , I know he will, or I will kick some ass - and Homedespot - nah, I don't believe in them! Try harder Ken with your homespun stuff - in fact, trying going empirical!

Using religion as a means to justify mass murder, is not what religion is all about - those that adhere to such are barely human - it is as simple as that - to be blunt.

Comment by margaret on August 26, 2014 at 11:30pm

Here are your rose colored glasses Ken..Bye.

Comment by Ken Marchlenski on August 26, 2014 at 8:50pm

You equate "Belief" with 'fairy-tales and lies'. You believe in Gravity don't you? You believe that you'll get a paycheck from your place of employment or that if you pay for that tool, you'll be allowed to walk out of Home Depot?

That's part of what I was trying to say. If you ran that sloppy bit of homespun philosophy past any other thinking person you'd get laughed at. I'm sorry to have to finally put it so plainly and bluntly.

Comment by richard J Lacy on August 26, 2014 at 4:03pm

Belief cannot be truth, only truth is truth, it replaces belief - you talk of faith, in a lie, one cannot prove either way! Truths don't require belief, but i will agree that a truth can be corrupted, and people still believe it - is it it still then a truth? - nope! Goodness is an act, as is evil - but there's not much evidence of good!

Comment by Ken Marchlenski on August 26, 2014 at 2:00pm


I like philosophy and enjoy it a great deal. You're statement of 'Truth' is a philosophical one. With Philosophy I've found that semantics is important. So when I say this disagreement with you, I may have misunderstanding this one point of yours:


"Belief excludes truth, and truth betrays belief - they are in opposition."

"Truth" stands alone, immutable and eternal. If one 'Believes' in what is True then that Belief is valid and NOT in opposition to Truth but simply an separate attachment to it.

Truth betrays a Lie would be more accurate. If 'Belief' is the Truth than that Belief cannot be in opposition to the Truth.

Comment by margaret on August 26, 2014 at 1:07pm

Exactly Richard....Kids believing in Santa Clause is fun when they are little but eventually they realize there is no Santa Clause, or monsters under the bed, or Easter Bunny that lays eggs...The ten Commandments were put in stone to live by..Supporting the terrorist state of Rothschilds cover nation Israel in Palestine is supporting the murder of children and that is not a belief, that is fact like it or not it is truth.No matter how many words Ken or anyone else uses doesn't change that fact..American taxpayer money goes to Israels military so Americans are paying for this genocide and only Americans can stop it by having guts enough to stand up against the slaughter by boycotting Israel products and throwing AIPAC out of America and all of our politicians supporting Israel which is 99% if not 100% of them. Voting will not fix this mess as Israel controls the electronic voting machines...Somethings are just more important than dumping ice water on oneself watching tv, playing games or whatever all these disctracted Americans do that expect God to fix all of our problems..It's not like we haven't been warned and the warnings are were told to us along time ago.. click  HERE and study their warnings.This country and the planet are doomed if Americans don't wake up.The owners of the unFederal Federal Reserve really have them fooled with their divide and conquer tactics.

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