SomethingTo Consider Before The 'Group Think' Propaganda

What Shariah Is (and Isn’t)

ISIS = the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The primary scriptures of Islam are the Quran. Followers of Islam are Muslims. Jihad means “to strive or struggle” (in the way of Allah). Jihad, in its broadest sense, is “exerting one’s utmost power, efforts, endeavors, or ability in contending with an object of disapproval. “Anyone who is not a Muslim is ‘disapproved’.

FORTUNATELY, no one is going to follow Newt Gingrich’s unconstitutional and un-American plan for an Inquisition to “test every person here who is of a Muslim background” and deport the ones who “believe in Shariah.”

Even Mr. Gingrich himself, a day after suggesting this policy in the wake of the terrorist attack in Nice, France, conceded that such a plan was impossible. But his proposal is a reminder of a persistent and inexcusable misunderstanding of what Shariah is, both in theory and in practice.

Put simply, for believing Muslims, Shariah is the ideal realization of divine justice — a higher law reflecting God’s will.

Muslims have a wide range of different beliefs about what Shariah requires in practice. And all agree that humans are imperfect interpreters of God’s will. But to ask a faithful Muslim if he or she “believes in” Shariah is essentially to ask if he or she accepts God’s word. In effect, Mr. Gingrich was erroneously proposing to deport all Muslims who consider themselves religious believers.

Start with a crucial distinction. Shariah doesn’t simply or exactly mean Islamic law. Properly speaking, Shariah refers to God’s blueprint for human life. It is divine and unchanging, reflecting God’s unity and perfection. It can be found in God’s revealed word in the Quran and in the divinely guided actions of the Prophet Muhammad.


In contrast, another Arabic word, “fiqh,” refers to the interpretation and application of Shariah in the real world. Fiqh is Islamic law as practiced by people. Because it’s a product of human reasoning used to understand God’s word, Islamic law is subject to imperfection and debate.

The distinction between Shariah and fiqh matters because Muslims, including religiously traditional Muslims, do not all agree on what Islamic law requires in practice. They’re disagreeing about what God wants, to be sure. But almost all faithful Muslims would say that they believe there is a single, truthful answer that lies in Shariah — we just cannot be absolutely sure as humans what that answer is.

In public discourse both in majority-Muslim countries and in the West, Shariah has come to take on other meanings. Advocates of political Islam — roughly, people who buy into the slogan “Islam is the answer” — sometimes use the term to describe a government that complies with the dictates of Islamic law.

Political Islamists — Islamists for short — recognize that the classical legal rules, derived from the Quran, the actions of the Prophet Muhammad, need to be supplemented by further legal and administrative regulations. When they seek to incorporate Shariah into their constitutions, they are usually asking for modern legislation informed by classical Islamic law, and also sometimes for a rule that no legislation may violate classical Islamic legal rules.

In Saudi Arabia, where there is no written constitution, classical Islamic legal principles function as a kind of unwritten, common-law constitution. But even Saudi Arabia has a body of administrative regulations that function a lot like legislation.

The ideologues of the Islamic State purport to follow Shariah exclusively. What that means in practice is that they justify their policies by reference to rulings that can be found in the vast corpus of classical Islamic legal writing. Often the positions they adopt have been repudiated by mainstream Islamic legal scholars for centuries. And the scholarship of the Islamic State legal thinkers is not technically excellent, measured by the standards of Islamic legal academies around the world. (The Taliban were less expert still, and sometimes called their rules Shariah-based even when they were in fact derived from Pashtun tribal custom.)

But it must be said that the Islamic State does try to ground all its practices in some Islamic basis. In this sense, it is laying claim to producing an Islamic utopia — one that its followers believe will come as close as possible to the divinely ordained Shariah.

ISLAMIC extremism and terrorism justified by Shariah have given fuel to American efforts to say that Shariah or Islam itself is the fundamental source of the problem. In 2010, Oklahoma overwhelmingly approved a state constitutional amendment prohibiting its courts “from considering or using Shariah law.”

The measure was legally unnecessary, since the establishment clause of the United States Constitution would already have prohibited civil courts from applying religious law. And in 2013, a federal district court rightly struck it down as an unconstitutional effort to single out Muslims and Islam.

Mr. Gingrich’s comments are the latest iteration in the effort to make Shariah into a target. His goal seems to be to disclaim condemnation of Muslims per se by saying that Muslims would not be dangerous as long as they rejected Shariah.

But that’s like saying Christians would be acceptable so long as they repudiated the doctrine of Christ’s divinity, or that Jews could be tolerated if they denied God’s revelation to Moses at Sinai. Shariah is that central to orthodox Islamic faith.

That doesn’t mean, however, that all Muslims accept the tenets of Islamic law as interpreted by the most traditional and extreme schools of thought. A vast majority of Muslims reject the use of Shariah to legitimate terrorism.

In his masterpiece, “What Is Islam?” published in 2015, the scholar Shahab Ahmed argued sharply against conflating Islam itself with Islamic law and orthodox doctrine. In his definition, Islam is a protean human phenomenon, rife with contradictions. At its core, Mr. Ahmed argued, Islam is a way of meaning-making through the text of the Quran, the world in which the Quranic text came to be, and the context of actual Muslims’ interpretation of both those things.

For most Muslims, Shariah is one part of that meaning-making effort. That’s why Muslims disagree about what Shariah entails — while believing that it is an important part of their tradition and faith.

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Comment by DTOM on March 27, 2017 at 5:15am


“Almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.” ― Robert A. Heinlein

Comment by Anti Everything on March 27, 2017 at 4:12am

Religions, all of them, are working for the same ends

Comment by Anti Everything on March 27, 2017 at 3:21am

I knew some about the 'Noahide Laws' passed by the US CORP which seems to 'honor' a certain religion going against the organic Constitution for the united States Bill of Right. Your comment and references are very informative and troubling. Appreciate it all the same.

Comment by DTOM on March 26, 2017 at 11:54am

Islam is simply a proxy, a means to an end - With all the technology and manipulation at their disposal, the controllers could turn the adherents of Islam to their own (by a faux religous display - i.e Project Bluebeam) or wipe the majority of them out (biological / DNA targeting weapons)

The controllers made their play back on March 20 1990.

George HW Bush signed into law, a Congressional Resolution on the so-called Noahide Laws entitled House Joint Resolution 14 Public Law 102-4.


105 STAT. 44 PUBLIC LAW 102-14-MAR. 20,1991

Public Law 102-14
102d Congress
Joint Resolution

Mar. 20. 1991
[H.J Res 104] To designate March 26. 1991, as "Education Day. U. S. A."

Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our, great Nation was founded;

Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;

Whereas without thes ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;

Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;

Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future;

Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world;

Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991:

Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, "the rebbe", this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of "education and giving", the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws: and

Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state:

 Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lutbavitch movement. is designated as "Education Day. U.S.A.". The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

PUBLIC LAW 102-14-MAR. 20,1991 105 STAT. 45

Approved March 20, 1991

Mar 5. considered and passed House
Mar 7. considered and passed Senate


According to the Pharisees, known today in modern day as Chabad /Lubavitch Jews, the Noachian / Noahide Laws are based from their version of the Talmud.

Laws which were supposed by the Rabbis to have been binding upon mankind at large even before the revelation at Sinai, and which are still binding upon non-Jews. -

So what are the Noahide laws?


According to the Pharisees, known today in modern day as Lubavitch Jews, the Noahide Laws are based from their version of the Talmud (Satanic version of the Torah)

let's take a closer look..

1. Idolatry is forbidden. Man is commanded to believe in the One God alone and worship only Him.

-against entertaining the thought that there exists a deity except the Lord (to worship Jesus as the Messiah is blasphemy according to the Talmud and punishable by decapitation).
-against making any graven image (and against having anyone else make one for us)
-against making idols for use by others
-against making any forbidden statues (even when they are for ornamental purposes)
-against bowing to any idol (and not to sacrifice nor to pour libation nor to burn incense before any idol, even where it is not the customary manner of worship to the particular idol)
-against worshipping idols in any of their customary manners of worship
-against causing our children to pass (through the fire) in the worship of Molech.
-against practicing Ov
-against the practice of Yiddoni
-against turning to idolatry (in word, in thought, in deed, or by any observance that may draw us to its worship)

2. Incestuous and adulterous relations are forbidden. Human beings are not sexual objects, nor is pleasure the ultimate goal of life.

against (a man) having union with his mother
against (a man) having union with his sister
against (a man) having union with the wife of his father
against (a man) having union with another man's wife
against (a man) copulating with a beast
against a woman copulating with a beast
against (a man) lying carnally with a male
against (a man) lying carnally with his father
against (a man) lying carnally with his father's brother
against engaging in erotic conduct that may lead to a prohibited union

3. Murder is forbidden. The life of a human being, formed in God's image, is sacred.

against anyone murdering anyone

4. Cursing the name of God is forbidden. Besides honoring and respecting G-d, we learn from this precept that our speech must be sanctified, as that is the distinctive sign which separated man from the animals.

to acknowledge the presence of God
to fear God
to pray to Him
to sanctify God's name (in face of death, where appropriate)
against desecrating God's name (even in face of death, when appropriate)
to study the Torah
to honor the scholars, and to revere one's teacher
against blaspheming

5. Theft is forbidden. The world is not ours to do with as we please.

against stealing
against committing robbery
against shifting a landmark
against cheating
against repudiating a claim of money owed
against overcharging
against coveting
against desiring
a laborer shall be allowed to eat of the fruits among which he works (under certain conditions)
against a laborer eating of such fruit (when certain conditions are not met)
against a laborer taking of such fruit home
against kidnapping
against the use of false weights and measures
against the possession of false weights and measures
that one shall be exact in the use of weights and measures
that the robber shall return (or pay for) the stolen object

6. Eating the flesh of a living animal is forbidden. This teaches us to be sensitive to cruelty to animals. (This was commanded to Noah for the first time along with the permission of eating meat. The rest were already given to Adam in the Garden of Eden.)

against eating a limb severed from a living animal, beast, or fowl
against eating the flesh of any animal which was torn by a wild beast ... which, in part, prohibits the eating of such flesh as was torn off an animal while it was still alive

7. Mankind is commanded to establish courts of justice and a just social order to enforce the first six laws and enact any other useful laws or customs.

to appoint judges and officers in each and every community
to treat the litigants equally before the law
to inquire diligently into the testimony of a witness
against the wanton miscarriage of justice by the court
against the judge accepting a bribe or gift from a litigant
against the judge showing marks of honor to but one litigant
against the judge acting in fear of a litigant's threats
against the judge, out of compassion, favoring a poor litigant
against the judge discriminating against the litigant because he is a sinner
against the judge, out of softness, putting aside the penalty of a mauler or killer
against the judge discriminating against a stranger or an orphan
against the judge hearing one litigant in the absence of the other
against appointing a judge who lacks knowledge of the Law
against the court killing an innocent man
against incrimination by circumstantial evidence
against punishing for a crime committed under duress
that the court is to administer the death penalty by the sword
against anyone taking the law into his own hands to kill the perpetrator of a capital crime
to testify in court
against testifying falsely
* This point is disagreed upon by different writers: "The Noahites are not restricted in this way but may judge singly and at once."
(Note: The Jewish Law, found in Deuteronomy 17:6, requires the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses before one can be executed. In fact, the last sentence of verse 6 specifically states, "...he shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness". This should be our first clue that these seven Noahide Laws are nothing more than a clever counterfeit of the Ten Commandments)


Funny how Islam and the 'chosen' have a big thing for beheading people...

...and taking their organs

Comment by Anti Everything on March 26, 2017 at 10:10am


"People can debate / waffle on about extremist / moderate beliefs until they are blue in the face..."

Exactly my point! We, the 'manipulated', are used to further an agenda not our own yet we are 'directed' to believe so that the 'Great IT', 'Them', They' have power behind their ideas and thus power over our decisions.

Something else you wrote: "Bluntly, ANY religion / ideology that openly seeks by to conquer / enslave others by open force or by covert means - is the enemy of ANY free-thinking individual."

This is yet another very informed point that will garner much opposition in a world so duped they think they are 'fighting the NWO' when in fact they are feeding it through their 'religion'. It really doesn't matter what the interpretation of 'god, GOD, God is at this point. "GOD" is anything that can be used to control individual and group 'think'.

Comment by DTOM on March 26, 2017 at 9:30am

N.B the author of this piece equates Allah to 'God' -  trying to make the association with the 'god/s' of Judaism and the 'god' of Christianity - they are NOT one and the same.

Just as the 'chosen' have used their 'god/s' to justify their actions of killing, conquest and slavery...but it's a different story when it happens to them.

As an aside, I myself do not subscribe to ANY Abrahamic dogma or derivative - I think they are the biggest curse to have be laid upon humanity as a whole.

Bluntly, ANY religion / ideology that openly seeks by to conquer / enslave others by open force or by covert means - is the enemy of ANY free-thinking individual.

Yes, the hordes coming into the west, are a proxy military invasion force being used by the usual suspects; it makes no difference, they are here, NOW. 

People can debate / waffle on about extremist / moderate beliefs until they are blue in the face - but when you have welcomed people into your society and they have openly made it clear that it is their personal intention to subvert and change EVERY aspect of your (supposedly free) society to suit them, and then use a religious / political ideology as justification and a driving force, and in addition weaponize your own social and political system against you...well, time's up - make a choice, Islam (Lit. submission or surrender) / 7 Noahide laws (for Gentiles only) or die (fighting) / live (victorious) for your right to make your own free choices in life.

Comment by Anti Everything on March 26, 2017 at 8:35am

My first thought looking at the photo was very juvenile, however, the article itself talks of exactly how huge groups (westerners mainly) are bullshitted into believing anything about anything - true or not.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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