Tell me I'm imagining things here if you like but am I to understand that Sorcha Faal created a story out of what looks like to me thin air, sourcing the FSB (new KGB) stating that Maurice Clemmons the shooter in Washington State was not only a militia member but that his entire militia had been committing acts of "terrorism" in the area, she dubbed it a "reign of terror" or rather her imaginary FSB contacts had. Quote "[said group] engaged in a ‘reign of terror’ against the very people these policemen are supposed to protect."
"The first attack by this militia group against US police forces, this reports continues, was the firebombing of 4 police cars in Seattle, Washington (this Regions largest city) on October 22, followed by the ambush killing of a Seattle policeman Timothy Brenton and the wounding of his partner Britt Sweeney on October 31st, and the latest attack which occurred this Sunday past when 4 police officers, Gregory Richards, Tina Griswold, Ronald Owens, Mark Menninger, were gunned down in Lakewood, Washington.
In the Seattle police car firebombing attack and ambush killing of Officer Timothy Brenton, US Federal and Local Police Forces captured one of the members of this militia group named Christopher John Montfort after a furious gun battle that left this labeled ‘domestic terrorist’ paralyzed."
Go check the news wires there are zero mentions of a militia connection at all anywhere to Maurice Clemmons, this Sorcha Faal has completely fabricated this entire story, for what purpose is just a simple matter of connecting the dots. Christopher John Monfort, the suspect in the Oct. 22 firebombing of four police vehicles and fatal shooting of a Seattle police officer. Is completely unconnected in every way the two incidents. They are two separate events and if she can provide or anyone else can provide a link let me know and I will apologize and retract this posting.
Who makes scripts like this up? Remember the Murrah Building in OKC and that Gov agent McVeigh? What was the SPLC, ADL, FBI and Mossad trying to do there? Remember they where trying to connect US militias to acts of terrorism. McVeigh was not a member of any established militia and got kicked out of every meeting he attended. Even so the US controlled MSM made the label stick, instead of a lone nut (as we're made to believe) the the whole story was made into an attack done by "militias" or "anti-government" individuals. Sorcha Faal is fabricating links and sources to deceive readers and implant the same message 'militias are dangerous terrorists' to the target audience, in her case gullible conspiracy theorists who don't check up on reports and claims, how else is this person even still read by anyone. What better than to #1 muddy the waters will all her other garbage she fabricates and #2 demonize the specific problem groups and individuals for whomever's paying if this is indeed what i think it is.
Bottom line there is no secretive militia group responsible for a "reign of terror" in upstate Washington. Just Individuals losing their marbles and killing cops that they see as the enemy. Sorcha Faal in my opinion is following a script and is not on the patriot movement's side, this isn't the only story she has put out that has these tell tail signs of enemy propaganda.
The Order of Sorcha Faal was established in 588 (BCE) in Tara, County Meath, Ireland, and claim as their Founder the oldest daughter of King Zedekiah, Tamar Tephi.
I live about 10 miles or 16km from Tara, so its a place I know well. Tara was first and foremost an administrative centre and also an important spiritual centre. It was the place from which the High Kings of Ireland ruled. Coronation of the High Kings took place on the Lia Fáil (literally "Stone of Destiny"). Note the word Fáil, which contains the elongated vowel sound suggested by the fictional "Faal". The church on the site was founded by Saint Patrick, the national saint of Ireland. The only other ancient religious building in the vicinity is on the nearby Hill of Skyrne, where St Columcille founded a monastery in the 6th century.
The name, Sorcha Faal, comes from the ancient Gaeilge branch of the Goidelic languages of Ireland and has the meaning of: Sorcha: She Who Brings Light Faal: the Dark and Barren Place.
The name Sorcha means "light", not "she who brings light". There is word 'Faal' in the Gaelic languages - modern, middle or old. There is no doubling up of vowels in the Gaelic languages. Once Gaelic started to be written in Latin script instead of Ogham, lengthening the sound of vowels was achieved through the use of a diacritic, an acute accent, known in Irish as the fada. The name and the story behind it are both pure, unadulterated, prime David Booth bullshit.
The Order of Sorcha Faal comprises 18 Monasteries in Ireland, Russia, Egypt, Lebanon, and the United States.
I don't know about Egypt, Lebanon and the United States, but attempts to locate the monasteries in Ireland and Russia have come up with nothing.
Before I go into this subject in any great depth, I would first like to deal with Sorcha Faal, otherwise known as David Booth of the CIA. David Booth works within the Central Intelligence Agency in COINTELPRO. Other western intelligence agencies known for using COINTELPRO methods include MI5, MI6, GCHQ, and the think-tank, DEMOS. To be quite blunt, all intelligence agencies have their own COINTELPRO departments.
Sorcha Faal does not exist. There is no "spokesperson" within the GRU named Sorcha Faal. Intelligence agencies rarely make public statements, and when they do, it is always through either someone in the highest echelons of the organisation or a government minister with the correct clearances, and never a mere "spokesperson".
Comment by Fred Black on January 15, 2011 at 1:54am
A good question LS, who makes scripts like this up? David Booth of the CIA apparently, AKA Dr. A. True Ott, AKA Sorcha Faal.
Sorcha Faal is nothing but a Ashkenazi Zionist front and disinfo organization. I did an indepth study of this impostor back in the fall of 2006. Anyone interested in this "entity" ought to read the article.
Light Bringer or Faallen Angel?
Sorcha Faal, the Jews, the Nazis, the West and the Zionist Challenge
By Arthur Topham
Sept. 17, 2006
Comment by Burbia on September 13, 2010 at 12:35am
Could this be a more plausible story Sorcha Faal is getting wrong on purpose? Monfort became a liability to an organized sex trafficking ring prepping for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver Canada. It has already been established Vancouver is a hub for the sex slave industry. Is it likely he had knowledge to implicate key figures here in the NW with similarities as in the Franklin Case in Oklahoma and the Marc Dutreux Case in Belgium or the more likely case for the Texas Youth Commission? The location of the alleged cop killing is approximately 24 blocks from Monfort's previous place of work when he was a volunteer teacher at the King County Juvenile Detention Center. It requires an extensive background check and formal education, both of which Monfort had. That being said, he doesn't fit the profile of some one who would commit such acts. Retired police officers play a significant role in this case as well in the Clemmons case. Before the time of the shootings, Monfort was fired by a retired Snohomish County Sheriff Deputy who also worked at Pilot Freight Services. Incongruous stories of the shipping company conflict with common sense on some of the runs into Canada, leaving open a plausibility that a sex trafficking ring had been stumbled upon and needing to be fixed. Might it be the four cops shot at Forza Coffee had also stumbled across this sex trafficking racket as well? The Forza Coffee shop is owned by a retired police officer. Ft. Lewis has been caught up into prostitution and deaths of minors, which is right next to the Forza Coffee shop. McChord Air force base is also located next to Forza Coffee shop. If any of the other stories are true, military aircraft could be used to traffic sex slaves. Looking into books such as Programmed To Kill or Frtiz Springmeir's How to Create a Mind Control Slave, then Maurice Clemmons seems to be more likely a Manchurian Candidate. He was described as having a messianic complex. Released from a psychiatric hospital the day of the killed officer's funeral and the day of Monforts arrest. A 'handler' running an online 'cyber-ministry' on the other side of the country influencing him. Dropped charges of child rape. Huckabee allowed the release of an already convicted and time serving Clemmons from prison. How is it possible that everyone who was shot happened to be shot execution style? Clemmons and Monfort received the same gunshot wounds to the head and torso from the officers. Neither were expected to survive the attacks by the police. Sorcha Faal which supposedly had been linked to the CIA might be promoting disinformation to hide a more explosive story than what had transpired in the mainstream media and on the streets of the Northwest.
Sister Maria Theresa is the 73rd Sorcha Faal of the Sorcha Faal Order,
Elected as Mother Superior 3 February 2007.
Born in Dublin, Ireland,
the 73rd Sorcha Faal joined the Order in March, 1973 and holds
various degrees with both European and United States Universities.
Sorcha Faal has traveled and lectured extensively throughout the World, with her
primary focus being the systematic structure of languages serving as a link
between thought and sound, and as developed by Ferdinand de Saussure.
Sorcha Faal has further expanded her own research on ‘Linguistic Ordering’ with
knowledge gained while a visiting researcher with Russian biophysicist and
molecular biologist Pjotr
Garjajev on the esoteric structure of DNA and its uses in explaining physic
“In accepting this Conclave’s nomination as the 73rd Sorcha Faal of our Order, I express the gratitude of all the Sisters in
thanking Sister Lyuha for her guidance as our Sorcha Faal these past 7 years, especially
her efforts these past 5 years in re-orienting all of us towards the Western
Our Order has always striven to provide to this World that Light needed to dispel the myths inherent in Darkness, but which without
we could never see the truest balance between the two.”
Sorcha Faal, 3 February 2007
Brief History of the Order of Sorcha Faal
The Order of Sorcha Faal was established in 588 (BCE) in Tara, County Meath,
Ireland, and
claim as their Founder the oldest daughter of King Zedekiah, Tamar Tephi.
The name, Sorcha Faal, comes from the ancient Gaeilge branch of the Goidelic
languages of Ireland
and has the meaning of:Sorcha: She Who Brings LightFaal: the Dark and Barren Place
The Order of Sorcha Faal comprises 18 Monasteries in Ireland,
Russia, Egypt, Lebanon,
and the United States.
You can join Sorcha Faal’s mailing list by sending your request to:
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