Stephen Harper agenda pursues NAU agenda to break up Canada through "new deal for provinces"

Stephen Harper agenda pursues NAU agenda to break up Canada through "new deal for provinces"

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Stephen Harper agenda pursues NAU agenda to break up Canada through "new deal for provinces" by John Stokes, Editor The Canadian National Newspaper

The Stephen Harper government is using the public relations cover story of pursuing a "new deal with the provinces" to pursue the fascistic Big Business agenda of North American Union (NAU).

Big Business elites have instructed the managers of the media empires they own to present Mr. Harper's initiative, as an attempt to create a new era of so- called "peace" between the federal and provincial levels of government.

However, in actuality, Mr. Harper, along with his political confederates on Parliament Hill, is seeking to break down a sense of nationhood in Canada.

Indeed, provincial governments' power far outstrips state powers in the United States, and other societies, that have a corresponding federal structure of power.

On February 21 2006, the Globe and Mail's front page had been strewn with the title "Empower provinces, CEOs say". These are the same CEO's that were invited to participate in secretive NAU talks in Montebello, Quebec on the Security and Prosperity and Partnership (SPP) , in late August 2007.

The SPP is the Constitution of the NAU, which transfers power from members of society as a whole, to a political-military-industrial complex.

Thomas d'Aquino, the President of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, that supports the NAU agenda, also not surprisingly, was a great political lobbyist for the North Amer ican Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). NAFTA has been the principal mechanism for enabling U.S. corporations to destroy Canada's social, political, and economic independence from the America's empire-seeking political-military-industrial complex.

SPP merely seeks to statutorily complete the prevailing take-over of Canada. SPP envisions Canada being fully absorbed by the United States by no later than 2010, according to a Freedom of Information paper trail provided by Mel Hurtig and others.

The NAU, is the expansion of the borders of the United States, that aims to assimilate Canada and Mexico. Its legitimization is a context of fear in relation to the "War on Terror", which itself, has been contrived by elites.

Perpetuating war, has become a commercially profitable business enterprise to America's elites, and that operation apparently includes the take-over of nations. Just ask the people of Iraq who now live under an American military occupation with no end in sight, having been attacked by these same group of fascists.

When the Globe and Mail on 30 July 2008, again strewned on its front page, "Ottawa drafts new deal for provinces: Tories willing to extend greater economic autonomy -- such as allowing Quebec to negotiate unilateral labour deal with France", it was reporting on the continued efforts of the Office of Mr. d'Aquino, in association with Mr. Harper and his political confederates, to pursue the break-down and break-up of Canada, in order to allow for and to expedite an American take-over of our country.

No nation could be realistically expected to survive the kind of pro-NAU seditious political intrigues that Mr. Harper pursues, in collusion with Mr. Jack Layton, Mr. Stephane Dion, and the Bloc leadership. The so-called "new deal for provinces" reported on by the Globe and Mail, amounts to high treason against the Canadian people.

Indeed, the July/August 2008 Edition of the independent progressive ThisMagazine, documents NDP leader Jack Layton's sell- out of Tommy Douglas' political legacy. Stephen Harper may have never become Prime Minister, if Jack Layton did not coordinate a no confidence motion, in apparent behalf of Mr. Harper.

Mr. Harper's Quebec Lieutenant, Lawrence Cannon indicated in the Globe and Mail article that "...the government's message of autonomy is for all provinces..."

Mr. Cannon thus explicitly expresses a desire that the Harper government has for Canada to fly apart. In so doing, the Harper government hopes that respective provinces can also be more easily pulled into North-South political economic ties with bordering American economic regions.

By supporting specifically Quebec pursuing greater economic ties with France in the super-capitalist and fascistic European Union, Mr. Harper and his corporate and political cabal hope to enable the further drifting of Quebec from being Canada's cultural-political birthplace.

Under the mantra of a new deal for provinces, Mr. Harper is enabling Quebec to separate from Canada very quietly, rather than through the "drama" of another referendum.

Canada, was brought together as a Confederation in 1867, by creating a strong central government that would inspire Canada's nationhood from sea to sea to sea. The Harper government seeks to break down this Confederation, by destroying our nationhood with the support of the same business interests that had sought to sabotage Canada in 1867, on behalf of an American government that had invaded Canada on a pretext of lies in 1812.

America's invasion of Iraq illustrates the wisdom of the metaphor, "the leopard does not change his spots."

On an episode of NBC's Fear Factor, contestants in competition for $50,000 were required to eat donoughts filled with live insects, blood, and other gruesome ingredients.

These contestants were then required to drink an even further nauseating glass of spoiled milk, as thick as cottage cheese.

You may have also heard about track and field stars, and baseball players willing to take steroids, that posed an immediate risk to their longevity.

Such examples are reminders of a growing trend in today's capitalist society, where people are prepared to risk their own health, for money and "fame".

If people are so willing in today's society, to "prostitute" their own basic health for money, it is not a far stretch to imagine people in positions of power, who are willing to risk the health and well being of others, for far less money.

This is the operational context for the kind of mentality which is taking place on Parliament Hill these days, supported by the apparent likes of CBC, and other such mass-media in Canada.

Canadians need to wake up, and realize that politicians on Parliament Hill have been far more corrupted than what we might occasionally watch hear, or read about from corporate or state-controlled sources like the CBC, Radio Canada, or TV Ontario.

Furthermore it involves the elites of all of Canada's major political parties, and the boardrooms of Canada's major corporations, which include major print, TV, radio, and electronic media.

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