Well, for me the satisfaction comes in loving everyone because Obama's fucking everyone equally, Americans, Afghans, Iraqis, Pakistanis and the other 100+ NATO countries that are losing young soldiers in pointless wars of aggression. That he's continued the screwing of Haitians, Dominicans, Hondurans, Yemenis and others just makes him a consistent fucker. Fuck everyone should be an Obama motto.
The fact remains, as fireguy said on one of my Haiti posts which I agreed with, Americans are really great people, it's the government that sucks.
Grin and bear it. We fucked the Haitians for 100+ years and we'll go right back to it in a few months. Let them enjoy life for a bit in their abject poverty, it won't last long. We get to continue on with Mr. O, Homeland Security and the CIA, NSA, FDA, IRS and the alphabet soup of US Government criminals.
(sigh) Do I feel better? A little, yes. However...my point was that a man who is SUPPOSED to care for his people (Americans) before others is deliberately choosing not to do so. Like I said....it's not the money that bothers me so much as NObamas integrity, character, and values (or lack thereof).
Yeah, well, I was going to mention the LEGAL Mexican immigrants in that they FAR exceed the Haitians, by millions actually, but I try to like everyone no matter where they're from. My grandparents came here from Russia and Poland so who am I to talk?
My comment was far from serious, Yet seriously callous and in bad taste, but tragedy offers the most comedy that way. To me at least .Thanks for the Info about Haiti in history . Studying lies was never my favorite subject,But in its non-public school form It is much easier to digest.
BTW Jeff,you said, "You live in Los Angeles which would most very likely be Mexico if it weren't for Haiti."
Um, It is pretty much Mexico here. The percentage of non-english speaking children in our public grade schools has exceeded that of that of those that do speak English.
Looks like The Haitians lose again.
Lastly, in 2001 only 167 Haitians sought what's called "credible fear" refuge in the US and the numbers since then are equally small. I would welcome any Haitians that wanted to emigrate to the US.
I811st, let me say, in case you don't read the post:
You see, Haitians don't want to come here, they want to enjoy freedom and prosperity in their own country, but for some reason Americans believe everyone wants to live here, which simply isn't true.
More importantly, Haitians want American corporate interests OUT of Haiti since they've usurped and ravished the country for 100 years or more.
Haiti has been kept underdeveloped by decades of political and economic interference from Washington to ensure that this former slave colony continues to serve as a cheap source of agricultural exports to the US and as a labor sweatshop for American corporations making textiles and other consumer goods, like baseballs.
What we've done to Haiti deserves empathy, lot's of it.
I811st, that's a pretty callous comment don't you think.
I'm certain your unaware of the part Haiti played in the history of the United States. You live in Los Angeles which would most very likely be Mexico if it weren't for Haiti. You should read the factual (not opinion) history of Haiti and the US, titled Thomas Jefferson's Deportation Scheme, which I posted HERE. Ignorance of the history of your own country isn't an excuse.
In a dystopian world a new form of A.I. weaponry has been created. All these drone bots need is a profile: age, sex, fitness, uniform, and ethnicity. Nuclear...
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