(of Course I’m joking)
I’ll admit to being naïve. I was under the impression that a American political party should be seeing to it that Americans are protected, educated, allowed to achieve prosperity, have freedom of speech, have a free press, are protected from illegal search and seizure, have a standing military that protects the nation and its borders, and who’s leaders of Congressional and executive offices take and defend that Constitutional oath as well. I guess that when we were taught these historical facts when I was in school that they would always be articulated to future children growing up to realize a promising future. Instead, our kids in public schools and on college campuses can’t even distinguish between free enterprise and socialism, between Communism and Democracy, and especially the fact that America is a Constitutional Republic. Why? Because they are no longer being taught American history or American exceptionalism.

I was also naïve over the fact that I believed that American politicians came into office with the intention of serving our nation and acknowledging the will of the people. Boy, was I wrong! Little did I know the capricious nature of these men and women who think they know better than we do what is best for Americans and their future. Apparently they feel that we no longer have that right. They see themselves as superior and above the will of the American people. They apparently feel that somehow the American people should be punished which has come straight out of the mouths of such presidents as Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama, somehow, “We The People” are no longer the priority anymore. You see, we are very misconcepted in our roles as voters, law abiding citizens, career holders, and first responders, somehow we were all under the impression that we had inalienable rights when our Congressmen and senators just don’t seem to agree.

You heard it yourself if you bothered to pay attention, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a Supreme Court Justice along with president Barack Obama both had problems with the US Constitution and even denounced it! Didn’t they both take an oath of office to uphold and defend the US Constitution? Maybe I’m mistaken. Perhaps I’m a little confused when, once again, I was under the wrong impression that we were supposed to have a government that was fiscally accountable and would never threaten the stability of the US dollar by out of control deficit spending or squandering the currency with under the table deals, and illegally appropriated funding for bills that were deceptively labeled and did nothing that their title claimed like the “Build Back Better” Bill that claimed to be taking measures to ensure economic stability when it simply adds even more insurmountable debt.

I keep hearing about all the evil of former President Trump and the Republicans but I’m having a hard time finding anything the Democrats have done that is positive or helpful to the cause of this nation, but I do have a list of what I know they have done that has penalized the honest and hardworking Americans who deserve a government that does work for them and represent them:
- 1913 the Revenue Act supported by President Woodrow Wilson returned control of the monetary supply, banking system, and credit back to a European cabal of international banking families under the Federal Reserve and created the Internal Revenue Service. Wilson lamented years later after his stroke that he had given power over the nation into the hands of a few men.
- In a matter of 16 years the stock market crash of 1929 resulted under the stewardship of the Federal Reserve and Democrat President FDR would order the confiscation of all gold from the America public while closing banks considered to be insolvent costing Americans millions in property, jewelry, currency, contained in safety deposit boxes. Families all over the US lost everything with no compensation from the federal government. Once again a Democrat White House.
- Under Civil Rights policy the Democrats created Jim Crow laws, voted against equal rights for black Americans, and Democrat governors ordered National Guard suppression of black demonstrations along with local police who used water cannons, attack dogs, tear gas, and batons.
- Under LBJ, another Democrat president, the creation of the “Great Society” meant that a giant welfare state would be funded by the US taxpayer. Welfare checks, food stamps, and other entitlements would ensure generations of black Americans would remain dependent on big government instead of achieving economic self-sufficiency or educated accountability. Slums, urban decay, and social unrest resulted as the fires of racism were stoked by Democrat leaders who were responsible of very blame they accused their GOP opposition across the aisle of.
- Trillions of dollars were spent over the decades on the “War Against Poverty” “War Against Illiteracy” “War on Drugs” the “War on Cancer” all of these Democrat publicized campaigns that were supposed to aid society and the cause of equality ended up adding to increased income taxes and further insurmountable national debt. For one reason that had nothing to do with serving the American public, and that was buying votes and remaining in power!
- The Obama and Carter Administrations had much in common. They bother took office in a recession caused by their economic policies. Both Presidents accused Americans of actually deserving the suffering that the public was suffering. Deficits climbed, taxes increased, and shortages such as gas lines characterized the impact of failed Democrat policy. Under Carter the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) bad loans were made to thousands of undeserving minorities and unqualified applicants ensuring future massive defaults that would cause too federal mortgage guarantors Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to collapse and require a taxpayer funded bail out. It was a Illinois senator of little merit, Barack Obama, who sat on the board of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who assured Congress and the American public that they were too big to fail. Barack Obama received a 100 thousand dollar bonus after lying to the people in 2004.
- Under the Obama White House for the first time in US history the cost to run the federal government was greater than the combined output of the US private sector and industry the GDP at over 14 billion as the Democrat run Washington DC establishment took more than 15 trillion per year to operate.
- Today, the Biden Administration has racked up 16 trillion in new national debt in only 2 years. They have even topped the Obama White House in fiscal irresponsibility and waste. The Democrats have ensured that a balanced budget and responsible accounting will never be possible in the federal government and that a future currency collapse is likely.
- What have the Democrats achieved socially? Through the repeated rhetoric of rampant racism, the existence of a huge but invisible White Supremacist army, that our borders should remain undefended, that the taxpayer should endure the funding of these illegal alien masses, that American cities should be subjected to a scorched earth policy if Democrats don’t win elections Democrat donor funded violent protestors who burn downtowns to the ground and assault the police as Democrat mayors and governors advocate for defunding first responders, and the Democrats have achieved more than our own foreign enemies could have dreamed of!
How is it that an American political party can act in the capacity of our enemies being the very nemesis of the nation they are supposed to serve?

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