Tamimi Family Members Actors, Not Real?
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
You can’t make this stuff up. Israel investigated Tamimi family members, seeking a way to claim they’re not a real family – a disgraceful perversion of reality.
According to extremist former Israeli ambassador to Washington, current Netanyahu deputy minister Michael Oren, a despicable character supporting apartheid viciousness, the Knesset defense committee he chaired investigated the “credibility” of Tamimi family members two years ago.
They were accused of posing as family members, along with provoking violent responses from Israeli soldiers, disgraceful accusations with no credibility.
Oren: “In discussions that I held in the committee, the issue of the family’s credibility was raised and whether they were indeed a real family,” calling them a “Pallywood production,” a reference to Palestine and Hollywood. Oren lied, adding:
“We are talking about a family that receives money from terror organizations in order to carry out activities against IDF soldiers in an attempt to incite them to respond violently, and thus make Israel look bad.”
Last December, he blasted the Tamimis, saying they “may not be a real family,” adding they “dress up kids in American clothes and pay them to provoke IDF troops on camera. This cynical and cruel use of children constitutes abuse. Human rights organizations must investigate!”
Oren is a Ziofascist extremist, a hate-mongering serial liar. Media scoundrels treat him respectfully, instead of denouncing his racist hatred of Palestinians.
Ahed Tamimi, her father Bassem and mother Nariman are courageous activists – heroic figures, not phony family members.
Oren’s committee deplorably concluded that “in all likelihood, not all of the children that appear as children of the Tamimi family are actually in the family” – a bald-faced lie to denigrate them.
In response to the findings and Oren’s remarks, Joint (Arab) List Knesset member Jamal Zahalka called them racist toward Palestinians and an attempt to humiliate Tamimi family members.
He demanded Oren’s committee release its minutes – kept secret to prevent justifiable criticism.
Ahed, aged-16, gained international recognition and respect for courageously challenging Israeli viciousness – why she, mother Nariman and cousin Nour face multiple false charges.
Israel wants them prosecuted, imprisoned and silenced – how all police states operate.
Free Ahed campaigns continue in many Western and other cities. She and family members deserve universal praise for defending their right to live free from Israeli oppression.
VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
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