Because of the time difference between here and the formerly first world, I have been waiting for several hours now to see what will be the western medias’ reaction to what the rest of the world has known for half a day – that the Gaza Flotilla was attacked in international waters by the Israeli navy, and that more than a dozen of the participants have been killed or wounded.

As Europe woke to the news, it was clear that the diplomatic sector there would take umbrage at the cold blooded murder of peaceful protestors, and several countries have called in the resident Sionist representative for explanation. But an already emerging pattern is that the west has delayed reportage and reaction in order to wait for the spin out of tel aviv. Getting up to a story that will now be played out to them as a regrettable but justified use of deadly force by Israeli commandos against violent ‘terrorist sympathizers’, the mind-wiped citizenry of Euro-Amerika will be fed another sedating lie to go with the BP[breakfast pablum] coverage of the destruction of the gulf of Mexico. Strong likelihood it was planned that way – the middle of the night attack and the buffer of several hours for the IDF to invent the plausible denials and blame shifting and deliver the results to their compliant media shills.

BUT. Stop the presses.

This time is different. The miscalculation was huge. You must understand, the opinion of the bankrupted, brain-addled western nations is no longer the driving force in international affairs. The shift ing of the tectonic plates of geo-political significance having gone unnoticed by the smug and arrogant hegemonist forces, this playing out of ‘a bridge too far’ by the Frankist-Sionist entity has all the force of a tidal wave of tsunami proportions. The death of those 15 Turks is going to cause the demolition of the terrorist sionist pirate state which thought it had everything in the bag. Indeed, this over-estimation on the part of the talmudic maniacs of their protection from consequences will change the game forever.

As usual, you didn’t read it here first…because no one reads here. But, as the record will show, it was written here first, and I will stand upon the accuracy of all my other prognostications to date in saying that last night we witnessed the revenge of the USS Liberty. I’ll say it one more time for emphasis…The death of those 15 Turks is going to cause the demolition of the terrorist sionist pirate state which thought it had everything in the bag. We have reached the end game, and let’s pray that what is now to be unleashed spares at least some of us to carry on after the carnage!

Here follows the entry that I was so languorously working upon this last while. Though none of it really matters much now that the demons of war and destruction have been finally released, for the record at least, it will serve as a footnote of my tracking the campaign by which the ‘west’ was seduced into self destruction by the parasites within.

Stories in this weeks’ news give the thoughtful reader cause to consider whether things are coming to a head sooner than later. The conjunction of events which, taken in isolation, are just random samplings of the bad news which has become the daily dose of psycho-warfare rained upon the heads of the Euro-Amerikan prison inmates, in some ways even more toxic than that chemtrailed posion which continues to fall out of the skies & into their lungs.

But as the one year mark for looms, signs of the profit of my decision to hop the pot and join the [fairly] free world are turning up in spades. Quite simply, those inmates I left behind cannot, no matter what acuity of vision that they may by nature possess, see outside of it’s boundaries; The sad truth that everyone within it will continue to have no way of realizing is that one must be outside of the Euro-Amerikan prison zone to see the wider world now, and what is really going on in it. The veneer of freely exchanged information flow that the internet seems to provides merely screens the deepening disconnection between ‘reality’ and ‘news’[see my post "Simulacra and Simulation"] that makes it harder and harder for the inmates to understand what is being perpetrated in their midst.

Prime example number one must of course be the Gulf Oil mess – the extent and implications of which are being heinously suppressed, misreported, denied and generally underplayed so that North America will not in time understand that their incredible richness of natural resource [and economic prospects] are being eroded, nay, destroyed right in front of their eyes…with nary a peep of protest from the same victims of the toxic financial spill which has already ruined the chances of their children to have any hope of living a “developed country” existence.

I’ve previously touched upon the global warming/climate change hoax- I needn’t get into it here, save to remind all that all the harbingers of steadily escalating man-made disasters are the cake to which the BP disaster will prove the icing – the phony ash scam, the no-mistake Haitian quake, etc., etc., – and the speeded up timetable for something gigantic in it’s tragic proportion is clearly in evidence now.

Having finally come out with it in a previously posting, wherein I allude to the Frankist-Sionist conspiracy against the “West,” and the centrality of the “gay” agenda to it’s cause, I have seeded the ground for a foray into the pits of hell wherein dwell some of the darkest agents of that silent conspiracy, and will attempt to connect some of the dots in the [not so] random news items of the week just passed. together with –

Well, truth is, I haven’t had the time to ‘connect the dots’ between these disparate stories. And I have to go to print with the momentous news of today. So I will leave these urls in place, without the context I was hoping to provide, and leave it to the random reader of over-active imagination to do the work themselves.

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