Didn't expect to be alone at this time of my days I thought the passage of time was just a phase But there's no one on the bed where she lays Life goes on like a melancholy play,
No one calling from the top of the stairs No family comes to visit showing up in pairs Could it really be that nobody cares? All this the end result of an affair, The winters seem longer and colder than before The shadows don't seem to go away anymore Where is the hand of a child once at my door? Day to day survival becomes a chore,
It's all God's creation I remind myself Lucky to be alive though I'm alone on a shelf Can't live off of fantasies and a magical little elf I say, "the world is ablaze, get a hold of yourself." How did it all come to this? Time is running out the illusion was bliss Now only memories and selflessness What I wouldn't do just for a kiss,
The days are like a silent freight train that passes One car after another no makeup or lashes Estranged from me now she always had sass Whatever happened to my once loving lass? Just when you thought so much of your dignity You will find yourself betrayed of her loyalty The dagger comes down hard with impunity You will find your heart has no immunity,
Love was once like a game to be played Passion and advances were often made But then there was that price to be paid You found that the karma was cruelly delayed, The happy days, the well being easily taken in Seemingly overwhelmed by bad times and sin No one asks, "where have you been?" Someday they will be notified as next of kin,
So, what was life but just a long ambivalent joke? Never should I have believed the words you spoke It was all part of the mirrors and smoke When all faith and promises are now broke.
The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propag...
Over the past two centuries, archaeologists have found bones, footprints, and artifacts showing that people like ourselves have existed on earth for many mil...
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