You should find these two very short videos fascinating.
Before you go on I want to say that there are opinions here, supported by these videos that some of you may find disturbing or worse. They call into question our own perceptions. If you can handle your perceptions being questioned and if the truth slapping you in the face doesn't bother you, read on and watch the two videos. If you prefer to remain in a fantasy world then you might want to move on.
The narrator speaks quickly but uses the overthrow of Joseph Arbenz in Guatemala and the death of 200,000 innocent civilians as an example of how US public opinion was coerced to support a dictator to replace Arbenz, a democratically elected and very popular president.
Also used as an example is coercing men and women to accept women smoking when smoking was a male phenomenon only. Women didn't smoke, until Edward Bernays came on the scene.
Here's how the elite perceive us:
The public must be controlled because they're stupid. Thus Democracy has been undermined to allow for the control of the masses. The invisible government, which is Private Enterprise or today something we refer to as Capitalism, is in total control of our lives and worse, they want to be. And they are. We aren't capable of rational decisions. And honestly, we aren't.
Truthfully, there's a great deal of merit to the philosophy though I disagree with it since it belittles all of us for the inequities of the few.
It's difficult to say this because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but this video explains clearly the reasoning behind the control of the masses and as an example one might use the belief that there are Lucifer worshiping elitists desiring to control the entire world. Although there aren't and although there isn't an Illuminati at least as it's portrayed with the various pyramids showing the controlling groups, these videos explain why people believe there are. Rothschild doesn't control the globe, just his own wealth. The globe isn't controlled by any one person but keeping people believing that Rothschild is a devil worshiping fiend allows the real controllers to move ahead unfettered. Everyone needs a villain. The world is controlled by a rather rational group of elitists from a variety of walks whose agenda isn't healthy for the rest of us, but it is healthy for them.
These videos explain why people believe the irrational, why they believed that the Swine Flu was an attempt to depopulate the world, why they believe there's a large group of pedophiles in the political elite, it explains shape shifting reptiles and little green men.
Our desires are in charge.
We believe the irrational.
We believe without factual data.
We even conclude that that which isn't factual is.
We feel better about ourselves with a villain to hate.
And with a certain villain our efforts and perceptions are dissuaded from reality.
Critical thinking isn't an American trait and it isn't even a human trait. It's a learned trait and only those that explore advanced educations learn to think critically, like the elite.
The average person, us, needs confirmation of their feelings and emotions. That is a fact. A food shortage, Martial Law, FEMA camps, Lucifer worship, if any of these things came true it would confirm everyone's suspicions SO people believe they're going to come true. It's OK if they don't come true because just believing they might confirms our perceptions. It comforts us in a very odd way to think that these might be a part of reality.
They're not.
In the meantime they're stealing the money from the register while we're looking for signs of Martial Law, food shortages, a dollar crash, Lucifer worshipers and FEMA camps.
I sent PH an email on food shortages in the USA.
I won't even go into Lucifer worship and the rest. It's too preposterous.
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