The Bankers Want America To Lose World War III

Video Rebel’s Blog To drive the final nail into the coffin of the bankers we must tell everyone this:

The Bankers Want America To Lose World War III

Drive this point home to everyone in the 911 Truth Movement, to every anti-war activist and to anyone who will listen.

Why? The number of billionaire bankers in the world is miniscule. They only get what they want from our governments because millions of people in government, in the police, in the intelligence services, in the military and in the media go along to maintain their position.

But, what if they saw the world on the brink of economic chaos and World war III? What if they knew Israel did 911 with the help of Zionist traitors inside the American government? That is precisely what Dr Alan Sabrosky, a former Director of Studies at the Army War College, has been telling his former colleagues.

Today the anti-war activist’s very best friend just might be a general or an admiral inside the Pentagon. Look at the Mideast and World War III from the perspective of a professional military officer.

Israel has been threatening to attack Iran in September prior to the UN General Assembly vote on Palestinian statehood. Iran has said they will respond to an Israeli attack by attacking American troops and that they will fire 11,000 missiles and artillery shells in the first minute. They can sink the entire US Persian Gulf fleet in minutes.

The Iranians have Russian made anti-ship missiles designed to sink American aircraft carriers. They also have Chinese and NATO made anti-ship missiles. The Iranians also have rocket artillery with ranges of 100 and 150 kilometers ( 62.1 and 93.2 miles.)

Simultaneously with sinking our Persian Gulf fleet, the Iranians will cut off oil coming out of the Gulf. This will send oil soaring past $300 a barrel. The American economy will collapse. Ten dollar a gallon gasoline will impoverish tens of millions of Americans.

Muslims will respond to the Israeli and American genocide of their brothers and sisters by cutting off supplies to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Iranians will send up to 100,000 suicide volunteers into Iraq and Afghanistan armed with shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles, IEDs, automatic weapons and 50 caliber sniper rifles. When our troops have no supplies and the Iranians have shot down our helicopters, our soldiers will be lucky to get out alive.

But the men inside the Pentagon also need to know that the bankers want them to lose WWW III. Tell them that the passage of NAFTA in 1994 resulted in sending 50,000 American factories overseas. In 2011 America’s supply lines extend 8,000
miles to China and even then only on a dodgy credit card. It is by design that America must lose a protracted conflict fought without China’s permission.

The bankers want America to lose World War III so the soon to be impoverished citizens cannot demand both the arrest of the bankers and the return of the tens of trillions they stole. They also want to fold a weakened America as a destroyed and failed state into the New World Order with all power securely in the hands of multi-billionaires.

The professionals in the Mossad know that Netanyahu’s plan to attack Iran and start WW III in September is insane. To make sure that Israel is told by the US military that they will not be allowed to attack Iran we need to hammer this home to everyone in the world and particularly to the US military:

The Bankers Want America To Lose World War III

I do not believe Israel will be allowed by the Pentagon to attack Iran because we are winning the information war. And I also do not believe there will be another 911 mass casualty event on American soil for that same reason. Too many people have listened to us. Too many people know the truth. We have just passed the tipping point.

Now is not the time to give up. The economy is crashing and everyone will listen to anyone with answers.

Drive this point home:

The Bankers Want America To Lose World War III

We won. Their Games are over. We are very close to permanently canceling World War III and all future 911 type events. When their system crashes with the dollar, we will inherit the government. We will demand arrests, trials, forfeitures of assets and serious reforms. Our day is coming sooner than you think.

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Comment by Wulfrano Ruiz Sainz on September 17, 2012 at 1:14am

I agree with Barnes.  There is a hidden element in all of this.  It's called Satanism.


Comment by Al Barnes on September 16, 2012 at 7:52am

What is it that is not known collectively by 12160?  I say again, a committee may make any number of resolutions but with a riderless horse, the task will not be realized.  The enemy has been collaborating for thousands of years.  The reins of control are through sorcery and deceit.  How so?  Facts about activities such as Bohemian Grove, Obama's appointment to the top 10 presidential cabinet posts controlling US economic policy are each and every one Zionist.  This is not exclusively a war on the ground.  The "hidden" foundation is spiritual.  Spiritual warfare

Comment by Russ Hallberg Jr on September 16, 2012 at 6:00am

Know your enemy. Who is actually behind the private central banks? Every "enemy" country in the War On Terror  had a public central bank! All seven presidential assassinations in were by the same group who controls the banks. Please watch these short videos:

Jesuit and Papal Bloodlines

Comment by Wulfrano Ruiz Sainz on September 16, 2012 at 3:11am

Dear Nathan: 

It all started with outsourcing; then high interest rates and foreclosures; now the US Navy is inside a trap called the Persian Gulf.  Only traitors inside the Government and at the Banking level could have achieved this in only 6 years.

Comment by Nathan A. Bauer on September 16, 2012 at 1:34am

And I agree with you Wulf, and Jim, we really don't have a leg to stand on if we don't call each and every one of these Fools on it. Period.

Comment by Nathan A. Bauer on September 16, 2012 at 1:32am

THE PEOPLE of the US are under attack! The Govt. is the ones causing it, for who truly believes a Grade D movie never released, could possibly cause this frenzy? Honestly, the Ambassador was killed in a Mossad Operation. This is similar to what happened in Dubai a year and a half ago. Does anyone remember it?

Comment by Wulfrano Ruiz Sainz on September 16, 2012 at 12:58am

America has the Trojan Horse inside.  It's in Washington D.C.  Nothing but betrayal can bring America down.  And that's what's going to happen.  Betrayal at the highest posts in Government and Banking. 

Comment by Jim Braun on September 15, 2012 at 10:56am

What isn't realized is this. The US is under attack as we all speak. Iran can throw all it wants. The US still has a very capable military and since we have been in one conflict after another,we know how to use it and where to deliver it. The zionist do in deed want us to lose and Isreal already told osluma they don't need anybody's permission to take out Iran. The US has enough fire power over there now to destroy the world 3 times. We are weak in many markets,not liked by many countries,but we are still the USA,or at least what is left. Most all here is correct in what you all say,so where do we really stand?

Comment by Al Barnes on September 15, 2012 at 9:28am

Timothy 3:7---Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth---- surrender definitely not an option for the sane.....consider in depth that the murders, liars and thieves on the bridge of this zombie ship do not use any "currency" as an instrument of wealth. 

soon the realization that food (famine) is being used as a weapon will be in the open.  Your optimism is commendable, your conclusions suspect.  Aut vinceri aut mori.

Comment by Snowy Smith South Africa on September 15, 2012 at 5:55am






JEW PLANNED COLLAPSE OF USA to bring in the JEW Communist New World Order, One World Government, Military Dictatorship.

Exactly the same JEW plan as they used in Russia in the Bolshevik Revolution murdering 62 MILLION White Russian Christians.





The JEWS did 9-11

They are definitely going to switch OFF the Internet during the coming JEW attacks on the American People.

SAVE this Audio off JewTube before it is removed.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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