The Biggest Game In Town: Walter Burien And Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports

I’d like to share with you what happened to Walter Burien on Wednesday, January 6, 2010 as he spoke with George Noory live on Coast-To-Coast radio, the 5th largest syndicated radio show in America. This interview only happened after years of goading and begging from other guests and callers to have Walter as a guest.

Mr. Burien was scheduled to be on this show for a three-hour interview, an almost unheard of time slot reserved for only the most special of guests. Keeping in mind that the subject matter of this interview – government wealth, corruption, and the proof of this subject through the analyzing of our governments Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR’s) – has never been allowed to be mentioned on or in any corporate or mainstream outlet. You can then perhaps understand what happened next.

On Tuesday and Wednesday (the day of the show) Mr. Burien was the only scheduled guest for the show, and Walter was prepared for a three-hour talk. As the interview went on for two solid hours and as the secretive criminal beans were being spilt in a major way, a sudden click happened in the middle of Mr. Noory talking, and Walter’s line went dead. The show suddenly had a new guest to fill the remaining hour. It was then placed onto the Coast-To-Coast website that a second guest was now to appear.

Mr. Burien tried to reconnect, but was told he was only scheduled for two hours. He waited to be called back, but never was. No explanation. No apology. And no personal note from Mr. Noory…

Just silence…

Unfortunately, Walter Burien was saving the best and most hard-hitting information for last. He didn’t get to mention many aspects of what I consider the most important information available on what some may call the real order of things. And he didn’t have the chance to tell George’s listeners about his new documentary that will be released in just about one more day.

A fresh new “The Biggest Game In Town” will be available on the web for viewing on or around the 10th of January, 2010. I would encourage everyone reading this to view the documentary and support Mr. Burien in any way you can. For, of all the thousands of men and woman out there fighting against and trying to expose the greed and corruption of our governmental system and its monetary theft of the American people, Walter is the only one who actually has a solution instead of just another perspective on the problem: a peaceful, logical, economically viable, and extremely achievable grass-roots solution – but only with our help.

Let’s face it. You know you’re on to something important, big, and secretive when you get cut off of a radio show an hour before your time is up with no explanation.

Please visit Mr. Burien’s CAFR1 website at ( and learn what this man has to tell you. He has opened my eyes in a way that would have taken twenty years of hard studying and the constant scrutinizing and analyzing of these and other documents to even begin to comprehend this information. And now that I know, I feel it is my civic and moral duty to share it with you…


“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an un-pitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” – Edmund Burke — From his essay: ‘Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents’…

…and Often mis-quoted as the following:

“All that’s necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.”

“The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis” – Edmond Burke – again, with some dispute on the actual original quote.


I’d like now to share with you what I’ve learned from Walter Burien. This is not an easy subject to digest; in fact it hurts a bit when you realize that it is all painfully true… and fortunately, unlike most other truths in the world, quite easily verifiable. And so I would ask that you finish this essay in its entirety and click on all of the links associated with it. For if ever there was a red pill, this is it!

“Remember, all I am offering is the truth, nothing more…”

And down the rabbit hole we go…

Let’s start with how the government works, or more specifically, how it is set up. Each town, city, county and state has an individual government with individual budgets and finance books. City councils who sit in fancy pillared or droll state buildings usually govern those many individual governments. Also, there are local government bodies, such as school districts and municipalities like gas, electric, water and sewage, bridges and roadways, and so on who are individually governed bodies as well. And then there are other forms of special government wealth, like pension funds. On a larger scale, there is the federal government, the judicial and congressional governments, and so on down the line.

Together, these many individual governments are going to be referred to herein as “collective government”.

Just as ethnic groups in this country are considered minority populations with insignificant political and decision making power when compared to the Caucasian or “white” ethnic group, these individual governments are, when compared to the collective power of all of these governments joined together, insignificant.

The power of these individual ethnic groups can only be realized if they ban together to become the majority. Likewise, the thousands of individual governments in the United States are extremely powerful and wealthy when manifested as one “collective” governmental body – collective government.

Bearing this in mind, I will now reveal the man behind the curtain, so to speak…

Through collective government investments from all individual governments across the United States, the government owns most of the major corporations in America, and beyond.

I’ll say it again, in a different way. Collectively, through investment, the United States government owns most major corporations and just about everything else in America.

Please read on…

Of the Fortune 500 companies we hear about, and even invest in ourselves with our cute little peanuts we think of as personal wealth, the government has over the last 70 years or so taken financial controlling interest in all of these corporations. This is no exaggeration. This is no joke. This is the reality of the corporate and financial state of our country and it’s government.

So how has it gotten to this point?

In several ways…

Have you ever noticed that when a bond or proposition gets passed in your state for a construction or land management project, the actual project itself sometimes isn’t scheduled to begin until months or years in the future? It’s even written in most bills that the project wont start until a far off set future date.

Well… the money for that proposition or bill is immediately released upon passage of the legislation. Now you might ask yourself, if the money is there why doesn’t the project begin immediately?

Here is the answer…

That “taxpayer money” gets sent directly into what we’ll call a government “holding account” for a while, sometimes years and years before that public project actually begins.

Now, that money doesn’t just sit there… It is invested. It gains interest. It builds up extreme wealth – months or years of interest and capital gains on investments from that originally taxpayer funded money. This is all transpired digitally, of course.

But when it comes time to use that original amount of money for the project of which it was intended months or years later, the capital gains (profits) of that supposedly dormant money are separated from the original amount placed into the “holding account” and stay in the governments discretionary investment coffers and are then reinvested not for the benefit of the people, but for the wealth and profit of the corporate government. The problem and the inherent crime here is this – that profit is no longer considered tax-payer (public) owned money, since it was earned by investment or by accrued interest. That “extra money” goes elsewhere… mainly into other investments or funds which grease the pockets of the “in the know” politicians and corporations and other people and groups involved. Some open what are called “self insurance funds” and then draw dividends for themselves and their fellow conspirators for the rest of their political careers by insuring themselves with their own insurance funds. And the cycle goes on and on and on and on… and has for the last 70 years. And it has now reached the point where government owns it all!

How do I know this to be true?

When the yearly budget comes out for your town, city, district, county, state, and the whole country – the one that you and I and Joe Taxpayer sees that is usually in a deficit (in the red) – the money made on these individual government investments is not shown, because it is not in the “taxpayer budget” any longer. Therefore, it does not technically have to be accounted for to the taxpayers – who we can define as everyone who pays any form of taxes, which is by default everyone in the United States. There are of course, 100’s of different taxes – from gas tax to sales tax – that are used in this way as well. The money from all of these individual taxes once again just sits there and accumulates after being collected until it is distributed, and gains interest or is invested until it is spent for the purposes it was collected (apportioned).

On a side note: the reason so many people are against the Federal Income Tax is because that tax was never made legal. In order to be a legal tax according to the Constitution, the tax assessed must be apportioned – which means that it must be collected with the specific intent to only be used to pay for or fund a specific public works or public fund that is clearly defined. Since the Federal Income Tax is un-apportioned and therefore Constitutionally illegal, the money that is collected for that tax is used by the Federal Government to pay the interest only on the national debt. In other words, instead of printing its own money with no debt owed to anyone, our corporate government instead borrows money from the Federal Reserve Bank at interest – meaning there is never enough money printed to pay off that debt because it accrues interest the second it is printed, meaning it is devalued the second it is created.

Example: If America has one hundred dollars in circulation – meaning money printed on paper and being used as “legal tender” – that means that the treasury (government) borrowed that $100 from the Federal Reserve (a private bank), which means that in order to pay that money back, the treasury (government) must pay that $100 dollars back plus how ever much interest is attached to that $100 by the Federal Reserve Bank (a non-governmental private central bank).

So where do we get the extra printed money to pay back that money owed for the interest on the original $100 loan?

Well, since there is no money left after paying back the principle balance of $100, the only way to pay the interest owed to the Federal Reserve (private central bank) is for the Treasury (the corporate government) to borrow more money from the Federal Reserve (a corporate private bank) so that the accumulated interest owed on the first $100 can be paid back. The problem is, this new money borrowed has new interest attached, and this interest debt must eventually be paid back as well, meaning we must then borrow more money from the Fed at interest to pay the total principle balance plus the previous interest accrued on all of the previous money borrowed, and so on and so forth.

This, my friends, is what is commonly called a paradox.

In short, there is no way to ever pay off our debt to the Federal Reserve (a privately owned international bank), because there is never enough money printed to pay off the principle and the interest balances. Therefore, this system of borrowing money at interest will continue to the point that the interest owed can never be paid as it is more than the principle balance, making this the biggest scam (Ponzi scheme) ever perpetuated onto the American people in their history. Now imagine the same scenario with many trillions of dollars borrowed and re-borrowed and so on and so forth.

If you can’t picture what a trillion dollars looks like, just think of it this way… If I had 11 trillion one-dollar bills and I stacked them on top of each other in one single pile, that pile would reach all the way to the moon… and back to Earth.

Knowing then, that the Federal Reserve is a privately owned group of national and international banks and bankers, who have no actual binding ties or connections to the United States Government – and in fact control the decision and monetary policy of the United States economy, and therefore its financial and economic welfare, through the manipulation of monetary value, currency circulation, and interest rate regulation – the fact that all of our Federal Income Tax goes directly to this private corporate banking monster who controls this country through its system of tyrannical banking debt and interest, of which we are all collectively as taxpayers responsible for paying, is why there is such an uproar in the awakened minority citizenry of America. This is really just extortion. And the Feds recent threats to cause the stock market to drop 1,000 points a day until the banker bailouts were signed by congress only goes to prove that point. More and more people are learning the truth, and realizing that through this system of perpetual debt, we are not a free people but rather indentured servants to this banking conglomerate for generations to come. You’re so-called duty to pay your Federal Income Tax is non-existent, and the mindset that most people have been brainwashed into is that there is some form of honor in paying this tax, which again goes to absolutely nothing but interest owed to these central banks who are not the government. No public services are paid for with this money; money that should have been printed by our Congress as expressed in the Constitution, with no interest (debt) attached to it.

So where does the extra government corporate investment money go, and what proof is there of its existence?

The only way to see where this money goes is by looking at the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for each local, city, state, and any other government office. The Federal Reserve even has one of these! You want to see an audit of the Federal Reserve? Just look at the Federal Reserve’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and go from there.

This “complete” budget and statement of earnings is required for all governments and corporate businesses, and it is available in the public domain… meaning it is very easy to acquire by the average Joe Citizen. A simple public records search or an Internet search will reveal this report for most individual governments and corporations. And if it doesn’t, they are in violation of their own codes on public disclosure.

The problem is, nobody knows its there. Nobody knows to put the pieces together. Nobody understands that there are literally 100’s of trillions of “collective” investments and funds that have been acquired by these individual governments that have been hidden in plain sight for decades, by separating the total governments wealth into individual and seemingly insignificant government funds and investments across the country. When considered collectively, these massive investment funds would pay off all debt in this country, and if worked correctly could eliminate all taxes through public-taxpayer instead of private-non-taxpayer investment of the same sort. This is what Walter Burien and CAFR1 are trying to achieve. This is the solution I mentioned earlier. His Tax Retirement Funds (TRF’s) are this country’s saving grace. Learn more about them here: (

This is what I refer to as poking the scorpions’ nest!

Now, to understand how these facts regarding governments complete corporate takeover and management of America, let’s look at current events. Very recently a merger with media conglomerates NBC and Comcast was announced. These are definitely fortune 500 worthy companies. They are therefore already collectively controlled through collective government investments. And they will never let this information (CAFR’s and collective government investments) get out into the public through this government controlled media. Why? Because these media companies are collectively owned through collective government investment!

Comcast and NBC/Disney are two of the largest media conglomerates in the world. One creates and broadcasts the media – the other controls the equipment and digital airwaves to turn these broadcasts into the degrading entertainment and propaganda we see in our homes and at movie theatres, that we hear on the radio, and that we read in magazines, newspapers and digitally on our computers. Most people wont think anything of this merger and others like it that are constantly happening on a smaller scale; perhaps second-handedly recalling from an outdated textbook, the chapter on monopolies and anti-trust laws. Thinking about such things has, through the same media we are talking about here, been trumped by the reality show, celebrity lifestyles and deaths, “news entertainment” shows, and indoctrinating and manipulative sitcoms and movies – which have dumbed us down to the extent of actually believing that what happens on “Law and Order” is the reality of what actually happens in the law enforcement and criminal justice system. I assure you, this is not the case. Hospital shows are not accurate portrayals of how hospitals are actually run, and are not representative of the real state of the healthcare system. Police and detective shows are so far removed from reality that I laugh out loud at the ridiculous portrayal of “the system”.

The real conundrum of this situation is this: the merging of these two media companies, considering the controlled stock holdings of our collective government in these and most media companies, is in actuality being mandated (authorized) by the government itself as the majority stockholder. So protesting to the government about this merger is akin to asking a king to mediate his own decision regarding the merging of his own two kingdoms. Do you understand?

Corporations are the government are the corporations are the government…

Another way of looking at this conundrum is this:

When a major corporation donates money to a political campaign (remember almost all major corporations are government owned through collective investments), this is actually a loophole around campaign finance laws, as this is really just the government donating money to its own candidate or party through its collective-investment-owned “private” corporations. This is hard to swallow, but true as the nose on your face! For it was the banks who received the recent bailouts that were the largest campaign contributors to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign – in a big way. When you hear that all of these elites sit on each other’s boards of directors, that’s only a half-truth.

And sure, you can continue to vote if it makes you feel better. But rest assured you are voting for the two or three candidates that were chosen and hyped by the corporate government that is already in place, through the controlled media (that again is owned through collective government investment). Real “alternative” or “third party” candidates who campaign on truly changing “the system” for the benefit of the people will never be allowed to attain high office – the recent corporate mandate of electronic and completely hack-able and changeable voting machines in most states and the expulsion of paper ballots leaving no paper trail through no-bid government contract see’s to that fact.

“It is not the votes that count, but who counts the votes.” – Josef Stalin –

Our congressmen, our senators, and our president are literally automaton puppets, actors placed into power through fixed elections and then skillfully manipulated to pass laws and create legislature that helps in this whole process of land acquisition, the corporate takeover of all infrastructure and commercial real estate, and the deregulation and privatization of all regulated industries, including: banking, airlines, food, water, transportation, prisons, media, medical, and many others.

For instance, (over 1%) or 1 out of every 100 Americans are in prison. That’s 3 million plus people! That’s more than any other country in the world, including Korea and Communist China. Many prisons are now built or owned by private companies like Halliburton, since this industry was deregulated and private corporations are now allowed to build and maintain prisons. It’s big business… and cheap forced labor. And the government owns these corporations as well, through collective investment.

So let’s talk about a few of these industries that are owned by our government.

My favorite example of the collective government ownership of these corporations is Microsoft. This will really hit home with most of you. Though collective government investments, Microsoft Corporation is approximately 83% owned by government. Take the investments of the five burrows of New York City, add in the pension funds of CALPERS in California (which is now an offshore corporate fund) and other state funds, a few school districts here and there, and many other small, medium and large individual governments and municipalities across the nation, combine them together, and you come up with the representative governmental investment total of around 83% majority ownership. The easy way to say this is that the government owns 83% of Microsoft.

“Collective government” is a very important phrase to comprehend.

For those of you who don’t comprehend the severity of this situation, let me explain…

Let’s imagine for a moment a board meeting at the Microsoft Corporation. I wonder who would be there? I don’t know exactly, but I’d bet at least 83% in attendance would most likely be corporate government representatives! The Defense Department would surely be there, for national security reasons of course. CIA? Probably, since they use the Internet to catch criminals and since they have so much power now to spy on us thanks to bills like The Patriot Act. How about Homeland Security? The military, and all of its branches? Raytheon, and other weapons contractors would probably be there too. I wonder who would represent the Federal Government? How about the Federal Reserve (a non-government agency) and the IRS (the Federal Reserves non-governmental private police and collection force for the central banks)? Heck, even Bill Gates would be there, but he would probably only have about as much power as the President of the United States has over his corporation, which is thankfully still called America. Yes, in case you were wondering, the United States is a corporation. Look it up! ( (

Ah, Microsoft…

You see, everything we do in life is now done or available on the Internet in the World Wide Web. Whether you are plugged in or not, your information is available for download. And Microsoft is how we access that virtual world (through Windows and it’s sub-programs like Internet Explorer). When we enter all of our passwords, PIN’s, account numbers, our mother’s maiden names… and then we voluntarily record all of our most closely guarded secrets and personal information onto websites like MySpace (which is now owned by Rupert Murdoch’s “Fox” News Corporation, which is a mainstream media company, which again means it’s owned collectively by government) ( Microsoft collects all of that information though its software and sends it back to itself and its servers and anyone else who pays for the sharing of that information.

This is called data mining. And the government (Microsoft) is data mining all of our most closely held secrets and information, and it is doing so with our permission. You gave that permission with the simple click of a mouse in that service agreement (the one with all of the small print) that you signed but did not read when you were so exited about getting that new P.C. last Christmas. This agreement – the “End User Lease Agreement” (E.U.L.A.) gives Microsoft (the government) complete control over the content, applications, and information sharing capabilities of your computer.

Web-Based Environment Management (W.B.E.M.) allows Microsoft and other companies and corporations to virtually control and monitor your computer from remote locations through the internet.

The (M.R.U.) Most Recently Used list is an individual usage list, of which there can be many MRU’s running at one time. They record every action you or your computer makes; every thing you download and everything you say. Some of the more advanced applications even record every keystroke made on your keyboard so that it can be reconstructed later. When you hear someone say, ‘My computer is acting so slow’, this is mainly because these M.R.U’s that are currently running beyond your control or knowledge are constantly updating Microsoft and anyone else who’s listening in the background.

In Windows XP (and other versions) – if you click on your Start Button, go to Settings, click Control Panel, then click Administrative Tools, and finally click on Services… you can view some of Microsoft’s so-called “services” that are controlling your computer and your life. Here are a couple examples of these services:

Routing and Remote Access – “Offers routing services to businesses in local area and wide area network environments.” – Sounds harmless, right? But when enabled, this allows corporate advertisers to localize their advertisements to your specific IP (Internet Protocol) location: the geographical area in which your Internet connection is based. This is why you see adds from lonely housewives in your town looking for love and other localized advertisements that amaze you every time you get online. How’d they do that? Well now you know. There is a lot of money involved in this type of information sharing and advertising, as you can imagine. And if you click on one of those localized advertisements, the fact that you did so means more advertisers will be knocking down your virtual door to personalize their own advertisements to you according to what sites you visit and which products you shop for and buy online. This “service” can be disabled, but Microsoft will probably enable it the next time you go online. After all, you gave it permission to do so.

Remote Registry – “Enables remote users to modify registry settings on this computer. If this service is stopped, the registry can be modified only by users on this computer. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.” – The “Registry” on your computer is the program that manages your P.C. It’s like an index or blueprint of all your programs, which tells your computer’s programs and applications what they are allowed and not allowed to do when your computer is turned on. This means that if your ‘remote registry’ is enabled, any Microsoft program can change or alter your registry at any time, because you agreed to this in your E.U.L.A. You effectively gave Microsoft the right to crash your hard-drive beyond repair from a remote location when they don’t like what you are doing. Sucks, don’t it?

Oh… and for those of you who say, “Whew, glad I’m on a Mac!” guess again. Apple is a major corporation with major media outlets and influence on the economy and the citizenry… you bet they are owned by the government through collective government investments! And yes, I get adds from Lonely housewives near me on my Mac as well. And I’m writing this on Microsoft Word for Mac! Oh, the irony…

Now maybe you can understand why government control of such intricately personal aspects of our lives through corporations like Microsoft is such a concern. If a local company is advertising to you through Microsoft’s “services”, you can bet your arse that the government is using these and their own services for much more devious purposes.

So what’s the bottom line? You have absolutely no privacy in anything you do on your computer once you go online! Period.

This type of symbiotic corporate/government structure is prevalent in all industries and walks of like, not just computers. The same conglomerations often own the alternatives to anything you buy. For instance, while we think we are being somehow different or cool by listening to an “alternative music” station, we are just being manipulated by some very clever marketing. You see, the same corporation that owns that “Alternative” station also owns most of the other stations that your chosen favorite alternative station competes against, as well as the record company that produced it. It even puts down on-air those other stations it owns because that will make some listeners chose to listen to this particular media corporations’ other channels or stations. When we hear a song on a mainstream yet “alternative” radio station (remember all mainstream media is collectively owned by government, and mainstream is 99% of the media that you can effortlessly receive though the corporate governments F.C.C. airwaves), we are told who sings it, and then we go buy the album at one of the many conglomerate department stores or seemingly local chain stores (with corporately owned central hubs), all the while thinking we are being somehow unique from the rest of the crowd. This is marketing. And you and I are continuously falling victim to it and the distraction it causes. The media keeps us “masterfully entertained”, as Walter likes to say.

Then we go drive our alternative yet still equally gas and oil dependant hybrid cars, of which everyone else is also marketed to about their unique and conservation oriented styles, even though the creation and disposal of their batteries is secretly worse on the environment than ten years of the exhaust created from driving an SUV. And the battery must be replaced after five or six years! And so we drive… feeling better somehow about our insignificant pollution as we sip on one of 30 unique plastic bottled water brands marketed as environmentally friendly and recyclable, which it so happens are all owned by 4 major conglomerate corporations which are owned through collective investments by our government.

Should I choose Perrier… or its competitor, San Pellegrino? Well take your pick, for they are both owned and bottled by the Nestle’ Corporation (a government controlled entity).

Oh, well then I’ll switch to Calistoga. Oh wait, that’s Nestle’ too!

Well… who needs bubbles anyway?

Flat water… Hmmm. Let me see…

How about Arrowhead? What? That’s Nestle’ as well?

What about Crystal Geyser? Poland Spring? Zephyr Hills?

Sorry… all owned by Nestle’ along with at least 10 other alternative water brands that they purposefully market and compete against each other in their advertising and at different prices in order to appeal to at least one of the typical personality types of which billions of dollars were spent to figure out, and that we all unwittingly fit into.

You might as well just drink Nestle’ brand bottled water – the only honestly labeled brand out there, since it’s cheaper and comes from the same polluted tap water source! (

And, in case you missed it, the automobile industry in America was just taken over by the government. Any time the government “bails out” or gives large life-saving amounts of money to a corporation or all corporations in a certain industry… that spells takeover and control. It’s part of the “bailout” package. When the newly inducted corporations pay back that money at a later date, this is nothing more than the corporate government covering its tracks and completing the business transaction for the publics benefit and for media stories about the success of the bailouts.

So, how deep does this go?

Unfortunately, it is a bottomless pit.

While I have deep respect and admiration for local churches of any faith that do good in their communities and help the people there, I have some rather disappointing news about the religions that these churches belong to.

Since moving to Salt Lake City, I have been inundated by the Mormon doctrine. The Mormon’s essentially run the state of Utah’s government. Some places will not hire you unless you are a Mormon. Similar to Free-Masonry, of which the church’s founders were high members, the church helps those who help it… while shunning or “excommunicating” anyone who disagrees with its doctrines. Ironically, usually these are the people who need the church’s council, love and support the most.

I always wondered why the Mormon church was able to retain it’s non-profit status, since it has its hands in so many political campaigns and in the state of Utah’s government, and since it funds huge political campaigns like the recent California “vote yes on prop 8″ campaign and so many other human and civil rights issues. It’s actually a common question: How does a not-for-profit entity (church) give money for political aspirations and campaigns and influence an entire state or countries opinions in local and state elections, and still retain their non-profit status?

Read rest of the article


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