The science is NOT settled. You will only hear one side of the argument through the mainstream media. Any argument that does not conform to the official narrative is censored by a dishonest and compliant media. Also in collusion are all of the major social networks including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and so on. There are thousands of scientists that disagree with the climate change narrative who's voices have been silenced.
There is one subject that is avoided like the plague by everyone that sounds the climate change alarm
You will never see it mentioned in any report by the IPCC, even though the UN claims that they are the world's leading authority on climate change science
You will never hear Al Gore talk about it or include it in any of his inconvenient bullshit
You will never see it in any text books that are used to indoctrinate students into the climate change cult of lies
Yet it is the single most important factor that should be at the very top of any discussion involving climate change, no matter which side of the debate you are on.
It is real. It is happening worldwide. It has been going on for decades.
If any climate alarmist denies it or relegates it to “conspiracy theory”, there is no need to continue the argument. You won.
The Agenda Behind The Narrative: Man-made “climate change” is largely a myth promoted by politicians to scare the public into accepting a vast expansion of government to supposedly stop “global warming.” Global warming is a manufactured problem played up by the government to instigate a public reaction – fear – the government then exploits to offer a predetermined solution: the expansion of government at the public’s expense and to implement a world wide “carbon tax” that will generate the trillions of dollars necessary to fund the new world order government.
This strategy, now known as the Hegelian Dialectic, has been used successfully by politicians for millennia to expand government, which can only grow at the expense of individual liberties.
There are many methods, instruments, applications etc. that are used in weather modification, including the use of lasers which are now being used to heat the upper atmosphere. The list goes on forever. For the sake of limiting the size of this article, I will focus on just one of the many methods currently in use around the world.
Ionospheric Heaters (HAARP): Sounding rockets with beam generators are launched from Poker Flat Research Range, which burn a hole in the ionosphere. Electrons race down the newly formed hole, and HAARP's Ionospheric Research Instrument heats the area inside the hole. A second RF source, like the MUIR, AMISR (RISR-N, RISR-C, and PFISR), HIPAS, or SuperDARN, is used to study and/or reflect signals off of the "artificial ionospheric mirror".
1989 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
1990 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
1991 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
1992 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
1993-1994 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
1995 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
1996 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
1997-1998 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
1999 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
2000 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
2001-2002 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
2003-2004 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
2005-2006 • WMO Register of National Weather Modification Projects
2001 • 15th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification
2005 • 16th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification
2008 • 17th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification
2011 • 18th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification
2013 • 19th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification
2015 • 20th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification
2018 • 21st Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification - [VIDEO INTERVIEWS]
ETC Group publishes a world map of geoengineering programs — the large-scale manipulation of earth or climate systems. While there is no complete record of the scores of weather and climate control projects in dozens of countries, this map is the first attempt to document the expanding scope of research and experimentation. Almost 300 geoengineering projects/experiments are represented on the map belonging to 10 different types of climate-altering technologies.
The weather is a commodity that is sold and traded for financial gain.
Controlling the weather is a top priority of the military and is used as a weapon in modern warfare. The U.S. Air Force describes it as a “Force Multiplier” in a publication titled: “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025”
If any ignorant asshole ever attempts to push the climate change scam on you claiming that it is real and accusing you of being a “climate denier” and fails to include this critical information as part of the conversation, shut them down with the undeniable facts by rubbing it in their face!
Wow ! excellent catch. I can only describe this as one of those High calibre truth ammo mother loads. After seeing this I am now fully equiped to debunk all naysayers. Thanks.
Another one for the Climate Scammers to ignore.
Instead, they will keep pretending that the citizens of earth are causing the weather to do crazy whacky things because we produce too much of that life destroying gas called CO2 that must be eliminated or we will self destruct. Of course, the logical solution is for us useless eaters to make sacrifices and give up all of those climate changing things that make our lives too convenient, like cars, clean drinking water, air conditioning, fire places, single family homes etc... You know, those things that modern technology created to spoil us. Yep, what else could possibly have an affect on the weather that can't be fixed with a carbon tax? Oh, I don't know...... hey! What's this?
China and Russia have modified an important layer of the atmosphere above Europe to test a controversial technology for possible military application, according to Chinese scientists involved in the project.
A total of five experiments were carried out in June. One, on June 7, caused physical disturbance over an area as large as 126,000 sq km (49,000 square miles), or about half the size of Britain.
The modified zone, looming more than 500km (310 miles) high over Vasilsursk, a small Russian town in eastern Europe, experienced an electric spike with 10 times more negatively charged subatomic particles than surrounding regions.
In another experiment on June 12, the temperature of thin, ionized gas in high altitude increased more than 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) because of the particle flux.
The particles, or electrons, were pumped into the sky by Sura, an atmospheric heating facility in Vasilsursk built by the former Soviet Union’s military during the cold war.
The Sura base fired up an array of high-power antennas and injected a large amount of microwaves into the high atmosphere. The peak power of the high frequency radio waves could reach 260 megawatts, enough to light up a small city.
Zhangheng-1, a Chinese electromagnetic surveillance satellite, collected the data from orbit with cutting-edge sensors. The pumping and fly-by required precise coordination to achieve effective measurement.
When Zhangheng approached the target zone, for instance, the sensors would switch to burst mode to analyse samples every half a second, much faster than usual, to increase data resolution.
The results were “satisfactory”, the research team reported in a paper published in the latest issue of the Chinese journal Earth and Planetary Physics.
“The detection of plasma disturbances … provides evidence for likely success of future related experiments,” the researchers said.
Professor Guo Lixin, dean of the school of physics and optoelectronic engineering at Xidian University in Xian and a leading scientist on ionosphere manipulation technology in China, said the joint experimentation was extremely unusual.
“Such international cooperation is very rare for China,” said Guo, who was not involved in the experiment. “The technology involved is too sensitive.”
The sun and cosmic rays produce a large amount of free-flying, positively charged atoms known as ions at altitudes from 75km to 1,000km. The layer, or ionosphere, reflects radio waves like a mirror. The ionosphere allows radio signals to bounce long distances for communication.
The militaries have been in a race to control the ionosphere for decades.
The Sura base in Vasilsursk is believed to be the world’s first large-scale facility built for the purpose. Up and running in 1981, it enabled Soviet scientists to manipulate the sky as an instrument for military operations, such as submarine communication.
High-energy microwaves can pluck the electromagnetic field in ionosphere like fingers playing a harp. This can produce very low-frequency radio signals that can penetrate the ground or water – sometimes to depths of more than 100 metres (328 feet) in the ocean, which made it a possible communication method for submarines.
Changing the ionosphere over enemy territory can also disrupt or cut off their communication with satellites.
The US military learned from the Russian experiment and built a much larger facility to conduct similar tests.
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, was established in Gakona, Alaska, in the 1990s with funding from the US military and the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.
The HAARP facility could generate a maximum 1 gigawatt of power, nearly four times that of Sura.
China is now building an even larger and more advanced facility in Sanya, Hainan, with capability to manipulate the ionosphere over the entire South China Sea, according to an earlier report by the South China Morning Post.
There have been concerns that such facilities could be used to modify weather and even create natural disasters including hurricanes, cyclones and earthquakes.
The ultra-low frequency waves generated by these powerful facilities could even affect the operation of human brains, some critics have said.
Hello? Someone should clue this clown in that those things are actually happening and the processes have been patented a long time ago.
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