The Coming Apocalypse for the Democrats

I have a message here for you Democrat Pukes from President Trump, "Make my day!"
They had it all planned out. Hillary was supposed to win the election because as Peter Strzok, Special FBI Agent, has said in secret texts he never thought would see the light of day either Hillary should win by 100 million to 1 or he would see that candidate Trump would be stopped, according to what he told FBI lawyer, Lisa Page, who agreed. As we know now that did not happen much to the collective chagrin of the out of control Democrat Party.

The Big Lie begins

Just 3 months after President Trump's inauguration Robert Mueller was appointed special prosecutor to investigate Russia collusion and possible 2016 election campaign tampering by the Russians. Rod Rosenstein appointed Bob Mueller, gave him no restrictions on his investigation and allowed his special prosecutor to pick a completely Democrat loaded staff all appointed for one purpose-to impeach President Trump, not investigate the Russians!

Their plan unveiled

The biased probe was much applauded by the Democrats who claimed Bob Mueller was a great FBI former Director, a man above and beyond reproach! The GOP went along with it with some of the Republicans privately and verbally hoping that the probe would somehow expose or incriminate President Trump but as fate would have it 2 years later the investigation revealed that no Trump staffer was involved in Russian collusion and no American had helped the Russians in influencing the outcome of the 2016 election. What happened after that? The Democrats them went after Bob Mueller along with the US media who, by the way, have colluded with the Democrat Party by not only refusing to objectively report the news but have conducted a campaign of attacking President Trump, refusing to acknowledge his many accomplishments in favor of the American people, and continually attempting to assassinate the President's character!

Backlash against the liberator

Simply because an outsider like Donald Trump represented a grave threat to the Washington DC establishment not only did the Democrats but the GOP want Donald Trump out, and were willing to incriminate him in order to do it! Why? An outsider who had made his money outside of the Washington Beltway! An outsider who had donated to the election campaigns of not just the GOP but the Democrats in order to keep them off his back and allow him to complete his real estate development projects! A man like this could expose the corruption in DC! A man like this who represented the heart of the middle class and ordinary Americans was the worst threat that the career politicians of Washington could imagine!

Tables turned!
In lieu of the exoneration of President Trump by the Bob Mueller probe a new revelation has now overtaken the corrupt landscape of Washington DC and that has been that Devin Nunez has submitted between 12 and 24 criminal referrals against the Democrats, the FBI rogue agents, the DOJ officials, and the DNC staff who were working with Russia and attempting their coup against the President! These traitors will see the long arm of the law implemented!

False allegations ended

US Attorney General William Barr, after his grueling, Kavanaugh-like attack upon his credibility has announced that more than 14 ongoing investigations have already been commenced prior to the Democrat hearings who attempted to attack Bill Barr's credibility and attempt to derail him before he can apply due process to the criminal conduct of the Democrats who for the last 2 years have attempted an administrative coup based upon the false allegations of fictitious  evidence that Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid for and that was the salacious and unverified Steel Dossier from a foreign government agent allowed to visit the Clinton State Department at the time in order to concoct the insurance policy against candidate Donald Trump should he win!

The swamp under assault

Unfortunately for the Democrats, Donald J. Trump was two steps ahead of them. Anticipating the corruption he correctly informed the American people that Trump Tower had been bugged, wire tapped, put under an electronic surveillance by the Democrats who thought they were so smart! Now the end is in sight! The evidence is in thanks to prior Congressional Committees spear headed by Trey Gowdy, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, and Louie Gohmert among others willing to get down to the bottom of this insidious Democrat conspiracy to cover up their illegal activities and concerted effort to stop President Trump!

The circular firing squad!

The evidence is in! The pathway has already been paved from James Comey allowing Hillary's staff to destroy evidence to the intentional exoneration of a former Secretary of State who brokered a deal to sell 20% of US uranium to our enemy, Russia, while falsifying FISA Court evidence to obtain FISA Court warrants for surveillance against the Trump campaign the damning violations are a matter of record now! The dirty deeds are done! The retribution is on the way! Democrats under Nadler, Schiff, and Cummings have attempted to blur the lines, accuse others of what they were doing, and interdict the inevitable damage, but they have dug a deep hole for themselves and will finally be served the cold plate of vengeance they deserve, and righteously so!

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Comment by Doc Vega on June 6, 2019 at 1:50pm

Thanks Les Prone!

Comment by Doc Vega on May 14, 2019 at 5:42am

Keisha Ruan thank you for reading my article and you are right these lying psychopaths will never stop dishing out their deception. They don't care if the US economy is strong or the country is safe they just want to be in power so they can deliver us to the one world government and turn America into a third world shot hole. In parts of the country like New York City, Detroit, Minneapolis, there are already "No Go Zones" where Muslim communities refuse to cooperate with local authorities while recruiting terrorists inside their Mosques. Eric Holder, Obama's AG, ordered a stop to FBI surveillance to this activity. Now Christians and Jews can look forward to threats and harassment in these cities especially the no go zones.

Comment by Keisha Ruan on May 14, 2019 at 3:37am

thats a great title...and if even you type donald trump in the search engine on youtube only thing you get is mainstream media news talking crap and nothing at all from regular ppl.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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