There are quite a few U.S. cities that are complete and utter economic disaster zones in 2010 (Detroit for
example), but there is something about the demise of Las Vegas that is
absolutely stunning. In recent decades, Las Vegas has become a symbol
for the over-the-top affluence and decadence of America. But now it is a
microcosm of the economic nightmare that has gripped the entire
nation. When the subprime mortgage crisis stuck, no major U.S. city was
more devastated than Las Vegas. When the recession went from bad to
worse, Americans decided that they really didn't need to gamble so much
and casino revenues plummeted. Suddenly unemployment started to
increase dramatically in Vegas and even today it continues to soar.
Like so many other cities that are highly dependent on tourism and
entertainment, Las Vegas has gone from boom to bust. Local officials
are hoping that the worst will soon be over, but the truth is that the
worst is yet to come. As the U.S. economy continues to unravel, average
Americans will be spending what little money they do have to put a roof
over their heads and to feed their families. The truth is that the
glory days of Las Vegas are over and they are not coming back.

Already, the number of unemployed in Las Vegas is reaching unprecedented levels. Unemployment rates for the state of Nevada and
for the city of Las Vegas both set new records during
the month of April. In Las Vegas the unemployment rate in April was
14.2%. For the entire state the unemployment rate was 13.7%.

Of course those are just the "official" numbers. We all know that the "real" unemployment numbers are much higher.

For example, the "official" unemployment figure is about 14 percent in the state of Michigan right now. But if you actually believe that 86
percent of able-bodied workers in the state of Michigan are employed,
then perhaps you would be interested in an offer to purchase the Golden
Gate Bridge as well.

Elliott Parker, an economist at the University of Nevada, Reno says that the record-setting unemployment numbers in Nevada');">are
just part of a larger trend....

"Nevada has been losing jobs since March 2008, and we are continuing to do so."

But where the state of Nevada and the city of Las Vegas have really been hammered is in the housing industry.

It is estimated that a whopping 65 percent of all homes in the state of Nevada are

Let that sink in for a bit.

65 percent of all home owners with a mortgage in the state of Nevada owe more than their homes are worth.

Talk about an implosion.

Nationally, the number of homes that are "underwater" is about 24 percent. That is an all-time record for the entire nation, but it
doesn't come anywhere close to the nightmare that is unfolding in Nevada
and in Las Vegas.

And the number of foreclosures taking place in Nevada is absolutely breathtaking.');">According to RealtyTrac, Nevada is still ranked number one for foreclosure
filings. In fact, one out of every 79 Nevada homes received a
foreclosure filing in the month of May alone.

Nevada’s foreclosure rate is now five times the national average.

By just about any measure, the economy of Nevada is a complete and total disaster.

A reader recently sent an email describing the economic horror that is unfolding in Las Vegas. No matter what you may think about the city,
the truth is that it is sad to see any great U.S. city fall to pieces
like this....

"Las Vegas is a goner. The homeless population is out of control. The real estate is far worse than I have seen in the media (no surprise
there). The towers of condos are ninety five percent vacant with zero
activity. The streets and parks are in decline. Local governments are
busy making cuts and fighting unions. When I ride the streets they are
deserted, a big change from 2006. The major casino companies have all
but moved the casinos out of Nevada. Rooms and restaurants have been
closing for years, even while they finished the new projects. The entire
town is a skeleton staff providing substandard service and decaying
properties. I still work for one of the majors which is in bankruptcy.
When the next wave hits there is nowhere to cut. It will be a game of
dominoes with the Wynn properties the only ones left standing. I see the
ninety nine cent breakfast making a comeback. The bullet train a day
late and a few billion dollars short."

So is there any hope for Las Vegas?

Well, if the U.S. economy gets back up off of the operating table and roars back to life there is little doubt that millions of Americans
would once again soon be flying there to gamble away their discretionary

But the truth is that any "revival" that is going to happen in Vegas is going to be very short-lived.

The U.S. economy as a whole is caught in a death spiral, and we are about to see a repeat of the housing crash that devastated
Las Vegas so badly the first time around.

No, there really isn't any way that the death of Las Vegas can be avoided. Just like the U.S. economy as a whole, it is inevitably
doomed. The numbers don't lie.

The grand total of all government, corporate and consumer debt in the United States');">is
now equal to 360 percent of GDP. That is a far greater level than
the U.S. ever approached during the Great Depression.

The entire U.S. economy is a house of cards built on a gigantic pile of debt and paper money, and it is only a matter of time until it all
comes crashing down.

But of course that isn't stopping the U.S. government from spending even more money and getting us all into even more debt.

According to a recent Treasury Department report to Congress, the U.S. national debt will top $13.6 trillion this year and climb to an estimated $19.6 trillion by 2015.

But as many of you who have experienced this on a personal level know, getting into continually increasing amounts of debt never ends

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Comment by fireguy on June 17, 2010 at 4:11pm
I agree that as free people we have the right to do any number of self-destructive things.

We also have the right to point out the flaws in our policies and causes of our downfall as a free people.

Just because something is legal does not make it right, beneficial or moral.

Many people will use the same "jobs" excuse for other "industries"that have no socialy redeeming value ie: pornography, banking, the military industrial complex, abortion clinics, body scanner manufacturers and the like could all go away and I would not complain one bit. I'll stop here before we start calling eachother names.LOL
Peace brother.

Comment by fireguy on June 17, 2010 at 3:33pm
Been there too Vince, I grew up in San Bernardino County. 90% of people used to go to Laughlin for the gambling because that was the closest place to L.A. to hit the casinos but with the advent of Indian casinos there are many more options available to be stupid. Saying gambling and prostitution are adult entertainments is like saying Russian Roulette is adult entertainment. Vegas and the whole state of Nevada are paying the price for mobsters, including Harry Reid, running the state for decades.

But then, so is the whole country.

Enjoy the sun. It's only going to hit about 60 here today.
Comment by fireguy on June 17, 2010 at 1:12pm
Economic collapse of Sodom and Gomorah should not surprise anyone.

How much misery; physical, mental and ecomomic has Las Vegas inflicted on the ignorant people who gamble their childrens futures away when they get addicted to gambling, go there to fornicate with prostitutes, drink and drug themselves into oblivion?

Started by the Jewish/Italian MOB now run by the NWO MOB.

Good riddance.

Main Entry: rid·dance
Pronunciation: \ˈri-dən(t)s\
Function: noun
Date: 1533
1 : an act of ridding
2 : deliverance, relief —often used in the phrase good riddance especially to express relief that someone or something has gone
Comment by Nikki on June 14, 2010 at 2:15pm
My friends in Vegas tell me the casinos are doing OK for now, but the local are really hurting. I just posted a Steve Wynn video, as you probably know he is moving his financial operation to Macau. I'm glad to hear Laughlin is holding it's own and I need to check it out one of these days.

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