The Decline of Fox News and Surrender to the Left

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In 1996 Communications giant, Rupert Murdoch, from Australia created a genius move. He began a conservative news network that America was thirsting for. An unrecognized audience of patriotic Americans sick and tired of the lies of the mainstream media was born. Murdoch tapped into the lion share of an interested audience that wanted more factual news rather than the leftist spin of the Democrat owned mainstream media. Murdoch’s creation stole the largest percentage of the TV viewing audience quickly and Fox became the most hated and maligned news network because they told the truth.

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Demonized by the Democrats

However, something began to happen as Rupert’s age and allowing his two leftist sons to come in and begin dictating policies at Fox news, Unlike their conservative father they wanted Fox to lean further left and conform to the direction of the mass media already owned as a mouthpiece by the Democrats even though Fox had an audience larger than all of the main stream media supporters combined and this posed a problem for the Democrats who regularly bombarded their brain washed audiences with allegations that either Fox News was lying or that they were somehow in cahoots with the GOP. Of course, the low information voters did exactly what they were told and began to regurgitate the Democrats false narrative slogans!

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The first crack in the wall occurred when Glen Beck, who had regular and informative programs on the US Constitution was ousted from the network. Beck would have to relocate from his home state to Dallas, Texas and establish a whole new conservative network, “The Blaze TV”. This happened after harassment from his home town occurred, one incident where he and his wife were having a picnic and a group of hostile lefties began name calling and kicked over a bottle of wine he and his wife had opened. The leftist attacks were now in person not just on TV.

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More crucial losses

Fox saw an array of blond bombshell newscasters leave after that Megyn Kelly and Gretchen Carlson exited both claiming that Roger Ailes, their news boss had made passes at them. Both of these women had huge followings, but both would eventually regret leaving Fox. Kelly, thinking she could jump ship and become a celebrity for the mainstream TV audiences found out quickly selling your soul for popularity and profit is not all its cranked up to be.

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Cutting off another finger

Another telling blow was when Jeanine Pirro, a tough outspoken former judge with a huge audience who loved hearing her tell it like it is was forced to leave Fox. The outcry by her fans was so great that she was reinstated shortly afterward but the writing was on the wall, Fox was shedding its traditionally conservative voice and some of its most beloved voices on top of that!

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Compromised legal coverage

On the legal side of their reporting was when Judge Napolitano and Greta Van Susteren left the news network Fox continued to lose integrity. The only two survivors of “The Five” show, Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld still remain and have good audiences, but remembering the moment that Harris Faulkner announced in the middle of a Newt Gingrich interview to leave any criticism of George Soros out of the dialogue demonstrated that Fox was bowing to leftist influence!

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Most popular show host cut from the lineup

Now Tucker Carlson, the leading show host loved for his rational and thorough approach has now marked the end of sure of Fox’s signature defiantly conservative content. Gone too now is former Secret Service Agent, Dan Bongino, an unashamed supporter of President Trump has also departed about the same time frame as Tucker. The faux journalistic influence of the Democrat fascist censorship machinery has struck a death blow in Fox whose two Murdoch sons have taken their father’s vision and spit on it with their silver spoon mouths! No doubt Tucker Carlson will be back in some other capacity, but its clear Fox has been shooting itself in the foot for a long time and the fall of a conservative communication giant will be well noted!

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Leaked from the inside

Rumors are that Paul Ryan, ex RINO establishment heir to John Boehner, the pathetically weak Speaker of the House in Congress, is on Fox’s board of directors, hates President Trump, and was behind the ouster of Tucker Carlson. The fact that Carlson revealed some footage of the J6 surveillance tapes from DC police revealing that the alleged insurrection was nothings that was alleged by the Democrats was one action that infuriated upper management on Fox, but when a lawsuit by Dominion, the maker of the proven flawed voting machines hit Fox with a billion dollar law suit proving that in America if you’re guilty just hit your opponents with expensive litigation and it works! Fox has capitulated and let go of a lot of talented and much needed conservative voices.

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Remaining as legitimate conservative voices are Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, Greg Gutfeld, Laura Ingraham, and Mark Levin. Who knows which will be leaving next! Rick Roberts at WBAP 820 AM radio’s show was deluged with comments about the Tucker Carlson departure from Fox. Mark Levin, who also has a talk show on WBAP said he would not comment yet as he didn’t know enough about the details. Carlson’s parting of the ways has sent shock waves throughout the political commentary industry. America more and more is seeing the alternatives to news becoming increasingly eliminated by the left as they have more money to use as a chopping axe for ridding them of their competition who are smarter, have more integrity, and tell the truth much more of the time than the sold out bought off globalist owned mainstream media in America!

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