(Sipsey Street Irregulars)

The Doctrine of the Three Percent.

The Three Percent are the folks the Founders counted on to save the Republic when everyone else abandoned it.

And we will.

There will be no more free Wacos and no more free Katrinas.

For we are the Three Percent.

We will not disarm.

You cannot convince us.

You cannot intimidate us.

You can try to kill us, if you think you can.

But remember, we’ll shoot back .

We are not going away.

We are not backing up another inch.

And there are THREE MILLION OF US.

Your move, Mr. Wannabe Tyrant.

Your move.

And, as things begin to spin out of control, remember this:

"All politics in this country now is just dress rehearsal for civil war." -- Billy Beck, August 2009.

From MamaLiberty over at War on Guns:

"Here's an idea...If nobody wants a 'civil disturbance,' why in heck don't they quit disturbing us?"


What is a "Three Percenter"?

During the American Revolution, the active forces in the field against the King's tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists. They
were in turn actively supported by perhaps 10% of the population. In
addition to these revolutionaries were perhaps another 20% who favored
their cause but did little or nothing to support it. Another one-third
of the population sided with the King (by the end of the war there were
actually more Americans fighting FOR the King than there were in the
field against him) and the final third took no side, blew with the wind
and took what came.

Three Percenters today do not claim that we represent 3% of the American people, although we might. That theory has
not yet been tested. We DO claim that we represent at least 3% of
American gun owners, which is still a healthy number somewhere in the
neighborhood of 3 million people. History, for good or ill, is made by
determined minorities. We are one such minority. So too are the current
enemies of the Founders' Republic. What remains, then, is the test of
will and skill to determine who shall shape the future of our nation.

The Three Percent today are gun owners who will not disarm, will not
compromise and will no longer back up at the passage of the next gun
control act. Three Percenters say quite explicitly that we will not obey
any futher circumscription of our traditional liberties and will defend
ourselves if attacked. We intend to maintain our God-given natural
rights to liberty and property, and that means most especially the right
to keep and bear arms. Thus, we are committed to the restoration of the
Founders' Republic, and are willing to fight, die and, if forced by any
would-be oppressor, to kill in the defense of ourselves and the
Constitution that we all took an oath to uphold against enemies foreign
and domestic.

We are the people that the collectivists who now control the government should leave alone if they wish to continue
unfettered oxygen consumption. We are the Three Percent. Attempt to
further oppress us at your peril. To put it bluntly, leave us the hell
alone. Or, if you feel froggy, go ahead AND WATCH WHAT HAPPENS.

The Nyberg Battle Flag of the Three Percent

The Nyberg Battle Flag of the Three Percent
This time we are ALL Davidians. This time, we are
all Jews, Kulaks, "counter-revolutionists" and "enemies of the state."
We are now a despised minority within a country no longer our own.BUT

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Comment by Sweettina2 on June 26, 2010 at 1:17am
Amen brother! And thank you for posting Thomas Paine! Love it and sharing it.
Comment by fireguy on June 26, 2010 at 12:36am
“All it takes is 3% of the people to change the world. The rest have no taste for deep conviction or extended conflict and will always follow the trend.”

G. Edward Griffin
Comment by fireguy on June 26, 2010 at 12:20am
“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.”

Thomas Paine



I believe that only individuals have rights, not the collective group; that these rights are intrinsic to each individual, not granted by the state; for if the state has the power to grant them, it also has the power to deny them, and that is incompatible with personal liberty.
I believe that a just state derives its power solely from its citizens. Therefore, the state must never presume to do anything beyond what individual citizens also have the right to do. Otherwise, the state is a power unto itself and becomes the master instead of the servant of society.

I believe that one of the greatest threats to freedom is to allow any group, no matter its numeric superiority, to deny the rights of the minority; and that one of the primary functions of a just state is to protect each individual from the greed and passion of the majority.

I believe that desirable social and economic objectives are better achieved by voluntary action than by coercion of law. I believe that social tranquility and brotherhood are better achieved by tolerance, persuasion, and the power of good example than by coercion of law. I believe that those in need are better served by charity, which is the giving of one's own money, than by welfare, which is the giving of other people's money through coercion of law.

I believe that all citizens should be equal under law, regardless of their national origin, race, religion, gender, education, economic status, life style, or political opinion. Likewise, no class should be given preferential treatment, regardless of the merit or popularity of its cause. To favor one class over another is not equality under law.

I believe that the proper role of the state is negative, not positive; defensive, not aggressive. It is to protect, not to provide; for if the state is granted the power to provide for some, it must also be able to take from others, and that always leads to legalized plunder and loss of freedom. If the state is powerful enough to give us everything we want, it also will be powerful enough to take from us everything we have. Therefore, the proper function of the state is to protect the lives, liberty, and property of its citizens, nothing more. That state is best which governs least.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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