The EU TIMES: Death Camps in America

Death Camps Warned Being Prepared As Millions In US Left Hopeless">..

A FEMA Camp?

A chilling Russian Space Forces (VKS) report prepared for Prime Minister Putin is warning today the United States is in the process of constructing at least 300 massive “death camps” in 11 of their Western States secret documents
had previously revealed President Obama’s Department of the Interior
was preparing to take over in a massive 13-million acre land grab
against his own people.
VKS satellites had been tasked with overseeing this vast area of the United States after Obama had ordered all of these 13 million acres not to be flown over by aircraft or trespassed upon under threat of life
These reports further state that the US Northern American Command has been put in charge of this “death camp” project and in their largest logistical deployment since World War II are moving massive amounts of equipment from their war zones to America in preparation for “relocating” nearly 30 million of their citizens into them over the next 3 years.
Not being understood by the American people is that their government has used these cruel extermination procedures against them before when in fear of their being toppled from power during the Great Depression
they murdered nearly 8 million of their own citizens.
Though this Great American Genocide has been nearly erased from their people’s memories it bears their remembering as a new generation of them are unknowingly about to meet the same fate as their
ancestors, and it all began in the spring months of 1932 as the
economic collapse of the United States was threatening to topple their
elite masters from power…something they would never allow.
Causing this wave of fear to sweep through the corridors of power in the United States was the self-named Bonus Expeditionary Force which was an assemblage of some 43,000 marchers — 17,000 World War I veterans, their families, and affiliated groups, who had assembled in
Washington D.C. during the spring and summer months of 1932 demanding
economic relief and equity from their officials who were protecting the
giant banking and financial interests while allowing ordinary Americans
to be thrown from their homes by the tens of millions and then letting
them starve.
To suppress this rebellion the US Military brutally attacked and destroyed the Bonus Expeditionary Forces in July, 1932 using troops commanded by Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur, General,
later US President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Major George Patton; all
three of whom would in the next 13 years defeat the German and Japanese
Empires using the same tactics of mass civilian deaths to achieve their
war goals.
[Note: Estimated German and Japanese civilian deaths in World War II are estimated between 40-52 million
The estimated 500 leaders of the Bonus Expeditionary Forces upon being captured by MacArthur’s forces were imprisoned in what the Americans called a Works Progress Administration (WPA)
labor camp in Florida where they were all executed by military firing
squad. The US, or course, has always maintained that these Bonus Army
leaders were not killed by execution but instead were killed by the
catastrophic 1935 Labor Day hurricane.
[Note: The Works Progress Administration (renamed during 1939 as the Work Projects Administration; WPA) was the largest New Deal agency, employing millions to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads, and operated
large arts, drama, media, and literacy projects. Almost every community
in the United States had a park, bridge or school constructed by the
agency, which especially benefited rural and Western populations.
Expenditures from 1936 to 1939 totaled nearly $7 billion.]
[Note: The Bonus Army leaders were held and executed in Florida’s then nearly abandoned Fort Pickens that had previously held as prisoner of war the Apache Indians including their leader Geronimo.]
After the 1932 destruction of the Bonus Army the new American President Franklin Roosevelt ordered the construction of massive WPA labor camps throughout the United States in order to “contain and suppress”
the growing rebellion facing the elites in his country, and which
according to archived KGB reports were ordered by General MacArthur to
be administered by US Army veterans who had served under General Jacob H. Smith in the Americans war against the Philippine people barely a generation before.
MacArthur’s purpose for using these US Army veterans, these reports continued, was their “outstanding” use of terror tactics against men, women and children, including rape, torture and execution.
[Note: General Smith remains one of the most brutal of all American War leaders after his issuing this order to his troops: “I want no prisoners. I wish you to kill and burn, the more you kill and burn the better it will please me. I want all persons killed who are
capable of bearing arms in actual hostilities against the United
When asked by his troops if even children down to 10 years of age should be killed, Smith replied, “Yes.”]
Upon their taking control of these WPA labor camps, “Smith’s Dandies”, as they were referred to by President Roosevelt, began a ruthless campaign against the American people put into their charge that was
modeled on Belgium’s forced labor regime instituted in the Congo which
has been estimated to have caused over 10 million deaths, thus making it one of history’s largest genocides no one in America have been allowed to know about.
To how many Americans died in during the Great Depression in these WPA labor camps and through outright starvation Russian researcher Boris Borisov has estimated at over 7 million, and as we can read:
Today another generation of Americans are facing even worse catastrophes than their ancestors, and who aside from being thrown from their homes and facing mass unemployment like their fellow citizens of
the Great Depression, are now facing an ecological disaster of biblical proportions as the massive distortions caused to our Earth’s magnetic fields are causing a catastrophic die-off of honey bee and bat populations and destroying the ability of these pollinators to sustain the crops needed to sustain human life on this planet.
As these American people continue to rush headlong towards their own destruction, what remains unknown is if, like their ancestors before them, they will go to these death camps willingly still believing their
government lies, or face the stark and brutal truth of what is about to
happen to them and begin preparing for their survival?
During the 1930’s when so many of our Sisters risked their lives to warn of the dangers Hitler and his Nazi Regime posed very few even listened, many more mocked and ridiculed us. Most unfortunately for
the American people of today they are walking upon the path of denial
once trod upon by their German cousins and mocking us too.
Does history repeat itself? Beyond a doubt! And America today is proof positive of it.

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Comment by Anti Oligarch on May 24, 2010 at 2:07pm
Plus many secret forced-labor camps all over the nation filled with prisoners operating for profiting the elites.

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