There are people throughout history, whistle blowers, scientists who did their jobs, and even honest everyday people who have been persecuted and even murdered for their pursuit of the truth Galileo, Emmanuel Velikovsky, and even Jesus were either attacked and or murdered for simply speaking the truth. Below we will discuss three people who paid the price of dabbling in the forbidden zone of hidden truths and dangerous, dark territory where exposing the truth will bring severe consequences from faceless forces.
James McDonald was a promising astrophysicist for NASA who came with impressive credentials and an appetite for unlocking the unknown Working on all of the major manned astronaut programs, James had an insatiable urge for unlocking problems. When all of the sudden the question of UFO’s came to his attention. With his engineering experience McDonald began an exhaustive study on the unknown and began analyzing reports made by military pilots, passenger airline captains, police, and other professional observers. Something began to bother him deeply. With all the accumulated data and eye witness testimony why were the powers that be stonewalling?
McDonald spent so much time at it that he began having marital problems and suffered a separation, but not before he submitted his own findings and statistics that showed the likelihood that earth was indeed being visited and a cover-up was the only logical explanation for the official denial even ridicule of the eye witnesses who had the courage to publicly testify. When James made his proposal as to why he believed in the reality of a very elusive subject, he was rebuffed by his employer (NASA) despite his fine work. McDonald did not take this well as he was a dedicated problem solver, and when confronted with lies and excuses he was deeply disturbed. It was said he attempted suicide most likely due to his wife leaving, but his frustration weighed heavily on him!
Strangely, his wife returned after learning of his attempt and they has a brief reunion. McDonald seemed to be getting better and it seemed they were reconciling when one day she was taking the children out to visit relatives and left James in his wheelchair at home. Little did she know he had a handgun and this time he finished the job while she was out. What did a dedicated scientist get rather than an intelligent and responsible reply from NASA over an unsolved mystery? He was rejected, and some people who work hard to reveal the truth don’t take that very well, especially when they’re dabbling in the forbidden realm.
Gabe Valdez was a New Mexico State Trooper for twenty or more years. His patrol was the Dulce town and the vicinity of the Archuleta Mesa. For years there had been enough mysterious cattle mutilations to put a long time ranching family out of business as the losses were unsustainable. Trooper Gabe Valdez exhaustively opened a case file and maintained all pertinent evidence having responded to the scene of the crimes day and night. From stories of underground noises to eye witnesses seeing cattle dropped from black helicopters, Gabe photographed cattle carcasses in bizarre states of surgical tissue extraction with incisions that had been cauterized as no blood was present, a type of procedure that at that time was impossible especially being utilized out in the open fields. Gabe had planned to publish his findings and make his case to the authorities while the FBI had also been investigating the weird circumstances surrounding the cattle mutilations.
Gabe retired from his position but continued working on his case files when suddenly he died of undetermined causes. He was the picture of health when suddenly he mysteriously passed. The family expressed not only grief but swore that his work on the cattle mutilation mystery had been the reason for his untimely death, and so it goes for those of us courageous enough to face the dark forces of secrecy with no guarantee of personal safety. Hs family did manage to have his work published so as to allow for his efforts to be preserved for posterity.
Anthony F. Sanchez is an author who paid the price in his personal life for his pursuit of the unknown. Dabbling in forbidden territory he too would find himself as the recipient of unexpected sorrow for his efforts. In his book “UFO Highway” forwarded by Norio Hayakawa, a recognized expert in the field of UFO studies and DUMB’s (Deep Underground Military Bases) Sanchez writes an incredibly eye opening thriller. Inspired by rumors and stories of super natural events in Dulce, and the nearby Indian reservation at Archuleta Mesa, Sanchez chronicles the long history of bizarre encounters between humans and extraterrestrials who are hostile and dwell underground. This work would tend to corroborate the late Phil Schneider who lectured on tour about his experiences with alien underground facilities and secret US Black Operations encountering them.
According to Sanchez and others there is a nine level underground base near the Archuleta Mesa where a joint human and alien operation exists. Only after two known fire fights between humans and aliens did some type of secret treaty take place. The first occurred in the days of the US Cavalry when troopers entered the underground cave structure not knowing what they were up against and got into a battle with technically superior aliens who, instead of Colt 45’s and Henry repeating rifles, fought back with death ray type weapons and inflicted heavy casualties on the US Army.
The second confrontation occurred during World War II when the US Army was in search of a deep underground facility for emergency secret weapon research. An expeditionary force set out to explore the Dulce area and they found the underground cave entrance. Once again as the US infantry and command entered they found traces of the previous battle with skeletal corpses, antiquated firearms well preserved, uniforms and evidence of a tremendous firefight. They also wondered curiously at modern day monitors and surveillance cameras that they assumed must have been German made electronics. Yet, little did they know they were being watched! Once again forward elements of the group saw movement deeper into the cave and finally an intense firefight broke out. This time the aliens didn’t have such a weapons advantage as they were met with 50 caliber Thompson machine guns, M-1 Garand Rifles, and hand grenades so the odds were a little more even. The fight forced the aliens to retreat further deep into the underground tunnels.
According to Anthony F. Sanchez, an agreement was reached between the US government and the extraterrestrials, if that’s what they really are. Now, horrific experiments are being carried out on several levels of the cave with humans not even being allowed into the lowest level at all. It is at this secret facility that genetic reproductive research is being conducted and several types of human alien hybrids are being created. This reminds me of the fallen angels of Satan who mated with human women and created evil giants as told of in the Bible, the (Elohim) as studied by Zechariah Sitchin. Anthony would end up losing his beloved wife which sent him spiraling into a deep depression. I can empathize with him as I personally went through the same thing at about the same time and was corresponding with Norio Hayakawa over the very same Dulce mystery. I remember in his book “Operation Trojan Horse” by John A. Keel, who warns that delving into the forbidden dark lands is not recommended, and they will single you out!
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