We Americans have the biggest opportunity in, perhaps the last 100 years, to crack the code on the federal government’s shell game reform the endless debt cycle and liberate us from the strangle hold of unaccountable bureaucracy and corrupt profiteering! Either that or , if we miss this chance , we will slide back into the hopeless existence of being debt slaves over taxed and over regulated all the way to the grave!
The biggest problem is perception. For the longest time the population has falsely assumed that big government was looking out for them. It wasn’t! All the federal government was looking for was to collect more taxes and pass more laws that limit the freedoms of the individual! This, while convincing the people that they were there for the good of all when, in truth, they were trying to solidify the voting base of their party indefinitely! Self-perpetuation was their true motive!
The complacent sheep grazed on the illusion of such empty promises so they could go on floundering through their misguided lives clawing for ways to make a living and minimize their tax burden at the same time. This is exactly where the big government wants the masses, over a barrel of tax debt, distracted by meaningless entertainment, educated with indoctrination rather than enlightening facts that teach them to think independently! As far as making a living? Waste a lot of money on come college degree with no guarantee that a job will be waiting once they’ve graduated with a piece of parchment paper. Yet, were they ever taught the basics of economics, income strategies, or minimizing taxes? No!
The moving target is the missing piece of the puzzle! The truth that has become so elusive most never get it until it’s too late if at all. Why? Because the concerns of the masses are not the concerns of those profiteering politicians cutting deals for themselves off defense contractors who keep the wars supplied with arms and ammunition. The corporations who outsource US jobs to China and Mexico for lower slave labor wages in order to maximize their profits as Americans go jobless! The collusion is a web that spans far and wide.
Big Pharma manufactures dangerous vaccines and symptom relievers that are outlawed in Europe, but the board of directors and investors rely upon the FDA to approve these life threatening and injurious serums! The food industry in America causes the very diseases that afflict Americans who must, in turn, see a doctor and get a prescription because of heart disease, diabetes, arterial sclerosis, and cancers thanks to food additives, pesticides residues in foods products, all for the sake of maximizing profit, the health of Americans be damned!
Think of the shell game! First you’re educated to stupidly believe in a system that will keep you down unless you are lucky or work yourself to death trying. All the while TV and radio advertising drugs, fast foods bad for your health, while you’re being entertained by the dumbing down and moral decay of Hollywood! All this, as we receive the intelligence insulting speeches of our political leadership reassuring us that the loss of spending power, the out of control cost of living, and sky rocketing energy costs are simply unavoidable pitfalls of the future when it’s their multi-trillion dollar spending on foreign wars and illegal aliens invading our borders, who are getting that tax money out of your pockets! The shell game that hides the truth as the three cups are masterfully slid back and forth and around!
Perhaps, the biggest hypnotic influence is the news that Americans lazily accept as the truth. As if being serenaded by the Sirens and on a collision course with the rocks, We the People are convinced that lies are the truth, we’re distracted from facts that would imprison the scoundrels, but instead we would be jailed for what the corrupt political leaders get away with! Whether it be Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, or Liz Cheney, they all commit criminal acts that would put you and I behind bars in no time.
Just ask the political prisoners of J6 wasting away in the DC jail because they walked into the Capital Building invited in by Capitol Police? I thought “We the People” owned it. I thought “We the People” paid the salaries of the Congress, the Judicial Branch, and the Executive Branch where the President and his cabinet steer the country through the waters of policy and diplomatic relations. Instead, they have convinced you and I that they own the government! They have the right to fence it off and barbwire the Capital! Yet, they won’t guard our borders against foreign invaders, and you and I are paying for that with a rapidly devaluing US dollar and more taxes! Our vaunted news networks will make sure and repeat those lies as many times as it takes to get you to believe too!
In summary, America is a great country and we have done many great things. We have much to be thankful for, but there are those from within, we call them Marxists, statists, progressives, collectivists, socialists, and Democrats who just can’t leave personal freedom and the right to choice alone. They must have the kind of control that forces those who they don’t agree with to suffer, to be imprisoned even though they’re innocent for political purpose, those who never get enough money, enough sex, enough of their greedy way to allow America to operate as it should be the will of the people as our founding fathers intended. The enemy from within is worse than any invading army, navy, or air power, because in the case of war with the enemy we know who the aggressors are and how to deal with them, but the snakes in the grass who have gained the people’s trust, whether leftist journalists, activist judges, congressmen sleeping with the enemy, or even presidents whose own sons launder billions from overseas governments, these are the worst threats! The shell game is real, it’s all encompassing, and it’s despicable! Most of all, it must be stopped!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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