It is has been brewing through the Democrats and their foreign enemy conspirators for years now. The plan to disrupt and create insurrection to the point of the federal and state level governments supposedly being forced to impose Martial Law due to massive social unrest and violence. Here's the kicker! That they themselves caused! It began with the Patriot Act in 1995 where after the Oklahoma City Bombing, the federal government began hammering out a plan to more thoroughly investigate and intercept domestic terrorism, yet they conveniently forgot to recognize that Timothy McVeigh's buddy had close ties with Middle East terrorist groups as they, the Congressional panel concentrated on Minute Men, Patriot Groups, and survivalists who believed that there was an inevitable Civil War on the horizon. Why did the federal government virtually ignore our foreign enemies?
The Big Lie
Did the Patriot Act, authorized by Joe Biden, as one of it's many supporters really make Americans safer? No, and we now know that after the 9-11 attack! All it did was to make Americans suspect of other Americans! But, domestic jihadists, the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, and so many other Islamic college campus and public relations organizations whom used Mosques as recruiting facilities were somehow overlooked. Under FBI Director, Bob Mueller, 9-11 happened, and in one revealing statement he was quoted as saying, "why do they hate us so much?" Does this not demonstrate the total impotence of the FBI as an intelligence agency in defending US citizens from foreign terrorists? What did the Patriot Act actually succeed in besides ensuring that Americans would never have an realistic expectation of privacy again? According to one former undercover federal agent the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was merely a heavy handed way of destroying incriminating files against the Clinton's that were deposited there.
Deadly implications
So, what was the point of the Patriot Act if it was ineffective and only villainized American citizens? Why would they consider Americans as a threat while we were being attacked from abroad from Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran? Places where Islamic terrorist camps were forming sanctuaries? Why in 2009 were there 29 active terrorist training camps in the US that were allowed to operate unmolested by US law enforcement? Why did US Attorney General, Eric Holder, order a stand down on surveillance of Muslim Mosques when it was common knowledge that terrorist sources were being recruited within these supposed religious institutions? Why was CAIR a named co-defendant in the biggest terrorist prosecution case in US history being allowed to establish headquarters on Capitol Hill near the White House? Why was President Obama allowing the visitation of Muslim Brotherhood leaders in his office on a regular basis? Why were Muslim Brotherhood operatives allowed to interfere with US joint air strike operations on ISIS ground assets
Foreign relations designed to fail
During President Obama's supposedly "Arab Spring" foreign policy, these tragedies occurred! Egypt President Mubarak, was overthrown, even though he was a US allies. He was replaced with a friend of Hillary Clinton, Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood candidate! Luckily, the Egyptians caught on and Army general El Cici put an end to the Muslim fiasco! Yes, during Morsi's short reign President Obama delivered millions in US military support and F-16 Fighter jets! He would later do nothing to aid El Cici! Just as Gadaffi was overthrown in Libya even though he had established peace in his region, but then came the attack on the US consulate and the death of Ambassador Stevens along with 3 special elite US soldiers who were framed and attacked by hundreds of armed terrorist hired gunman! You see Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State had hired Al Qaida as the security entity responsible for all US foreign installations in Libya who would all be attacked after Benghazi fell under the coordinated heavily backed assault on 9/11/2012. Libya would end up becoming a major asylum for several anti-US terrorist groups! You didn't see the US media covering the fact that 20 US diplomatic facilities through out the Middle East and North Africa were assaulted and burned down while President Obama did nothing to retaliate!
The continued assault against freedom
Flash forward to today after President Obama has left the White House and President Trump has handily undone the damage of the previous administration by de-regulating, cutting taxes, and restoring the economic prestige of the greatest nation in the world. Yet, the Democrats using holdovers from the Obama appointees, activist Democrat judges, and supposed whilstleblowers who are merely partisan hacks attempting to incriminate the President with illegal 3rd hand hearsay that is legally inadmissible in a court of law continuing their deceptive assault upon a duly elected president, who has been more effective in 3 years than Obama was in 8 years of intentional misery and decline imposed upon the American people! Even in the exile of being a former president, Obama continues to coordinate actions against the President Trump White House!
Kicking a dead horse
So, now the Democrats who failed with the Bob Mueller report, who failed trying to cross examine Cory Lewandowski, one of Trump's right hand security advisors, while James Clapper admitted that he was ordered by former President Obama to spy on the Trump election campaign, that FISA Court Judges accepted flimsy evidence from a Russian source, the Steel Dossier, salacious and unvetted according to FBI Director, James Comey, we are to believe that President Trump is vulnerable to impeachment?
Did someone finally wake up?
The American people have had enough! The Democrats have spent 3 years absent of the best interests of their constituents while in full bore attacking President Trump regardless of a prosperous economy, the best job growth in 50 years, and the best GDP in more than a decade! Yet, the welfare of the American people is of no concern to the Democrats! They simply want control! They want to rule! They would encourage a third world war if it damaged President Trump's approval numbers! They would gladly push the nation into a Great Depression scenario if it would delegitimize the presidency of Donald Trump, damn the suffering of the people, they couldn't be bothered!
Nationalized brainwashing
As always all major news sources the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and CNBC are all working overtime with articles that have absolutely no grain of truth so they think by sheer numbers of inaccurate and intentionally deceptive writing they can influence the low information voter, the entrenched ideologues, the foreign refugees, the illegal aliens, who like the clueless Snowflakes that would accept a socialist purge of America! This will lead to a conclusion that is not only unconstitutional but will also legitimize war as advised by Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, who often disagreed but did believe that from time to time the profiteers embedded in the Federal government would need to be dislodged and purged with bloody coups in order to preserve the US government and its responsibility to its own citizens!
The truth ignored!
But, here we are with the Trump Administration proving that it was illegally spied upon, that all US intelligence agencies committed grievous violations of the Espionage Act and Logan Act, thus incriminating dozens of Obama Administration officials who blatantly broke the law and tried to commit a bloodless coup upon the incoming President, Donald Trump! Now with exposure to their agenda, the clear outline of their crimes, their attempt to weaponize federal agencies to stop a legally elected President, Donald Trump, from becoming Commander in Chief, evidence is undeniable and voluminous in content! The documented violations are impossible to ignore! The Democrats know they have convicted themselves, that they have operated in felony level crimes, yet have tried to incriminate Donald Trump for the misdeeds they have committed!
The facts are out! President Trump has done nothing wrong, yet the Democrats continue to accuse with nothing of substance in an attempt to delay the inevitable back lash,and interdict the damage caused by the exposure of their crimes! Attempting to assassinate President Trump's character so as to gain political advantage. But, demonizing the President on false charges and felonious allegations will only do one thing if the spineless GOP Party decides to sacrifice Donald Trump. A literal civil war will result! And it will have been caused by an intentional effort of the Democrats to elevate unrest to the point of being able to justify their call for a federal crack down on the American people! One that they never would have allowed in Ferguson, Baltimore, or St. Louis, because their true target are the conservative, Constitutional, Patriot elements, and Christians who will not stand for anymore! They will be the extremists the federal government is always trying to stamp out! Martial Law will be invoked to suppress the very social unrest they themselves instigated with their own lawlessness!
Dark prophecy
Then they will be able to unveil the socialist purge of America, unleashing the thought police who will tell people what think as the freedom of speech is abolished. It's already here on our college campuses and "No Go" zones where Muslim refugees right here in states like Minnesota will arrest Christians handing out flyers and refuse to cooperate with local authorities! The sanctuary cities, states, and counties who will knowingly harbor illegal alien criminals will only further their illegal influence. If you don't support Climate Change legislation you will be jailed or reprimanded. Taxes will soar as hard working Americans will be supporting imported refugees who hate America. The US will become a dumping ground for the worst of the third world banana republics who are too corrupt and Communist dictated to provide for their masses. They will come here too bringing their diseases, their politically correct view points, and they will overstress the entire US financial, public services, and housing infrastructure of America as patriots are corralled like animals into prison or kept incommunicado in their homes if they still have one!
Regrettable outcome
The American people who stand for nothing, refuse to be informed, allowing CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the compromised mainstream media do their thinking for them will be in for a shock as the whole outhouse burns down around them, realizing too late, what they have been warned about again, and again and again! This will be the next step of an inescapable future if the Democrats are allowed to succeed in their evil agenda. And, much like pre-World War II Germany as the Brown Shirts beat and suppressed all opposing Hitler's lunacy, as Stalin, Lenin, and Trotsky banged the Bolshevik drum in Russia and transformed a huge nation into a bloody overthrow doomed to the ravages of Communism, as Mao turned the Chinese Cultural Revolution into a 60 million murdered blood bath so that socialism would succeed, history will once again repeat itself if nothing is done to stop the madness!
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