The Great Haitian Genocide of 2010, or, Why & How To Kill A Nation !

As the death toll raises beyond 1000 and the cholera has now spread to Dominica, reports from CNN yesterday were still using the term "Allegation" when discussing the source of the outbreak. This to try and implant the idea that it is all merly conjectured rumours with nothing proven or substantiated, just some poor haitians going insane due to all the "bad luck" this year. There is no such thing as luck...or chance....or accidents. Especially for something on this scale.
What was really disturbing was to hear a U.N. worker being questioned about how relevant it was to have linked the cholera outbreak to a U.N. Nepalese soldiers camp along the river in the north. Her answer, " Actually it's not our problem....not our concern really. Our ONLY concern is treatment !" WOW!!! Talk about heartless ! As it is being proven that you are the direct source of the outbreak, you can claim it's not your concern because you are only here to treat doesn't matter that YOU BROUGHT THE DISEASE ! DOESN'T EVEN MATTER IF YOU BRING IN MORE, IT JUST JUSTIFIES YOUR JOB ! Starting to sound like Novavax and the swine flu, one released to justify the others vaccination contract !

Just one little problem with all this denying and blame avoiding and obfuscation of words and facts. They state they can not prove the U.N. brought it in or who is to blame, NOW.....NOW that the death toll has reached 1000+ and the epidemic has spread to another country. At this point I would like to introduce you to a article that was published but received no hype or attention from the major media, but rather it was buried and forgotten as best as possible ( as you can see from only 2 comments and 3 recommendations, no one was anxious to push this information in our faces ).

Haiti cholera matches S. Asian strain: CDC
Last Updated: Monday, November 1, 2010 | 3:44 PM ET
Comments2 Recommend3 The Associated Press

A cholera outbreak that has killed more than 300 people in Haiti MATCHES strains commonly found in South Asia, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

The finding is a significant step toward answering one of the most important questions about the burgeoning epidemic: How did cholera, a disease never confirmed to have existed in Haiti, suddenly erupt in the vulnerable country's rural centre?

It also intensifies the scrutiny of a UN base that is home to recently arrived Nepalese peacekeepers, built on a tributary to the Artibonite River. Cholera has been detected in the waterway, and most of the cases have been among people who live downriver and drank from the Artibonite, says a CDC report released Monday.

Speculation among Haitians has increasingly focused on the base and the troops from NEPAL, WHERE CHOLERA IS ENDEMIC AND WHICH SAW OUTBREAKS THIS SUMMER BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE CURRENT CONTINGENT OF TROOPS. On Friday, hundreds of protesters demanded the Nepalese peacekeepers be sent home.

In an unannounced visit to the base last week and a tour of the facility given by peacekeepers on Sunday, The Associated Press found questionable sanitation conditions.

The UN has defended its sanitation practices and denied that it was a source of the infection. A spokesman said the agency was looking into the matter Monday following the announcement.

CDC researchers identified the strain by analyzing DNA patterns that can be compared with those from other regions of the world, Dr. Christopher Braden told AP. The results were given to the press on Monday after being released to Haitian health authorities.

The finding does not identify the source of the disease or say how it arrived in Haiti, but it eliminates some other possibilities, including a suggestion that the strain might be related to a 1990s South American outbreak, Braden said. South Asia refers to the area around the Indian subcontinent — India, Pakistan and other countries including Nepal, he said.

"That's all we can say at this point, and we'll know more as more research is done," Braden added

So we can see from this report that the CDC is the one who has confirmed that the cholera strain is from south asia. Or should we use the word ALLEGATION ? Do we use that word only for the poor uneducated victims in the hills and streets, or is it just as deserving for the officials involved ? Irregardless one has to wonder why Haiti is being given blow after blow as if some almighty judgement has been passed on them. I could certainly see how all the voodoo over the years may have amassed some bad spirit infuence that would require cleansing. But as the 1st caribbean island to force it's own independance and break away from colonialism, Haitians have always been hated by the ruling powers for their fierce rsistance to the great evil.

The major reason for the attack on Haiti this year has been well summed up in this article

By Mary Ratcliff~San Francisco Bay View

Junious Ricardo Stanton is not alone in questioning the cause the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti. Significant voices around the world are joining the speculation.

And whether the quake was triggered, either accidentally or intentionally, by human intervention or is a natural disaster ripe for exploitation, the world’s major powers appear to fear sovereign control by Haiti over its vast reserves of oil, gold and other minerals that are only now being widely revealed. Haitian sovereignty, after all, was born in the world’s only successful slave revolution.

Knowing the Haitian people guard their independence as fiercely as ever, world powers don’t want to contend or compete with another Venezuela, an oil-rich country that owes its independence to Haiti’s support for Simon Bolivar. When, on Jan. 25, President Hugo Chavez announced he was forgiving Haiti’s $352 million debt to Venezuela – one third of Haiti’s total debt – he said: “Haiti has no debt with Venezuela. On the contrary, it is Venezuela that has a historic debt with Haiti.”

“The Russian Navy reports that the U.S. created the earthquake in Haiti,” reports Pravda on Jan. 21, “through one of its earthquake weapons.”

Pravda suggests that the earthquake in Eureka, Calif., on Jan. 9 was caused by a U.S. Navy test in the Pacific. And it reports that the Russian Navy has diagrammed a series of quakes “identical in depth and linearly on the same fault” in Venezuela on Jan. 8, Honduras on Jan. 11 and Haiti on Jan. 12 – all at the same 10 km depth.

A Russian Navy report, according to Pravda, notes that “it is ‘more than likely’ that the U.S. Navy had ‘full knowledge’ of the catastrophic damage that this test earthquake could potentially have on Haiti and had pre-positioned its deputy commander of the Southern Command, Gen. P.K. Keen, on the island to oversee aid work if needed.”

“Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez Wednesday accused the United States of causing the destruction in Haiti by testing a ‘tectonic weapon’ to induce the catastrophic earthquake that hit the country last week,” reports Press TV Jan. 21, adding, “President Chavez said the U.S. was ‘playing God’ by testing devices capable of creating eco-type catastrophes.”

“Venezuelan media have reported that the earthquake ‘may be associated with the project called HAARP, a system that can generate violent and unexpected changes in climate,’” according to the Press TV story, which concludes, “Former U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen in 1997 expressed concerns over countries engaging ‘in eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.’”

In a Jan. 28 email to the Bay View, geoscientist Leuren Moret writes: “The Soviet Union and the U.S. co-developed HAARP during the Cold War,” supposedly “to prevent development of weapons to use against the environment or to use the environment as a weapon.”

“On Jan. 12 Haiti was hit with tectonic warfare by the U.S. from our HAARP facility at Arecibo, Puerto Rico,” Moret asserts.

Why? “Canadian mining companies (tied to City of London bankers) have been mining gold, silver, zinc and copper since 1975 in the Dominican Republic. Now that they have mined and know the estimated yields – $54 billion from just ONE old volcano – they are going for the blood of the Haitians who would not allow mining.

“Three years ago, Eurasian Minerals Inc. bought as much as 20-25 percent of the mining rights in Haiti,” which is shown on its home page as the location of one of its five largest projects. “All of the five projects are located near a HAARP facility. On Dec. 8, 2009, Eurasian Minerals applied to IFC (World Bank) for funding to mine Haiti in a formal proposal.”

Even without a trigger as esoteric as HAARP, human-triggered quakes are well documented. The Wall Street Journal, in a June 25, 2009, story titled “At Fault: Does Drilling Cause Earthquakes?” reported: “The idea that human activity can cause seismic activity is widely accepted in the scientific community. A 2000 paper in the journal Oilfield Review – published by the oilfield services giant Schlumberger Ltd. – noted that the connection between oil production and earthquakes dates back to at least the 1920s, when geologists in South Texas noted faulting near the Goose Creek oil field.”

Both drilling for oil and gas and a technique that involves “injecting water into the ground to fracture rock formations far beneath the surface,” which is also used for accessing renewable geothermal energy, have been blamed, according to the Wall Street Journal. A geothermal project in Switzerland “was shut down in 2006 after [the water injection technique] was blamed for a magnitude 3.4 quake – enough to cause quite a stir in an area not accustomed to temblors.”

“The New York Times reported Wednesday [June 24, 2009] on concerns that a geothermal energy project about to begin near San Francisco could trigger quakes in the seismically active region,” reports Ben Casselman, writer of the Wall Street Journal story. The developer of the San Francisco project says “they’ve improved the method and won’t cause serious quakes. Residents aren’t so sure – one told the Times the project was ‘terrifying.’”

On Jan. 29, attorney Marguerite Laurent of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network posted a new story to her website that begins: “I wrote Part 1 of ‘Oil in Haiti as the economic reason for the US/UN occupation’ back in October 2009. After the earthquake I questioned whether oil drilling could have triggered the earthquake (‘Did mining and oil drilling trigger the Haiti earthquake?’).”

She quotes from a Jan. 26 Bloomberg BusinessWeek story: “Haiti Earthquake May Have Exposed Gas, Aiding Economy”: “The Jan. 12 earthquake was on a fault line that passes near potential gas reserves, said Stephen Pierce, a geologist who worked in the region for 30 years for companies including the former Mobil Corp. The quake may have cracked rock formations along the fault, allowing gas or oil to temporarily seep toward the surface.”

The Bloomberg story cites a 2000 report by the U.S. Geological Survey that estimates “at least 142 million barrels of oil and 159 billion cubic feet of gas” in the Greater Antilles, which include Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and their offshore waters.

So as we can read and research and verify from this article, here would be the main thrust and reason for all that has befallen this poor country. This would be the reason the cholrea outbreak was in the north, as well as the rioting. It's the north that holds the gold and oil . Typical is the fact that american and canadian business interests are deeply entrenched in the area with both country's governments being the main instigators in collecting aid and pledging assistance. The same ones claiming to be saving you are the same ones trying to kill you ! Kinda reminds one of offering blankets with small pox to the indians claiming you're here to help them ! Just a happy coincendent that they all die and you have an all-clear to come in and collect what you originally wanted but could NEVER ADMIT to the world for fear of critisizm.

Yet even today they attempt to muddy the waters of reality as we can see from this article...

Health experts have suspected for a while that Haiti's cholera epidemic, which has upset the nation's recovery after the Jan. 12 earthquake, came from a single source. Those suspicions have now been confirmed.

Ever since rumors circulated that the cholera infection was brought into the stricken nation by U.N. sanctioned Nepalese troops, many Haitians have held the U.N. presence in the country responsible. Indeed, there have been attacks on U.N. camps and hospitals by locals.

(See TIME's Top 10 Terrible Epidemics.)

While medical checks proved that it was not the Nepalese who carried the infection, DNA fingerprinting from a sample of Haitian sufferers revealed that the infection in every case was identical. This points to a single source and rules out the possibility of the dormant prevalence of cholera over there.

(See pictures from Haiti's Cholera Outbreak.)

This will not come as good news for Haitians as this still implies that RUMOURS (gotta love that one, eh?) that the U.N. brought in cholera could be true. With over 10,000 different aid agencies employing a working presence in Haiti to provide humanitarian assistance in the aftermath of January's earthquake, it's improbable (which means they won't really try very hard ) that the source itself will be identified. However, the result of the international presence does demonstrate the emergence of a catch-22 situation for the humanitarian effort. Bring in more aid and risk further spread of infection or cease the aid effort and risk Haiti devolving into chaos?

(See the Top 10 Deadliest Earthquakes.)

Now that the infection has showed its strength by spreading to the Dominican Republic, is it possible that the outbreak could become an international pandemic? (via Reuters)

This is definately something to keep our eyes on, as while I rewatched Stephen King's "The Stand" last week, it hit me how one of the actors said " I saw cholera is the 2nd world war. This looks just like that!". This and the fact they called it swine flu a few times in the film.
Either way, the people of Haiti and the carribean in general need LOTS of prayer and moral support as the satanic new world order makes it's final thrust to claim the island and kill it's inhabitants.

A tout mes freres et soeurs Haitien, mon coeur et avec vous en tout temps. Rester fort et continue d'exposer les verites et les demons qui sont a l'attaque presentment. Il y a beaucoup dans le monde qui sont debout, reveillier, et en train de se battre contre la nouveaux ordre mondial. Comme une simple Canadien, c'est pas moi ni mes collegues qui veut votre or ou huile. Que le HARRP tombe a terre en morceaux, que le militaire s'en sorte de votre pay et mettre fin a l'occupation illegal. Reste proche de le vrai Dieu et de Jesus dans ces temps finale !

luggnutz (U.N. "Persons" I.D. Brian Pearce/DECEASED) - Witness

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Comment by luggnutz on March 16, 2012 at 4:03pm


Comment by truth on January 23, 2011 at 4:19pm
The Dominican Republic has officially registered its first cholera death since an epidemic of the disease began sweeping through neighbouring Haiti.
Comment by truth on December 28, 2010 at 4:38pm
Peacekeepers 'brought cholera to Haiti'

Haiti president, Rene Preval, Suggests that Cholera Outbreak is a Biological Attack.

Inside Story - Haiti's cholera epidemic extended video story
Comment by luggnutz on December 8, 2010 at 6:23am
Comment by luggnutz on December 8, 2010 at 6:18am

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – A contingent of U.N. peacekeepers is the likely source of a cholera outbreak in Haiti that has killed more than 2,000 people, a French scientist said in a report obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press.

Epidemiologist Renaud Piarroux, who studied the outbreak for the Haitian and French governments, concluded that there was no doubt that the cholera originated in contaminated water next to a U.N. base outside the town of Mirebalais along a tributary to Haiti’s Artibonite river.

The French Foreign Ministry confirmed that Dr. Renaud Piarroux’s report has been completed and sent to officials in Haiti and at the United Nations. France commmissioned the report at Haiti’s request.

The report calls for a further investigation of the outbreak and improved medical surveillance and sanitation procedures for U.N. peacekeeping troops.

Many Haitians suspect that the Nepalese troops were the source of the outbreak, and anger at the troops sparked a week of violent riots, but the French scientist’s report is the first scientific study linking the base to cholera.

Piarroux said in his report that he cannot prove there was cholera inside the base. But he also said that septic tanks and pipes that would have helped to confirm the presence of the bacteria were no longer at the base when he visited.

Nepalese troops earlier confirmed they had replaced a leaking pipe, which contained a foul-smelling runoff that the U.N. denies was human waste, between two visits by an AP reporter in October.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier confirmed that the strain of cholera bacteria in Haiti matched one from South Asia, a region that includes Nepal, but the U.N. denied its troops were to blame and said it was more important to focus on fighting the outbreak than on its origin.
Comment by luggnutz on November 25, 2010 at 5:03pm
The geology of Haiti is prospective exploration terrain for epithermal gold-silver as well as copper-gold porphyry deposits, and consists of preserved remnants of a Cretaceous island arc assemblage situated along the northern margin of the Caribbean Plate. This geologic environment hosts numerous gold and copper occurrences in Haiti, as well as the Pueblo Viejo deposit in the adjacent Dominican Republic. Pueblo Viejo has 215 million tons of proven and probable reserves containing 20.4 million ounces of gold, 117.3 million ounces of silver, and 423.5 million pounds of copper as of year-end 2007 reporting ( However, even though Haiti's mineral potential is similar to that found in the Dominican Republic, it has remained under-explored.

EMX's programs in Haiti gained further momentum later 2008, with the acquisition of the 27 additional exploration licenses, including the historic Meme copper-gold mine. This property package, in combination with EMX's previous license awards, gives the Company a commanding land position along 130 kilometers of strike length in an emerging new gold belt. EMX's exploration land holdings now total 281,858 hectares, and cover approximately half of the Massif du Nord metallogenic belt in Haiti.

EMX, and exploration alliance partner Newmont, are aggressively exploring the Company's extensive property portfolio in what is gaining recognition as one of the world's premier, early stage gold exploration terrains.

Ms. Kim Casswell
Corporate Secretary
Eurasian Minerals Inc.
570 Granville St. - 3rd Floor
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6C 3P1
Phone: (604) 688-6390
Fax: (604) 688-1157
Comment by truth on November 20, 2010 at 4:26pm
Cholera strain may last years in Haiti

Not only do Haitians have little or no immunity to fight a disease that has been absent from Haiti for at least 50 years, "this strain of cholera seems to be more virulent than normal strains", US official Thomas Adams told reporters.

Manoj Menon, the Center for Disease Control liaison for the US cholera response, said health officials could not rule out rumours that poor sanitation at a UN peacekeeping compound caused the outbreak.

With more than 1100 Haitians now dead and more than 18,000 taken ill, it is difficult to know how many more people will die from or contract the disease, Menon added.

"We will likely never know where this came from," he said, pointing out the difficulties in pinpointing the source of the disease.

Comment by Marklar on November 20, 2010 at 4:25pm
Great article Luggz - Thanks!
Comment by niko47 on November 20, 2010 at 6:19am
Unbelievable what they get and getting away with these days! Mindblowing! Tanks
Comment by truth on November 20, 2010 at 12:08am
>>>Haiti cholera matches S. Asian strain: CDC/body>

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