The Great Purge
Everybody’s heard about FEMA camps.
With 800 of these “Relocation Centers” across America they are prepared to house the distressed whenever disaster strikes.
Now, the cornerstone of FEMA is an underground bunker in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains originally called “Mount Weather.”
Created as an observation point for meteorologists, in 1954 it interlaced with the Pentagon’s bunker at Raven Rock in Pennsylvania, and was renamed “Operation High Point.”
It was expanded by the Army into the nation’s largest underground complex that included its own water source, sewage plant, cafeteria, and hospital.
So in some ways, America is prepared for the impending crisis which I call, ‘The Corona Collapse,’ an apocalyptic coalescence of human disease coupled with economic disaster.
Now*—and this is notable—during World War 2 the government housed 100 conscientious objectors at this “Mount Weather” bunker and pressed them into service as weather researchers to help with the war effort.
Soon we’re gonna need lots of help.
Due to the lockdowns and business closings, we now see municipalities, cities, states, all looking for hand-outs from the Federal Reserve Bank.
Called, the “Municipal Liquidity Facility”—these are not hand-outs—but loans, at interest, of yet more money printed out of thin air in a two year plan by the Fed.
Then comes repayment on demand.
This is a first in American history where fake money spreads from the federal level to the sovereign state level.
The FED—a consortium of Jewish banks revolving and pivoting around the Rothschild Family Dynasty fulcrum and seat—could then own every nook and cranny of American life including the local police.
Once it’s ‘payment on demand,’ the operation will become the “Municipal Enslavement Plan.”
Unable to pay even the principal, let alone interest, Munis will find their precious assets privatized:
Historic sites, lands, municipal buildings, hospitals, water and sewage plants, lakes, roads, parks, pools, bikeways, hiking trails, all gobbled up by Jewish vultures demanding fees from the hapless goys.
You’re gonna have to pay some Jew to take your kid to the park.
And with the money the FED ’steals into existence’—since it doesn’t represent goods and services—then demanding its ‘corona loans’ be repaid with real wealth, their Federal Reserve notes–dollar bills–won’t even buy you a wad of bubble gum.
The Corona Collapse leaves two groups of people: Producers and Parasites.
The Producers—historically of white European Christian stock—keep the economy going by creating wealth for the country through their work.
These are typically entrepreneurs, engineers, farmers, and laborers.
The Parasites can be divided into two groups: Lazy Parasites and Professional Parasites.
Lazy Parasites live off of government assistance, sometimes for generations.
[Clip: “I need my food stamps. I need them.” “I am here to get some benefits. I mean, I’m here to get checks.” “Food stamps. It’s just food.” “When was the last time you actually worked?” “Awhhh, I would say about half a decade.” “Any intention of going in to get a job? Or are you just here to get the food stamps?” “Not here looking for a job.”]
Professional Parasites—also for generations—bleed the work of the Producers by financing their labor with worthless, yet legally-tendered, money.
These Professional Parasites are better known as Jews.
Now America is presently in ‘Chapter 11′ of bankruptcy.
This bodes ill for the Lazy Parasites since the welfare state is on respirator mode and will soon croak.
But it bodes well for the Professional Parasites, who seeing currency in decline, will use their fake cash to buy real assets like farmland.
With demand for farms consequently rising, prices for the land will soar.
Hyperinflation throughout the food supply chain then creeps in, fleecing the wages of the common goy.
We must repeal the Federal Reserve Act ASAP and let local banks issue their own currency based on commodities of their choice.
Now the Lazy Parasites hanging around could present a challenge.
But not a big one.
Just stock the FEMA camps with fries and wide screen TV’s, throw in some Cheetos, and put the Lazy Parasites to work for the recovery effort, just like the government did with “Mount Weather.”
A great purge is upon us.
Like Noah in his day, let’s make another purge great again.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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