By Doc Vega
For generations Americans have struggled to define the role of government in society and what justifies the laws and regulations that are imposed upon us by that entity. Our concept of what government is, what it should be allowed to do, and how important a role it should play in our everyday lives is constantly under debate. However, there is one point that liberals, conservatives, and libertarians can all agree upon, and that it is that our present incarnation of federal government is the biggest and most imposing that it has ever been.
Creating the illusion
For many years our government was viewed in awe by normal everyday citizens. The people were intentionally fed media positive narratives, the public schools portrayed the federal government in a magnanimous role, and our lawmakers themselves portrayed the US government as an all-powerful, all knowing entity that deserved the greatest possible admiration, of course, the fact that politicians wanted to be held in high esteem by the general public was to be expected. The perception of the public has much to do with how the government is viewed whether in a beneficial role to society or a detrimental light. Washington DC used to take into consideration the reaction of citizens to the passage of legislation and how other issues were dealt with. Today, it seems that the federal government has been so emboldened by the apathy of the American public that it has become blatant in its abuses of power in the broad daylight of public knowledge.
Public perception
More education, modern instantaneous broadcasting, and the crucial impact of national and world events have necessitated better awareness of government’s role at home and abroad, but still a large percentage of low information voters make possible the enactment of destructive legislation in our society. These are people easily swayed by biased news coverage favorable to liberal government policy that parrots rather than reports what decisions are being made by the White House. It is clear that not only the media, but government funded public schools have shaped the opinion by the public of the federal government.
Our founders had it right!
The role of government in society was determined long ago by our forefathers who penned the US Constitution. After a draconian overreaching British colonial government had taxed without representation and forced colonists to conform to unfair fiscal policies that rendered the first Americans into economic duress, eventually leading to a war of independence, our founders vowed never to allow this again. They never wanted big government dictating, over regulating, and overtaxing again!
In 1787 the role of government according to the newly drafted US Constitution defined American society and its government in this way. Individual freedoms were to be protected first and foremost. Government was to be of limited power and relied upon for basic infrastructure only. States were to have the greatest power to determine their own laws and regulations. The Bill of Rights not only guaranteed liberty to the people, but protection from the over regulation and laws without representation by the federal government. Free enterprise was to be the economic rule of thumb without the heavy handed influence of government obstructing it. Individual federal income tax did not even exist, and was not intended by our founders!
A horrid transformation!
If one looks at the present state of the US government and our society today we can see that almost every important aspect of the intentions of our founding fathers has been corrupted by the excessive regulations and micro management of our out of control lawmakers! The role of government has become suffocating in everyday life of US citizens. Under the aegis of regulations if not outright taxation, Americans are under siege by a government that does not listen, does not fiscally manage itself with responsible budgeting, nor does it respect the rights of individuals anymore. Some call it the welfare state others call it the nanny state, while still others see America now in the grip of a police state!
A terrible price to pay for an illusion of utopia
One thing is for sure our government has made a transformation that the original founders would have abhorred! There is no excuse for the present state of affairs other than an unconcerned public and out of control government allowed to pass laws that are in contradiction to the principles of the US Constitution. Each year less than 600 men and women comprising the Senate, Executive Branch, and Congress, pass hundreds of laws and sign off on legislation that restricts, raises taxes, and makes criminals out of normal citizens ignorant of the huge influx of new laws each and every session. Less than 600 elected and appointed officials decide for more than 300 million Americans how much more tax they need to pay, how many more regulations we must bear, and essentially how much more of our toil will be offered up to the gods of the government sanctioned utopia. Many people mistakenly attribute an illusion of god-like omnipotence to our lawmakers, an intended illusion forged by our officials, who do not want their supposed authority questioned! “Remember”, they say, “ignorance of the law is no excuse!”
In other words, what they are really saying is, “do not question our authority! Submit!” This is the typical tyrannical attitude of “terrorcrats” - a term given to government appointed officials who exercise draconian power over the population using their corrupt authority to act as a scourge and menace to innocent citizens! Does the IRS ring a bell? The changing role of government and its influence over the people has transformed into a form of terrorizing citizens into compliance! Taxes now infringe on the ability of people to manage their standard of living, provide for their children, and not being able to afford to have a spouse home to parent their family. The imposition of federal income tax has negatively impacted society, leading to more divorces, juvenile delinquency, and the removal of expendable income from families that would otherwise boost the economy. It is a tax of burden designed to control the population and limit prosperity as income tax does not dictate paying off the federal deficit. The spending proposed by Congress and demanded by the President decides the fiscal budget.
Out of control spending leads to out of control taxation
Yet, with a worsening economy still President Obama and Democrats insist on raising taxes, inflicting an IMF tax on every gallon of gasoline purchased at the pump, and trying to reintroduce cap and trade upon a population already staggering under the weight of government fiscal irresponsibility. This increased taxation never seems to close the gap on huge federal deficits that threaten to cause drastic devaluation to the US dollar and even remove it from global reserve status! Magically, never do we hear that Washington plans to shut down unnecessary agencies and departments due to duplicity and excessive spending so the size of government continues to grow exponentially without justification! This is the new face of a utopian government conceived under the naïve and gullible ignorance of liberals and megalomaniacs, who feel that we as individuals don’t know what’s good for us, and an overbearing government should be telling us what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and how much more we must pay for that privilege! This is the end of America as we knew her and were taught about her in our classrooms.
Final word
Just remember the once esteemed Senators and Congressmen held in such awe, no longer feared and respected when we learn how they have turned their public offices into cash cows that have made them millionaires at the expense of the people! This is reality. This is your government! You should be angry! You should be outraged! You should be letting them know that you know what is going on!
I agree with you 100%
"Destroying the New World Order"
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