Through intentionally negligent policies the Democratic Party virtually guarantees a fiscal collapse!
By Doc Vega
Let’s talk about the repercussions of President Obama’s economic policies, and just how they are now affecting US monetary policy. Thanks to the refusal of the administration to adopt a budget since Obama’s inauguration in 2009 and refusal to draft a balanced budget amendment, we are seeing the true implications of Democratic Party negligence. A party that has voted in lock step with, perhaps the most inept US President ever to sit in the oval office has obstructed every effort by the GOP to rectify the US economic train wreck. Now, we are seeing the international ramifications of the three credit downgrades that have occurred under the President’s watch as he blames everyone and everything but himself.
You can’t hide insolvency from the rest of the world
There is more to these intentionally destructive fiscal policies than meets the eye. The insurmountable US deficit has not gone unnoticed by our allies and international neighbors. Where once the US dollar reigned supreme as the world’s reserve currency, it is now rapidly declining. At least 5 out of 10 of the world’s top trading nations have chosen to bypass the US dollar in trading with China and are adopting alternative currency as they look to establish a new bank in reply to the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Countries such as Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan, and India have already dropped the US dollar in bi-lateral trading in favor honoring their own exchanged currencies.
We are being governed by the banks
The federal government has allowed the US banking system to dictate monetary policy and has passed the job of covering bank losses with unspecific bail outs that have created huge deficits putting tax payers on the receiving end of the debt. When such countries as China, Japan, Mexico, and others own massive blocks in US Treasury Bills bought from the federal government to fund the government debt, you can bet the world is paying attention to the lack of fiscal discipline and political obstruction there is to balance the US budget within the Democratic Party.
More taxes and no spending cuts sure Mister President sure!
So, rather than drafting a responsible long term budget plan such has already been delivered by Paul Ryan and the GOP not to mention the Penny Plan which would balance the federal deficit in 6 years, President Obama and the Democrats would rather play politics and play havoc with the future of this country. The new “Balanced” approach offered in the Democrat dominated Senate would call for another trillion dollars in tax revenue, you guessed it, income taxes, while making no effort to reduce spending or trim the budget. That’s balanced? Why is there never any discussion about streamlining the federal government and its fraternity of employees in the union? Why do we not cut departments that duplicate the work of other agencies, that are nonessential, that continue to waste billions on frivolous functions? Romney would have cut these unnecessary vampire-like bureaucracies but for the Democratic propaganda machinery assassinating his character.
If the US dollar is completely bypassed by the world nations and it loses its reserve status, the effects will be devastating. Catastrophic devaluation of buying power for the US consumer, greater interest rates paid by the US government to borrow money adding further to the burden of the American taxpayer, and economic instability this nation has never known before. It would be as critical as post war Germany’s plight after World War II as the German Mark crumbled and become near worthless and a wheel barrel full of German currency couldn’t buy a loaf of bread! All because Democrats have stubbornly refused to stop the reckless spending and cease their destructive fiscal policies while blaming the GOP and convincing the American people that another culprit exists. It doesn’t! The true culprits are the Democrats who must be intentionally trying to devastate the US economically, socially, and morally, they’ve done a great job of it too!
The government does not have its fiscal house in order!
Like any other individual applying for a loan, if you do not practice sound personal financial management, you will not qualify for the loan. Just as in world reserve currency, if your nation’s debt exceeds its ability to pay it off, if your nation borrows from others to help pay its obligations, if your political policies play games with fiscal soundness, then you lose world reserve status with your currency. End of story!
The truth behind Democrat reluctance to remedy the economy
I’ll tell you why there has been so much obstruction by the Democrats to ratify a budget, a balanced budget amendment, and curtail their insane spending! If they adopted the Ryan or the Penny Plan it would be admitting to the American people, they couldn’t come up with a solution. That would showcase Democratic impotence! With an economy that is not focused on federal government spending, the Democrats allow an economic recovery that does not involve them or their lame proposals and continued federal handouts that buy voter support. Without the insane spending that has been substituting correct fiscal policy, the Democrats are without their greatest weapon of soliciting a following, and that’s giveaways, social engineering which allows recipients to have food stamps and welfare without required work, illegal aliens who can claim benefits by simply crossing the border, and a proven unaffordable nationalized medical insurance that has failed in every nation that has adopted it!
Refusal by Democrats to encourage job growth
What is in the future for America under the stewardship of the Democrats? Catastrophe! That’s what. If the Democrats were a party concerned with the best interests of the American people, they would adopt proven economic recovery measures such as were used during the Reagan administration, yet they have intentionally avoided such legislation purely for political reasons. Under the Obama White House such job creating strategies as the Keystone Pipeline have been refused. The Democrats are pushing for an unconditional amnesty and have lied about illegal aliens not being able to get Obamacare as this influx of non-citizens would further affect US jobs for American citizens. Illegals will work for less even under unsafe conditions which will undermine jobs that would pay more to American citizens.
Many have argued that illegal aliens take jobs that most American citizens would not want, but this is untrue as many contractors doing landscaping, roadwork, and hotels needing housekeepers and food and beverage personnel will use illegal aliens in order to pay less wages and benefits. This, while Democrat sponsored unemployment benefits encourage dependency for those who would rather be on the dole than accept a job that pays no more than the benefits offered by the government. This is the very real impact of socialism killing the incentive to work and better one’s self. This is the inherent design of the Democrat party in their social approach to gaining a voter mandate through deficit creating government sanctioned charity, while using the propaganda of the Saul Alinsky doctrine of lies, false narratives, and blame to achieve their ends.
The party of no BS!
The Democrats are only right when they make their false claims calling the Republicans the “Party of no”. The Republicans, those who have not yet capitulated like John Boehner and Lindsay Graham, said no to out of control spending. They said no to violating the US Constitution. They said no to unreasonable tax hikes in a poor economy! They said no to allowing foreign treaties within the United States such as Shariah Law. The GOP said no to allowing the US borders to go undefended. The Republican Party said no to allowing the federal government to operate without a budget. However, in all these cases, Congress has been blamed for the failures of the Obama administration which has been covered and broadcast by the US media showing a bungling White House in a favorable light, this is the precise definition of propaganda and it has been used by the Communists to topple nations of differing ideologies for decades, and it is now being used here in America to topple our nation!
By Doc Vega
Let’s talk about the repercussions of President Obama’s economic policies, and just how they are now affecting US monetary policy. Thanks to the refusal of the administration to adopt a budget since Obama’s inauguration in 2009 and refusal to draft a balanced budget amendment, we are seeing the true implications of Democratic Party negligence. A party that has voted in lock step with, perhaps the most inept US President ever to sit in the oval office has obstructed every effort by the GOP to rectify the US economic train wreck. Now, we are seeing the international ramifications of the three credit downgrades that have occurred under the President’s watch as he blames everyone and everything but himself.
You can’t hide insolvency from the rest of the world
There is more to these intentionally destructive fiscal policies than meets the eye. The insurmountable US deficit has not gone unnoticed by our allies and international neighbors. Where once the US dollar reigned supreme as the world’s reserve currency, it is now rapidly declining. At least 5 out of 10 of the world’s top trading nations have chosen to bypass the US dollar in trading with China and are adopting alternative currency as they look to establish a new bank in reply to the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Countries such as Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan, and India have already dropped the US dollar in bi-lateral trading in favor honoring their own exchanged currencies.
We are being governed by the banks
The federal government has allowed the US banking system to dictate monetary policy and has passed the job of covering bank losses with unspecific bail outs that have created huge deficits putting tax payers on the receiving end of the debt. When such countries as China, Japan, Mexico, and others own massive blocks in US Treasury Bills bought from the federal government to fund the government debt, you can bet the world is paying attention to the lack of fiscal discipline and political obstruction there is to balance the US budget within the Democratic Party.
More taxes and no spending cuts sure Mister President sure!
So, rather than drafting a responsible long term budget plan such has already been delivered by Paul Ryan and the GOP not to mention the Penny Plan which would balance the federal deficit in 6 years, President Obama and the Democrats would rather play politics and play havoc with the future of this country. The new “Balanced” approach offered in the Democrat dominated Senate would call for another trillion dollars in tax revenue, you guessed it, income taxes, while making no effort to reduce spending or trim the budget. That’s balanced? Why is there never any discussion about streamlining the federal government and its fraternity of employees in the union? Why do we not cut departments that duplicate the work of other agencies, that are nonessential, that continue to waste billions on frivolous functions? Romney would have cut these unnecessary vampire-like bureaucracies but for the Democratic propaganda machinery assassinating his character.
If the US dollar is completely bypassed by the world nations and it loses its reserve status, the effects will be devastating. Catastrophic devaluation of buying power for the US consumer, greater interest rates paid by the US government to borrow money adding further to the burden of the American taxpayer, and economic instability this nation has never known before. It would be as critical as post war Germany’s plight after World War II as the German Mark crumbled and become near worthless and a wheel barrel full of German currency couldn’t buy a loaf of bread! All because Democrats have stubbornly refused to stop the reckless spending and cease their destructive fiscal policies while blaming the GOP and convincing the American people that another culprit exists. It doesn’t! The true culprits are the Democrats who must be intentionally trying to devastate the US economically, socially, and morally, they’ve done a great job of it too!
The government does not have its fiscal house in order!
Like any other individual applying for a loan, if you do not practice sound personal financial management, you will not qualify for the loan. Just as in world reserve currency, if your nation’s debt exceeds its ability to pay it off, if your nation borrows from others to help pay its obligations, if your political policies play games with fiscal soundness, then you lose world reserve status with your currency. End of story!
The truth behind Democrat reluctance to remedy the economy
I’ll tell you why there has been so much obstruction by the Democrats to ratify a budget, a balanced budget amendment, and curtail their insane spending! If they adopted the Ryan or the Penny Plan it would be admitting to the American people, they couldn’t come up with a solution. That would showcase Democratic impotence! With an economy that is not focused on federal government spending, the Democrats allow an economic recovery that does not involve them or their lame proposals and continued federal handouts that buy voter support. Without the insane spending that has been substituting correct fiscal policy, the Democrats are without their greatest weapon of soliciting a following, and that’s giveaways, social engineering which allows recipients to have food stamps and welfare without required work, illegal aliens who can claim benefits by simply crossing the border, and a proven unaffordable nationalized medical insurance that has failed in every nation that has adopted it!
Refusal by Democrats to encourage job growth
What is in the future for America under the stewardship of the Democrats? Catastrophe! That’s what. If the Democrats were a party concerned with the best interests of the American people, they would adopt proven economic recovery measures such as were used during the Reagan administration, yet they have intentionally avoided such legislation purely for political reasons. Under the Obama White House such job creating strategies as the Keystone Pipeline have been refused. The Democrats are pushing for an unconditional amnesty and have lied about illegal aliens not being able to get Obamacare as this influx of non-citizens would further affect US jobs for American citizens. Illegals will work for less even under unsafe conditions which will undermine jobs that would pay more to American citizens.
Many have argued that illegal aliens take jobs that most American citizens would not want, but this is untrue as many contractors doing landscaping, roadwork, and hotels needing housekeepers and food and beverage personnel will use illegal aliens in order to pay less wages and benefits. This, while Democrat sponsored unemployment benefits encourage dependency for those who would rather be on the dole than accept a job that pays no more than the benefits offered by the government. This is the very real impact of socialism killing the incentive to work and better one’s self. This is the inherent design of the Democrat party in their social approach to gaining a voter mandate through deficit creating government sanctioned charity, while using the propaganda of the Saul Alinsky doctrine of lies, false narratives, and blame to achieve their ends.
The party of no BS!
The Democrats are only right when they make their false claims calling the Republicans the “Party of no”. The Republicans, those who have not yet capitulated like John Boehner and Lindsay Graham, said no to out of control spending. They said no to violating the US Constitution. They said no to unreasonable tax hikes in a poor economy! They said no to allowing foreign treaties within the United States such as Shariah Law. The GOP said no to allowing the US borders to go undefended. The Republican Party said no to allowing the federal government to operate without a budget. However, in all these cases, Congress has been blamed for the failures of the Obama administration which has been covered and broadcast by the US media showing a bungling White House in a favorable light, this is the precise definition of propaganda and it has been used by the Communists to topple nations of differing ideologies for decades, and it is now being used here in America to topple our nation!
I have three coins in my desk valued at $16 trillion each. They are legal money as each of them has as much backing as the stuff being printed by the FRB. I'd be willing to surrender two of them to the U.S. Treasury on the solemn promise that they would be presented to the FRB as payment in full backed, not by the full faith and credit of the US, but by the full Constitution and military might of the US.
I'm keeping the third coin for myself. If they can make the FRB accept two of them (and take the change in real estate, equipment and blood), they've set the precedent proving that these coins are legal tender. Therefore, I should be able to make them accept one of them in exchange for rolling back the clock on the Obama mistake and re-running the 2012 elections with Ron Paul as the only possible Republican candidate and a legally qualified (with a PAPER birth certificate to prove it) candidate for the Democrats.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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