The juw larry whiny harman has deleted my posts in response to his baby penis sucker red heifer post

Hey warn this larry, I hope your hook nosed kind will soon be banned from 110 countries. I have read your talmud and your protocols and have been exposing you sons of satan for 20 yrs.

Take your juw we wuzz chosen LIES elsewhere to spew YOU WARN ME. By deception you do war ,juws hate CHRIST so go play pretend elsewhere. In my country you fkn kikes have not yet made speech criminal even though you have bought many whore politicians in pursuit of this unconstitutional dream. You can't delete the TRUTH  larry and you juw are having trouble hiding from it now days. I say NIGGER too larry and queer and any damn word that I please but I especially thrive on exposing you deceitful fkn juws.


ent by Larry Harmen 1 hour ago

Steve I warn you once not to write me again. Your harassments has been seen by enough people

. I Am Jew and a British descendant. It is illegal to say what you said . Especially when it was not warranted.

 I do not have any thing to do with the Mason rituals of blood sucking any thing . We are not to taste blood at all.

I am a true believer in Christ not a False believer who trashes other with out a cause. If you do not like the content then stop reading it . DO not write this trash any more.

 When Jesus comes we are all judged for what we have said. Repent and do not right again. I preach the true only as it is unfolding today. Stop replying. Catholics Masons are trained to harrass real Christians.

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Comment by steve on January 23, 2024 at 1:23am

Hey LP, It is his race that wants to OWN THE WORLD and comes right out and admits their intent to DESTROY THE WHITE RACE AND THEIR COUNTRIES. I pity the juw  and am compelled to warn others of it's pressence .the juw fairy tale and their we wuz chosen is misleading they wrote the book and are directly responsible for a majority of societies issues.

He is the one who posted his red cow juw nonsense as if we havent had our fill of fkn juw wars my entire life nothin but one planned war after the next brought to humanity by the devils own . 

Comment by Less Prone on January 23, 2024 at 12:43am

We should not blame someone for crimes done by the people of the same color. This will only strengten the hate between the people. It is not fair to accuse individuals of wrong doings by his race or ethnicity. We are all individuals and we have our own sin sacks. The rulers of this world want to divide humanity into quarrelling factions inable to have peaceful corversation between each others. And this is really what we need, peaceful exchange of ideas. It can be painful and difficult but it is the only way to get to the truth of the matter. The global power structure is psychopathic and rotten to the core. It features sick ideas and sugarcoats them with lofty ideal. All individuals from any ethnic group are welcome here. This is not a supremacist site for any color or etchnicity. 

Comment by steve on January 22, 2024 at 11:37pm

You are a typical deceiver  larry juw deleting my words so I will make my own post out in the SUNLIGHT for ALL TO SEE.


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